

Student giving presentation in front of whiteboard

Looking for practice? Participating in a seminar?

Working on a formal presentation?

Creating a visual aid?

The Center for Speaking and Presentation (CSP) can help students develop and refine these skills and more!

51爆料网 students have FREE ACCESS to CSP where they will receive expert guidance from Communication Studies graduate students on topics including managing speaking anxiety, audience analysis, visual aid design and more. Individuals or small groups are encouraged to connect with us at any stage in their preparation process, from brainstorming for a new assignment to the final dress rehearsal.


For best results, we recommend three visits:

  1. Analyze your personal sources of speaking anxiety and to learn management techniques,
  2. Begin organizing your research and planning the best design for your presentation, and
  3. Dress rehearsal.

All tutoring sessions, in-person and online, are live and synchronous.

The Center for Speaking and Presentation is open during the fall and spring semesters. Stop by Old Falvey Library, Room 301 as needed or book a regular weekly session to supercharge your academic success.

For more information, contact Juliana Studer, Assistant Director of Tutoring Services.