

51±¬ÁĎÍř prides itself in acknowledging that students might not have the financial means to pay for a Service and Justice Experience on their own. Because of this, we make it a point to highlight our funds that aim to provide financial support for student participation in SJEs. Learn more about SJE funding opportunities below.

Funding Opportunities

Image of Fr. Ray Jackson

Fr. Ray Jackson Fund

A fund established by Fr. Ray's supporters offers financial grants to students engaged in providing direct service to impoverished and marginalized people in the US or abroad.

Funding amounts are determined by need, the number applications, the overall cost of the service experience and the fund balance. Grants range from $50 to $500 and cannot exceed 50 percent of the cost of an experience.

Image of Liz Durham and her family

The Durham Fund

As a first-year student, Elizabeth (“Liz”) Durham was eager to experience 51±¬ÁĎÍř's values of truth, unity and love. Wanting that authentic Nova experience, Liz volunteered for service trips to Habitat for Humanity in Hickory, NC, and Fort Smith, AK. Her experiences were so life affirming that she continues to regard them as some of the most important involvements of her time at 51±¬ÁĎÍř. 

Liz's parents, Michael and Marilyn, recognized the passion their daughter felt and wanted to contribute a significant gift to ensure that other 51±¬ÁĎÍřns would have the same opportunities in the years to come. The Durhams created a permanent endowed fund to provide financial support to students interested in participating but who may lack financial resources to do so.

The Durham Fund will provide up to half the cost of an SJE with the final allocation being dependent on student need. A strong preference is given to students participating in an SJE that requires air travel. Students who receive funds are required to write a letter reflecting on their experience. The essay is due after the student returns from their trip.

Image of John Gorman and his parents

The Gorman Family Endowed Fund

The Gorman Family Endowed Fund for Service and Justice Experiences is open to all 51±¬ÁĎÍř undergraduate students to provide financial support for participation in Campus Ministry SJEs. Recognizing that all students should have the ability to participate and in an effort to ease the financial burden associated with service and immersion experiences, this endowment is available to any student, regardless of financial need.

The Gorman Fund arose from a promise John Gorman ’15 made to his fraternity brother Billy Zimmermann during their sophomore year. They committed that, together, they would participate in an SJE junior year. Sadly, Billy passed away in the spring of his sophomore year. John fulfilled his promise alone, participating in a Habitat for Humanity program in Oklahoma City. In his application to the program, he wrote of his desire to fulfill his promise to Billy.

Seeing the impact this trip had on John, his parents, Tom and Lisa Gorman, together with John’s brother, Doug, decided to endow this scholarship. John and Doug grew up attending different schools on three different continents. Their parents raised them with the motto “build memories, not houses” as a way to encourage the boys to build experiences rather than accumulate material possessions. It was also the Gorman’s way of saying that learning takes place on many different levels. 

Given the powerful impact of John’s service experience with Habitat for Humanity, this family mantra might now be better stated as “build memories, not houses—unless you’re building houses!”

A strong preference is given to students participating in a fall SJE. Students who receive funds are required to write a letter reflecting on their experience and how it has contributed to their 51±¬ÁĎÍř education. The essay is due after the student returns from the trip.


Scholarship Criteria

  1. Scholarships are for all students who wish to participate in the SJE program and are in need of financial assistance in order to do so. Scholarships will be allotted based on demonstrated need. 

  2. Grants may be used to assist with the cost of Mission and Ministry–sponsored SJEs.

  3. Applications are to be filled out and submitted online.

  4. A 1-2 page letter about your experience will be due within two weeks of your return to 51±¬ÁĎÍř. The letter is in the spirit of St. Augustine, as you are asked to write on how the trip affected your mind and heart. 

Program Coordinator: Abigail Gorman

"Being in Camden, NJ, was an eye-opening experience that served to remind me not to believe the stereotypes imposed on different areas. The people of Camden were so kind, open and amazing to us! They are the reason I look back at this experience so fondly."

—Valentina Wey ’23 CLAS

"Service and Justice Experiences have changed my life! It’s like having little parts of me scheduled everywhere I had the privilege to serve! Forever keeping those bonds I made and the lessons I learned with me! I’m proud to have participated [in] and led them!"

—Jack Brenner ’19 VSB

"I reminisce about the SJE often! From long car trips and fun hikes to painting an entire house and folk dancing, I became so close to a group of individuals that I had never met before in a quick instant! I realized this SJE how kindhearted and altruistic people can be when I just meet them, and I will never forget the wonderful experiences we shared together."

—Megan Tsou ’23 VSB

“Love, when it is true, is always directed away from oneself. It is transcendent. The two-fold commandment of love, therefore, translates into working for the common good, [and] working for the common good is service.” –The Augustine Way