We believe that all students, faculty and staff should have exposure to and develop an appreciation of foreign cultures, political systems, religious traditions, and economic institutions to become thoughtful global citizens. In line with 51’s Augustinian tradition, we promote the role of business as an agent of economic and social progress in the world. We are developing global business leaders for a better world.

Global Curriculum


Globalization brings extraordinary changes in international economic relations. Concepts of time, distance, and markets are constantly changing and evolving due to innovation in communications, transportation, and information technology. As a result, companies need new kinds of managers - individuals who not only have strong business skills, but who are comfortable managing and communicating across cultures. These individuals understand the potential and risks of new markets and have the ability to think globally while acting locally.

International business issues are infused throughout the VSB curriculum. All undergraduate students are required to take several international business (IB) courses including Global Political Economy and Business Dynamics. They also have the opportunity to take international electives in accounting, economics, finance, management, business law and marketing. Students interested in studying IB in greater depth may pursue the IB co-major or minor and participate in the Global Leadership Fellows Program.

To learn more about the many international opportunities at VSB, please contact Kim Cahil or visit the Moran Center for Global Leadership in 2059 Bartley Hall to schedule an appointment. 


Student in Brazil Sitting on Steps

The Global Leadership Fellows Program (GLF) is designed to provide students with an opportunity to emphasize and integrate global leadership throughout their undergraduate experience. GLF includes special curricular and extracurricular offerings that encourage the increased international study and support the pursuit of careers in global business. Students who fulfill the GLF Program requirements are awarded a certificate that names them life-long VSB Global Leadership Fellows. GLF students will be paired with a mentor from the Center for Global Leadership Advisory Council.

Why Participate?

Students who engage in the GLF Program will develop global leadership skills, learn to navigate the complexities of conducting business internationally and gain an understanding of how specific business disciplines manifest in different cultural settings. In addition to acquiring greater international experience and enhancing resumes, participants will be better positioned to succeed in international business careers.

Program Requirements

  • Participate in the Global Citizens Program in in the spring semester of freshman year and in one additional study abroad, preferably in a developing or emerging market, or complete two study abroad experiences, preferably one in a developing or emerging market.
  • Successfully must complete the following courses:
    • MGT 2360 Global Leadership
    • At least one class related to globalization through the College of Arts and Sciences to satisfy core requirements
    • Specially-designed (Honors) section of VSB 4002 Strategic Thinking and Implementation, emphasizing global context
  • Satisfy the requirements for the International Business co-major.
  • Confirm graduation requirements with Kim Cahill

Participants in the Global Citizens Program will be invited to participate in the Global Leadership Fellows Program. Other interested students are encouraged to apply through the Moran Center for Global Leadership. For additional information, please contact Kim Cahill, Director, Center for Global Leadership, Bartley 2059, 610-519-3906.

The Elenore and Robert F. Moran Sr. Center for Global Leadership (MCGL) has developed VSB’s first multidisciplinary concentration for non-business students seeking a global business credential. The Global Business Concentration (GBC) requires four international business (IB) courses or a combination of study abroad and three IB courses with foreign language proficiency.

All non-VSB students are invited to apply after the successful completion of ECO 1001 and 1002. The application process is competitive. The Moran Center for Global Leadership will oversee this initiative with guidance from a GBC Committee of faculty and staff representatives from VSB and CLAS.



1. MGT 2350 - Global Business Management

2. ECO3108 - Global Political Economy

3. Two (2) international business electives*
One (1) international business elective combined with an approved international experience (study, research, internship or volunteer experience – 6 week minimum)
*Econ majors must take one IB elective outside of Economics

International Business Electives**
BL 2160 - International Business Law
CHE 2900 - Global Pharma Industry
ECO 3109 - International Economics
ECO 3127 - Econ Underdeveloped Area
ECO 4203 - Pol Eco of Development Aid
ECO 4209 - International Macroeconomics
MGT 2208 - Global Sustainability Management
MKT 2280 - Global Marketing
MGT 2352 - Business in Emerging Markets
MGT 2360 - Global Leadership
MGT 2370 - Global Business Ethics
** Other global VSB courses by permission of department chair

4. Foreign Language Requirement Language proficiency is required:

  • through the intermediate level in French, Italian and Spanish;
  • through the introductory level in ancient Greek, Arabic, Chinese, Irish, Japanese and Russian. Students proficient in other foreign languages may petition for an exemption from the Core Curriculum Language Requirement subject to the conditions outlined in the CLAS Academic Handbook.

Language requirements are waived for all international students whose first language is not English.

If you have any questions please contact Kim Cahill, Director, Center for Global Leadership, Bartley 2059, 610-519-3906.


In the 51 MBA program, you will participate in a Global Practicum to examine the geographic, economic, political, social, cultural and competitive factors that shape strategic decision-making in a global marketplace. You will partner with a multinational corporation and assist in exploring possible solutions to a market issue it is currently facing.



In the Executive MBA, you will engage in a unique international immersion that brings classroom discussion to life with exposure to two global economies.

Held during the spring of your first year, the EMBA program includes a 10-day immersion overseas to experience both a developing and a developed economy. You will visit local and multinational companies, tour facilities, meet with local representatives of foreign government and engage in detailed discussions of the country’s economy and current business climate. Time is also dedicated to the exploration of the country’s cultural attractions, along with free time for individual sightseeing.



51 student interacting with kids abroad

51 Engineering Service Learning (VESL)

At 51, we believe that service learning is a critical aspect of the academic and personal growth of our students as it provides an occasion to step outside the classroom, put newly learned skills to work, and discover more about the world we share. Opportunities include leadership development through summer internships, year of service assignments and graduate research fellowships.

Participation comes in a variety of forms, from in-class projects, independent study and undergraduate research to seminar courses and field assignments. Regardless of format, 51 Engineering Service Learning (VESL) builds a commitment to lifelong learning and service with a global perspective. Part of the Center for Humanitarian Engineering and International Development, VESL is committed to projects that are rooted in ethical engagement with partners and communities. Fundamental to this is the belief that empowering local communities is essential to creating sustainable solutions.

The College of Engineering has established strong relationships and ongoing projects open to  students across the university in the following countries: Cambodia, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Laos, Liberia, Madagascar, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Tanzania.

Campus Ministry SJE (Service & Justice Experiences)

Service & Justice Experiences provide opportunities for students, faculty, staff and alumni to serve locally, around the United States, and abroad during university breaks. Participants in the program serve with people and partner organizations who work every day to improve the lives of impoverished and marginalized people in their own communities. They build community within their groups and begin to develop relationships with the people with whom 51 partners. These experiences complement classwork with first-hand experiences of life at the margins of society and exposure to the knowledge and insights of people they encounter. Participants explore their spirituality and develop a deeper relationship with God while living out the Gospel value while examining issues of injustice and develop a life-long commitment to working for the Common Good.

For more information on the Pay it Forward Scholarship to support these initiatives, please contact Kim Cahil.

According to former U.S. Secretary of Education, Rod Paige, "Complex global interactions, once reserved for the diplomatic corps, are today the stuff of everyday business deals and cultural exchanges. If we expect students to navigate international waters, we need to give them an international education that meets the highest standards..."

ճ Moran Center for Global Leadership partners with the  to offer customized international business education opportunities with an emphasis on academic discovery, personal growth, cultural engagement and career development. This dedication is reflected not only in the Academic Strategic Plan of 51 but also by the Augustinian identity of the university itself. St. Augustine's philosophical, theological, and spiritual development is linked intimately with his own international educational experiences. 

The programs listed below are customized for VSB students and/or are led by VSB faculty. Most also include international internship opportunities.


Global Citizens –  Singapore (freshmen Fall)

The unique Global Citizens program sends first-year students abroad each Spring for a sixteen week overseas study experience combining academic coursework with a practical internship located in Singapore! This program is designed to offer a unique and life-altering academic experience to first year business students, thereby enabling participants to: Stimulate greater intellectual curiosity early in their college careers; Challenge pre-conceived notions of the world; Test career assumptions early; Start building resumes and allow for more competitive future jobs; Have the opportunity to study overseas later as a sophomore, junior, or first semester senior.

Urbino BCIC (Business & Culture in the Italian Context) (VSB sophomores)
Check out our videos about the program

The Business and Culture in the Italian Context (BCIC) Program in Urbino, Italy, has been designed to meet the curricular needs of VSB Sophomores interested in International Business and Italian language and culture. The city's central location in Italy, along with its rich academic history, offers an excellent vantage point for students to explore the many facets of modern Italy's economy and culture in a global context. Students will serve as consultants and develop a foreign market entry strategy for a local Italian company as part of the Competitive Effectiveness course. Students will complete requirements for the IB co-major and may become a participant in the VSB Global Leadership Fellows program.

 (VSB juniors, business minors, CLAS)

A unique academic experience for VSB and CLAS students to study modern Italian society and culture through coursework in communication, marketing, global studies, economics and language. Students will combine coursework taught by Italian and 51 professors with an option to gain hands on experience with a local company. The city's central location in Italy, along with its rich academic history, offers an excellent vantage point for students to explore the many facets of modern Italy's economy and culture in a global context.


From tech giants like Google, Apple, and SAP to local success stories like music streaming service SoundCloud and to-do list app Wunderlist, Berlin is spawning a diverse range of technology firms that employ thousands of people across the city. Young creators, entrepreneurs and founders are flocking to the German capital to be part of a healthy growing ecosystem. Berlin - Europe’s thriving Silicon Allee – is the ideal classroom setting for students to study IT theory in a practical setting all while experiencing real-world applications. Berlin’s central location and transportation infrastructure make it a convenient hub for international business and collaboration.

Due to its small economy, abundant energy, and remote location, Iceland is a perfect laboratory to study operations and supply chain management. Iceland's unique geography, geology, and culture allow it to be competitive with leading countries in the world in many industries. This course will allow students to observe operations and supply chains throughout the product lifecycle, and see how efficient management of inventory, resources, and labor are critical to the functioning of Iceland’s economy. Site visits to a geothermal power plant, the cargo port, and meetings with manufacturers and service providers will demonstrate how Iceland’s unique location and geography highlight the importance of supply chains and operations management. Iceland’s small population and remote location underscore the need for efficient resource usage and for robust supply chains.

Europe’s fastest growing economy, Ireland is an important hub of global business. The country boasts of a strong and dynamic business environment that fosters international trade, which makes it a great place to study international accounting. In fact, it is rather common for U.S. multinational companies to maintain operations in Ireland due to tax benefits, cost of labor, and other advantages. Thus, Ireland offers students a chance to explore how international accounting issues span multiple jurisdictions and learn how they are uniquely handled in each. Ireland is a culturally diverse country with a thriving international community. This diversity allows students to gain exposure to different cultures, traditions, and practices, which can help them to be better prepared for the global market.

As the international trade landscape changes and Asia-Pacific becomes a greater force in global trade, this course will provide students with a better understanding of how political, economic, cultural, and other factors play a role in a country's well-being.
Global Political Economy of the Asia-Pacific will incorporate the fundamental principles of business, international trade, and open economy macroeconomics to develop the framework necessary to analyze the global impact of national economic policies. The city of Sydney will provide an excellent backdrop to introduce students to the political, economic, and historic origins of the Asia Pacific region with an emphasis on the economies of Australia, China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore.




In an increasingly interconnected global marketplace, international experience constitutes a competitive advantage for students entering the workforce.  For more than a decade, VSB has offered a unique academic and business internship program that provides students with a comprehensive introduction to the region. In addition to an intensive course focusing on the political economy of Asia, students gain professional experience while interning at a wide range of companies one of the world’s largest economies.   

This 10-week, 9-credit program gives students the opportunity to study at one of the most prestigious schools in the world, the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), take a 51 course on international business, as well as participate as an intern for an organization located in London, UK. Because of its importance as an economic and cultural hub, London is an ideal location to develop an international network and build upon your skills.

The purpose of this program is to provide students with the opportunity to participate in their choice of academic courses overseas and to gain an international perspective on global business activities. Students are required to take ECO-3108/4200 Case Study of the Economic and Political Union of Europe. This course includes a series of lectures and site visits. All students enroll in one additional business or social science course offered by John Cabot University during the summer session.


Students in Peru

Every other January, MCGL organizes and leads a PDIB immersion program for 25 Advisory Council members, faculty, staff, students and guests. These programs enable participants to gain firsthand knowledge of the business environment and learn more about the culture and politics of the region explored. Meetings with business executives, entrepreneurs and government officials are combined with cultural activities and volunteer opportunities. Whenever possible, alumni on the ground are included. Programming in 2020 featured Lima and Cusco, Peru; 2018 showcased Bogota and Cartagena, Colombia; 2016 highlighted Havana, Cuba; and our first program in 2014 leveraged extensive alumni networks in Panama City, Panama.

For more information, please contact Kim Cahill

Students standing on steps with a plaque

Each Spring, MCGL selects four juniors to participate in IB Case Competitions. Preference is given for Global Leadership Fellows, Global Business Concentration students, and IB co-majors. Students work with Coach Ward Utter to prepare for fully funded competitions at Northeastern University, San Diego State University, UMSL or the annual NASBITE conference.

The IB case competition provides students with the opportunity to highlight their knowledge and talents in a unique international business learning-lab venue while sharpening their critical thinking and presentation skills. Students can apply what they have learned in the classroom to network and gain real-world experience in a competitive environment. This is a great way for business students to learn how to work in teams, under very tight time constraints, and to achieve a solution that is well researched and feasible. Student teams test their research skills, presentation abilities and sales acumen to win over a panel of globally minded judges.

For more information, please contact Kim Cahill


Outreach Partnerships


MCGL Stakeholders

MCGL offers a broad range of possibilities—and you can find 51ns across the campus with additional international expertise to guide you.


Chiji Akoma

Chair, Department of Global Interdisciplinary Studies, Associate Professor

Aronté Bennett
Associate Chair, Associate Professor, Marketing & Business Law

Levi Brautigan
Associate Director, Office of Education Abroad

Kathy Byrnes
Acting Assistant Dean, VP for Student Life

Beth Cahill
Associate Director, Industry Advising
Engineering, Science, and Technology

Liz Campanella
Director, Office of Education Abroad

Lucy Chen
Assistant Professor, Accountancy & Information Systems

Q Chung
Professor, Accountancy & Information Systems

Kevin Clark
Chair, Management Operations, Professor

Denise Hanes Downey
Kevin Tedeschi '71 Assistant Professor, Accountancy & Information Systems

Diane Edelman
Director, International Programs, Professor, Widger School of Law

Jordan Ermilio
Director of Engineering Service Learning, Adjunct Professor

Catharine Giancatarino
Director, Center for Service & Social Justice

Brendan Glackin
Director of Major Giving, 51 School of Business

Joyce Harden
Coordinator, Graduate Student Experience

Raúl Diego Rivera Hernández, Ph.D.
Program Director, Associate Professor, Romance Languages & Literature

Joseph Lennon
Associate Dean, International and Interdisciplinary Initiatives, Emily C. Riley Director of Irish Studies, Professor

Wen Mao
Associate Dean of Faculty, Professor, Economics

Francois Massonat
Assistant Instructor, French and Francophone StudiesAssistant Instructor, French and Francophone Studies

Ruth McDermott-Levy
Director, Center for Global & Public Health, Associate Professor, Nursing

Steve McWilliams
Director, International Studies/Human Services

Melanie Menkevich
Global Programs Specialist, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Manuel Nuñez
Associate Dean of Graduate Programs and Executive Education;  Professor of Practice, Management & Operations

Louise Russo
Director, Health Professions Advising, Associate Professor, Biology

Kayo Shintaku
Coordinator of Japanese Language & Cultural Studies Program
Global Interdisciplinary Studies

Pritpal Singh
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Catherine Stecyk
Assistant Director, Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowship

Cathy Toner
Assistant Dean Talent & Staff Development, Community and External Outreach

Chesley Turner
Director, Center Church for Management

Bridget Wadzuk
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Andrea Welker
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Engineering, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Michael Westrate
Director, Center for Research and Fellowships; Director, Presidential Scholars Program; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of History and Honors Program; Faculty Fellow, Russian Area Studies

Hubert Whan Tong
Assistant Director, SEVIS/Immigration Specialist

Craig M. Wheeland
Vice Provost for Academics, Professor of Public Administration

Catherine E. Wilson
Chair, Department of Public Administration, Associate Professor

Fred Young
Assistant Professor of the Practice, Economics

Global Citizens Students Singapore festival of colors

The Elenore and Robert F. Moran Sr. Center for Global Leadership (MCGL)
51 School of Business
51, PA 19085
Tel: (610) 519-4395

Michelle Casario, PhD
Faculty Director

Kim Cahill

Gloria Angel
Assistant Director

Sharon Ballard
Program Coordinator


Your donations enable MCGL to advance international education and thought leadership initiatives.



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