
Past Conference Papers

All Clear for Takeoff: Evidence from Airports on the Effects of Infrastructure Privatization
Michael Weisbach, The Ohio State University

Monetary Policy and the Equity Term Structure
Benjamin Golez, Univ. of Notre Dame; Ben Matthies, Univ. of Notre Dame
Discussant: Shane Miller, Univ. of Michigan

Active Fund Managment when ESG Matters: An Equilibrium Perspective
Doron Avramov, Reichman Univ.; Si Cheng, Syracuse Univ.; Andrew Tarelli, Catholic Univ.

Lead Inventor Gender and Patent Citations: Evidence from Causal BERT Estimation
Yael V. Hochberg, Rice Univ.; Ali Kakhbod, Univ. of California at Berkeley; Peiyao Li, Univ. of California at Berkeley; Kunal Sachdeva, Rice Univ.

Closing the Revolving Door
Joseph Kalmenovitz, Univ. of Rochester; Siddharth Vij, Univ. of Georgia; Kairong Xiao, Columbia Univ.

Can Human Capital Explain Income-based Disparities in Financial Services
Ruidi Huang, Southern Methodist Univ.; James S. Linck, Southern Methodist Univ.; Erik J. Mayer, Southern Methodist Univ.; Christopher A. Parsons, Univ. of Southern California

Social Capital and Mortages
Xudong An, FRB Philadelphia; Sadok El Ghoul, Univ. of Alberta; Omrane Guedhami, Univ. of South Carolina; Ross Levine, Univ. of California at Berkeley; Raluca A. Roman, FRB Philadelphia

Investors Far and Near: Information Type and the Geography of Price Discovery
Howard Jones, Univ. of Oxford; Jose Vicente Martinez, Univ. of Connecticut; Mattias Qian, Univ. of Oxford

Competition Network: Distress Spillovers and Predictable Industry Returns
Winston Wei Dou, Univ. of Pennsylvania and NBER; Shane Johnson, Texas A&M Univ.; Wei Wu, Texas A&M Univ.

Passive Ownership and Price Informativeness

Marco Sammon, Harvard Business School

Does Time Priority Prevent Risk Sharing?

Corey Garriott, Montréal Exchange; Vincent van Kervel, Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile; Marius Zoican, Univ. of Toronto

Financial Institutions Session:  Chair: Kris Gerardi, FRB Atlanta Minority Loan Offices and Minorities’ Access to Mortgage Credit

W. Scott Frame, FRB Dallas; Ruidi Huang, Southern Methodist Univ., Erik Mayer, Southern Methodist Univ., Adi Sunderam, Harvard Business School

Do Mortgage Lenders Compete Locally?  Implications for Credit Access

Greg Buchak, Stanford Univ.; Adam Jørring, Boston College

Remotely Productive: The Efficacy of Remote Work for Executives

Ran Duchin, Boston College; Denis Sosyura, Arizona State Univ.

Consumer Choice and Corporate Bankruptcy

Samuel Antill, Harvard Business School; Megan Hunter, Boston College

Prices are Less Elastic at More Aggregate Levels

Jiacui Li, Univ. of Utah; Zihan Lin, Stanford Institute for Computational & Mathematical Engineering

The Cost of ESG Investing

Laura Lindsey, Arizona State Univ.; Seth Pruitt, Arizona State Univ.; Christoph Schiller, Arizona State Univ.


  • Ryan Farley, U. of Tennessee, Eric Kelley, U. of Tennessee, and Andy Puckett, U. of Tennessee

  • Jesse A. Blocher, Vanderbilt U., and Matthew C. Ringgenberg, U. of Utah

  • Boone​ ​Bowles, U. of North Carolina, Adam​ ​V.​ ​Reed, U. of North Carolina,
    Matthew​ ​C.​ ​Ringgenberg, U. of Utah, and Jacob​ ​R.​ ​Thornock, Brigham Young U.

  • Hao Jiang, Michigan State U., Sophia Zhengzi Li, Rutgers U., and
    Hao Wang,
    Prime Quantitative Research LLC

  • Pat Akey, U. of Toronto, and Ian Appel, Boston College

  • Christoph M. Schiller, U. of Toronto

  • Miriam Schwartz-Ziv, Michigan State U., and Russ Wermers, U. of Maryland

  • Miriam Schwartz-Ziv, Michigan State U., and Russ Wermers, U. of Maryland
  • Discussant:  Jie Cai, Drexel U.
  • Financial Institutions Session:  Chair: Chair: Gokhan Torna, SUNY Stony Brook

  • Shiyang Huang, University of Hong Kong, Yifei Mao, Cornell U., Cong Wang, Emory U., and Dexin Zhou, Baruch College, CUNY
  • Discussant:  Jiasun Li, George Mason U.

If you would like access to past papers that were presented at MARC please reach out to the conference chairs Michael Pagano and John Sedunov at MARC@villanova.edu.

The MARC Conference is organized by John Sedunov.