


  • All participants must play by the rules. Captains are responsible for making their team aware of the rules.
  • Participants, coaches, and fans must conduct themselves in an appropriate, sportsmanlike manner at all times during competition. Officials have the right to eject any individual for un-sportsmanlike conduct.
  • No chewing tobacco or smoking. Consumption of alcohol or drugs is not tolerated. Those suspected of intoxication will not be allowed to play for the safety of themselves and others. Fans suspected of intoxication or using tobacco will also be forced to leave the premises.
  • Teams will be awarded a sportsmanship rating after each game. Ratings will be given on a 5-point system. Your rating will be indicated on the bottom of your score sheet at the end of each contest.  Be sure that you are aware of your sportsmanship rating. An average sportsmanship rating of a 3.0 or higher must be attained in order to advance to playoffs. Once in playoffs, your team must receive a sportsmanship rating of 3 in order to advance to further rounds of play.  
  • The on-site Intramural Supervisor has the discretion to remove players, coaches, or fans that do not follow our policies.  

1 = is awarded:

  • If a player gets kicked out of the game.
  • If a player gets into a fight.
  • If a player intentionally acts in a manner which could cause harm to others.
  • Any action from a player/coach/fan that violates the Code of Student Conduct related to another player or staff member's race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.

2 = is awarded:   

  • If a team forfeits.
  • If there is excessive arguing.
  • If a team is found to have an illegal player on the field/court.
  • If any player attempts to use a fake wildcard or a wildcard that is not their own.

3 = Could have been better. (Just Average)

  • Forfeit with notice.

4 = Above Average. Also awarded to teams whose opponent forfeits.

5 = Excellent â€“ Teams go out of their way to accommodate for the other teams and display extreme respect for the IM staff.


For individual sport rules, please refer to the document for each sport.

All participants must wear athletic shoes, a shirt, and athletic shorts/pants to participate
  • Shirts MUST be worn, even under pinnies
  • No boots, sandals, flip flops
  • No khakis or dress pants
  • Exception: Shoes are not required for Sand Volleyball only

Non-athletic headwear, jewelry (necklaces, watches, rings), and hard knee or elbow braces are not allowed

Other attire/equipment allowed but not required

  • Rubber cleats may be worn for outdoor sports (Flag Football, Outdoor Soccer, Softball, etc.)
  • Shin guards can be worn for Outdoor Soccer and Futsal but will not be provided

The supervisor on shift can deem a piece of clothing inappropriate and ask the individual(s) to change, or prohibit them from participating

  • Forfeiting will result in the loss of your forfeit fee and could disqualify your team from playoffs. To avoid this, you can notify the Intramural office at least one business day prior to your scheduled contest to cancel.  You will still receive a loss for the contest, but will not be penalized otherwise. If your team forfeits 50% or more of your regular season games, you will lose your forfeit fee and be ineligible for playoffs regardless of notice given.
  • Forfeit fees will be returned to captains after the completion of the season for each sport. After championships, deserving captains will receive an e-mail from the Director of Intramurals specifying times and dates that they can pick up their refund. If you feel that your forfeit fee should be refunded but you do not receive an e-mail from the Intramural Director, it is your responsibility to contact the Director of Intramurals. Forfeit fees will not be refunded to teams that forfeit with notice for more than half of their scheduled games. If captains do not pick up their refund by the specified date and time, their fee will be deposited and it will not be returnable. Forfeit fees are not transferable from year to year.
  • In order to play in the playoffs for Flag Football, Volleyball, Basketball and Softball, teams must able to field a full team of undergrads (10 for Softball, 7 for Flag Football, 6 for Volleyball and 5 for Basketball). Teams that are a majority graduate students or faculty/staff will not be eligible to participate in the playoffs for Flag Football, Volleyball, Basketball and Softball. These champions will move on to the City 6 Extramural Tournaments.
  • Captains (or a team rep) must attend the captains meeting at the beginning of each season. This person must sign-in to verify their attendance. Failure to attend will result in the loss of your forfeit fee.
  • Players must bring their valid Wildcard to every game in order to be able to play. NO CARD = NO PLAY
  • Full and Part-time graduate and undergraduate students as well as faculty and staff are eligible to participate in all tournaments and regular season play.
  • Varsity athletes are ineligible to participate in an equivalent sport in the same academic year of their NCAA varsity standing. See individual Sports Rules regarding the participation of club participants.
  • No participants may play for more than one team within the same sport, unless you they are playing for an All Gender and a single sex team.   Males can only play in one men’s basketball league. You must choose from league A, B, or C. All Gender league players can only be in one All Gender basketball league. You must choose from league A or B. No scheduling accommodations will be made for individuals on more than one team in the same season. 
  • All roster additions must take place either before or at the captain's meeting, any additions after that will not be accepted. Roster additions can be made by filling out a waiver of liability and turning it in to Intramural Office on the third floor of the Davis Center. All participants must fill out a waiver form before they will be placed on the roster and allowed to participate. Additions cannot be made on the fields/courts.  Players who are not on the roster will not be allowed to play.
  • A coin toss, rock, paper, scissors or jump ball will determine home team/pinnies/beginning possession.
  • GAME TIME IS FORFEIT TIME! Games will start promptly at their scheduled start time. If you don’t have enough players to field a team at game time – you will be given a forfeit. Please show up 15 minutes early to your game to check-in.
  • If either team does not agree with a call, the captain, and only the captain (or acting captain if captain is not present) can approach the official(s) for an explanation. A rule can be overturned after this time. If this caucus takes up a generous amount of time, the game clock may be stopped for further discussion. Protests of an entire contest based on rules or calls must be made before the teams leave the field of the contest. The formal protest will be settled at that time by the supervisor on duty. A team may protest illegal players at any time [e.g. players on more than one team in the same division (division meaning gender -- men's, women's, co-ed); players not on the official roster; etc.]. If you suspect a team of having illegal players you can e-mail michael.hay@villanova.edu and we will investigate the matter; please do not abuse this procedure -- you must have a legitimate reason to believe a player to be 'illegal'.
  • Any intramural participant that is ejected or issued a red card may be barred from participation in all future Intramural activities and required to meet with an Intramural Administrator before being deemed eligible to return to participation.
  • No team is guaranteed entry into playoffs. Teams will be eliminated from playoffs if they forfeit two or more games during the season or if their sportsmanship average is below a 3.0. After that, teams may be eliminated based on winning percentage. TEAMS MUST EARN A 3.0+ IN ALL PLAYOFF GAMES TO STAY IN.