

Chen, L., Wemhoff, A. P. (2021). Predicting Embodied Carbon Emissions from Purchased Electricity for United States Counties. Applied Energy, 292, 116898.

Wemhoff, A. P., Ahmed, F. (in press). Coupled Calculations of Data Center Cooling and Power Distribution Systems. ASME Journal of Electronics Packaging.

Zhang, X., Lorente, S., Wemhoff, A. P. (2021). Modeling the Thermal Energy Storage Capability of a Phase Change Material Confined in a Rectangular Cavity. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 126, 105367.

Araya, S., Wemhoff, A. P., Jones, G. F., Fleischer, A. S. (2021). Study of a Lab-Scale Organic Rankine Cycle for the Ultra-Low-Temperature Waste Heat Recovery Associated with Data Centers. ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, 143, 021001.

Mackie, C., Wemhoff, A. P. (2020). Comparing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Associated with Food Away From Home Versus Food At Home in the United States. Journal of Cleaner Production, 260, 120930.

Dai, T., Yang, Y., Lee, R. A., Fleischer, A. S., Wemhoff, A. P. (2020). Life cycle environmental impacts of food away from home and mitigation strategies鈥攁 review. Journal of Environmental Management, 265, 110471.

Araya, S., Wemhoff, A. P., Jones, G. F., Fleischer, A. S. (2020). An Experimental Study of an Organic Rankine Cycle Utilizing HCFO-1233zd(E) as a Drop-In Replacement for HFC-245fa for Ultra-Low-Grade Waste Heat Recovery. Applied Thermal Engineering, 180, 115757.

Dai, T., Yang, Y., Wemhoff, A. P. (2020). The On-Site Energy Demand of Meats Consumed in Restaurants. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 160, 104845.

Dai, T., Fleischer, A. S., Lee, R. A., Wemhoff, A. P. (2020). Life Cycle Inventory Regionalization and Uncertainty Characterization: a Multilevel Modeling Approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 242, 118459.

Khalid, R., Wemhoff, A. P. (2019). Thermal Control Strategies for Reliable and Energy Efficient Data Centers. ASME Journal of Electronics Packaging, 141, 041004.

Rose, I., Wemhoff, A. P., Fleischer, A. S. (2019). The Performance Impact of Integrating Water Storage into a Chiller-less Data Center Design. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 11, 021010.

Khalid, R., Wemhoff, A. P., Joshi, Y. (2017). Energy and Exergy Analysis of Modular Data Centers. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, 7(9), 1440-1452.

Fouladi, K., Wemhoff, A. P., Silva-Llanca, L., Abbasi, K., Ortega, A. (2017). Optimization of Data Center Cooling Efficiency Using Reduced Order Flow Modeling Within a Flow Network Modeling Approach. Applied Thermal Engineering, 124, 929-939.

Fouladi, K., Schaadt, J., Wemhoff, A. P. (2017). A novel approach to data center hybrid cooling design with containment. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 71(5), 477-487.

Bhalerao, A., Fouladi, K., Silva-Llanca, L., Wemhoff, A. P. (2016). Rapid Predictions of Exergy Destruction in Data Centers Due to Airflow Mixing. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 70(1), 48-63.

Wemhoff, A. P., Webb, A. J. (2016). Investigation of nanoparticle agglomeration on the effective thermal conductivity of a composite material. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 97, 432-438.

Chen, L., Wemhoff, A. P. (2022). Characterizing Data Center Cooling System Water Stress in the United States (pp. 29952). 2022 ASHRAE Winter Conference.

Arrivo, L., Schon, S., Wemhoff, A. P. (2021). Measuring the Thermal Contact Resistance Between Cu Foams and Substrates for On-Chip Cooling Applications in Data Centers (pp. 73015). 2021 ASME InterPACK.

Khalid, R., Amalfi, R. L., Wemhoff, A. P. (2021). Rack-Level Thermosyphon Cooling and Vapor-Compression Driven Heat Recovery: Compressor Model (pp. 73271). 2021 ASME InterPACK.

Khalid, R., Amalfi, R. L., Wemhoff, A. P. (2021). Rack-Level Thermosyphon Cooling and Vapor-Compression Driven Heat Recovery: Condenser Model (pp. 73270). 2021 ASME InterPACK.

Khalid, R., Amalfi, R. L., Wemhoff, A. P. (2021). Rack-Level Thermosyphon Cooling and Vapor-Compression Driven Heat Recovery: Evaporator Model (pp. 73269). 2021 ASME InterPACK.

Wemhoff, A. P. (2021). Restructuring a Pedagogical Course to Benefit Engineering Ph.D. Students and Faculty (pp. 35273). Proceedings of Spring 2021 Middle Atlantic ASEE Conference.

Caceres, C., Ortega, A., Wemhoff, A. P., Jones, G. F. (2020). Numerical Analysis of Two Phase Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger for High Power Density Equipment in Data Centers under Dynamic Conditions (pp. 250). 2020 IEEE ITherm Conference.

Chen, L., Wemhoff, A. P. (2019). Economic and Environmental Analysis of U.S.-Based Data Centers Containing Photovoltaic Power Generation (pp. 107). Proceedings of 2019 IEEE ITherm Conference.

Khalid, R., Schon, S., Ortega, A., Wemhoff, A. P. (2019). Waste Heat Recovery Using Coupled 2-Phase Cooling & Heat-Pump Driven Absorption Refrigeration (pp. 267). Proceedings of 2019 IEEE ITherm Conference.

Dai, T., Fleischer, A. S., Lee, R. A., Wemhoff, A. P. (2018). Estimating the agricultural environmental burden as part of a holistic life cycle assessment of food (pp. 7564). Proceedings of the ASME 2018 Power and Energy Conference.

Dai, T., Fleischer, A. S., Wemhoff, A. P., Lee, R. A. (2017). Environmental Impact of an Industrial Kitchen: A Case Study (pp. paper IMECE2017-70545). Proceedings of IMECE 2017.

Wemhoff, A. P., Dai, T., Fleischer, A. S. (2017). The Potential for Thermal Waste Energy Recovery in Industrial Kitchen Dishwashers (pp. paper IMECE2017-70551). Proceedings of IMECE 2017.

Ahmed, F., Wemhoff, A. P. (2017). Thermodynamic Analysis of Coupled Mechanical and Power Systems in Data Centers (pp. p146). Proceedings of ITherm 2017.

Schaadt, J., Fouladi, K., Wemhoff, A. P., Pigeon, J. G. (2015). Load Capacity and Thermal Efficiency Optimization of a Research Data Center Using Computational Modeling (pp. InterPACKICNMM2015-48364). Proceedings of 2015 InterPACK.

O'Connor, W. E., Wemhoff, A. P. (2015). Quantification of Phase Change Material Energy Storage Capability Using Multiphysics Simulations (pp. InterPACKICNMM2015-48522). Proceedings of 2015 InterPACK.

Bhalerao, A., Wemhoff, A. P. (2015). Thermodynamic Analysis of Full Liquid-Cooled Data Centers (pp. paper InterPACKICNMM2015-48522). Proceedings of 2015 InterPACK.

Clayton, G. M., Tan, A., Ermilio, J. F., Wemhoff, A. P. (2015). VU-GWHF Partnership for Humanitarian Engineering. Spring 2015 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference.