

Work Smart Wage Negotiation Workshops

Given that we could not hold events on campus the second half of the Spring semester, and considering how important negotiation skills are for women鈥檚 advancement, we took a different approach to the workshops. The AAUW has recently begun to offer an online version of the Work Smart Wage Negotiation Workshops.  We sent out an email blast and advertised two opportunities for those who completed the online workshops to then join in a ZOOM session to ask questions, discuss the online workshop more, and see a live presentation of how to benchmark one鈥檚 salary. We will offer these opportunities again this fall. In addition, the AAUW is now allowing us to offer the workshop virtually ourselves, so we will be doing that as well. Dates to follow in September!

These workshops are aimed at women already in the work force or looking to return to the work force. The workshops help women to identify their personal value, develop persuasive responses and negotiation strategies, conduct objective market research to benchmark a target salary and benefits, and acknowledge the effects of the gender pay gap on economic security and life goals.

Virtual Professional Development Hour

July 23

The VWPN, together with Office of Alumni Relations held a Virtual Brazen Professional Development Event for post college women, focusing on advice and tips on keeping credentials and skill sets current and marketable as we are staying at home and/or working remotely. Look for details about upcoming events in our September email and send along suggestions you might have for future virtual professional development hours.

Financial Literacy Workshop. 

While we could not hold our scheduled Financial Literacy Workshop for post college women on campus, Jennifer Altamuro, PhD, facilitated a virtual workshop, held over two dates. We will be offering one again virtually in the fall.

This workshop is aimed at enabling post-graduate women to approach money matters with competence and confidence. The workshop encourages participants to explore how they approach money matters, as well as the past, current, and future state of their financial health. The facilitator provides information on the basics of tracking expenses and creating a spending plan, saving for the future, managing credit scores and debt. Participants also have  the opportunity to learn how to prioritize saving goals, monitor financial process, and find additional resources.