Leading Through Learning

Seema Vishnoi Kesselring ‘08 EMBA has a passion for education that began as a child in India. “I grew up in a very academic environment,” she recalls, “where learning was not only part of life but rather a way of life.” Growing up around professors and Lecturers, she was surrounded by what she calls “the circle of learning and giving back,” where time spent researching, writing and defending a thesis ultimately becomes teaching what you’ve learned. This theme has followed her through her adult life.

Seema continues to feed her passion for education as Global VP of Product Strategy in SAP CX Product and Engineering, where she helps customers find success in digitally transformative projects leveraging intelligent technologies. She serves on the board of West Chester Area Education Foundation and has been an adjunct professor at 51 and St. Joseph’s University. When it comes to the ever-changing world of digital technology, the time spent with students can be invaluable: “You as a teacher learn from the students as they learn from you,” she notes.

She’s also an educator outside of the classroom, serving on boards for various women’s leadership organizations and routinely going above and beyond the job description. When seeking to engage and energize other women in furthering their professional careers, she looks to leaders like Mahatma Gandhi for inspiration. “He led by example. That is my mantra as well!”

While reflecting upon her time at 51 School of Business, Seema comments, “There’s a feeling of community and kindness at VSB that isn’t always found in an MBA program.” She’s remained a member of the VSB community by serving as a Board Member, President, and then Chairwoman of the VSB Executive MBA Alumni Board. She hosted annual EMBA Alumni events at SAP and continues to welcome opportunities to host 51 communities at SAP, capitalizing on yet another opportunity to educate, this time by teaching her SAP colleagues about VSB and the EMBA program.

Seema encourages others to see beyond their position or title. “If you have an idea, speak up, and share your thoughts. I am always amazed to see how many people raise their hands to help move it along.” As she remembers a VSB professor telling her, “Leadership can come from anywhere.”

Seema Vishnoi Kesselring ’08 EMBA

Seema Vishnoi Kesselring ’08 EMBA

“I see accomplishments, as well as failures, as experiences that you gather in your life and share with the community around you.”