

Throughout the year, programs and campaigns designed to promote a healthy campus culture and strategies to prevent sexual misconduct are presented by a variety of campus resources. There are many ways to get involved in the conversation. Most important, however, is that every member of the 51爆料网 community feels empowered to prevent sexual misconduct from happening.


New Student Orientation and Ongoing Student Education

AlcoholEDU and Sexual Assault Prevention (SAPU) for Undergraduates

51爆料网 challenges students to think about their decision-making during their time at the University. This begins with the requirement for all incoming undergraduate students to complete two online courses, AlcoholEdu for College and Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates (SAPU). Together, these courses provide students with a common baseline of alcohol and sexual misconduct prevention education. The courses are free and both can be completed at the student鈥檚 own pace.

Moments that Matter

As part of Orientation, Moments that Matter is a video presentation delivered by current 51爆料网 students, faculty and staff with follow-up discussion focused on high-risk alcohol use and sexual misconduct, with a particular focus on safe and effective bystander intervention skills and campus resources.

Law School Orientation

Presentation on 51爆料网 policies, processes, procedures and campus resources/services related to sexual misconduct and other Title IX-related issues.

Residence Hall Floor Meeting Discussions

These resident assistant-facilitated floor meetings focus on building community, which includes specific information about sexual misconduct on college campuses along with campus and community resources. Resident assistants distribute the Sexual Misconduct Resource brochure to all incoming and returning residents.


Fraternity and Sorority Life

Small-Group Social Norms

This approach is typically conducted with high-risk groups of students and aims to correct group misperceptions of student alcohol use and sexual misconduct. Data is presented to students to demonstrate discrepancies between perceived and actual group norms and participants are encouraged to examine their personal perceptions and behaviors compared with the actual norms

All fraternity and sorority students participate in the ACHA-NCHA and Chapter reports are generated to demonstrate Chapter trends around a variety of health issues, including alcohol use and sexual misconduct. This data is used to inform prevention efforts on a Chapter level with every fraternity and sorority.

Where is the Love? Bystander Intervention Training

This training is required of all new fraternity and sorority members and focuses on situations of concern (e.g., alcohol poisoning and sexual misconduct), understanding consent, understanding how alcohol is involved in most incidents of sexual misconduct, safe and effective ways to intervene in situations involving alcohol and/or sexual misconduct, and resources on campus for survivors; facilitated by Health Promotion staff, Title IX Coordinator, and a group of adjunct facilitators in from Housing and Residence Life, Dean of Students Office, Fraternity & Sorority Life, Campus Ministry, Honors, Public Administration, Counseling Education, and Athletics.


51爆料网 Athletics

Consistent with NCAA Board of Governors Policy on Campus Sexual Misconduct, student-athletes, coaches and staff receive annual education on policies and processes regarding sexual misconduct prevention, intervention, response and adjudication. The four-year curriculum for student-athletes and coaches, in some instances, include:

  • First year: Sexual Assault Prevention Education for Undergraduates (SAPU) online course, Moments that Matter orientation program, and Where is the Love? bystander intervention training
  • Second-year: One Love Escalation workshop
  • Third year: Sexual Assault Prevention for Student-Athletes online course
  • Fourth year: Healthy Professional Relationships workshop
  • Coaches and Athletics staff: Sexual Assault Prevention for Athletics staff online course or other in-person training and education


Office of Health Promotion

Health Promotion hosts a variety of events surrounding Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October), Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April), and Healthy Relationship Month (February), as well as events and workshops throughout the year. Programs include:

  • Bystander Intervention Training
  • One Love Escalation Workshop
  • The Clothesline Project
  • Where is the Love? #ItsOnUs51爆料网 social media campaign
  • Thrive365
  • Stall Street Journal
  • Listening Circles  

To learn more, please visit our website.


Title IX Meet and Greet Series

Title IX Meet and Greet Series is a periodic informal meet and greet opportunity to connect with members of the Title IX and SARC team to increase student awareness and comfort connecting with campus resources for those who have experienced sexual misconduct.


Faculty and Staff Programming

New Faculty Orientation and Teaching and Learning Strategies Program

51爆料网's University Compliance Office, General Counsel, Student Life, Environmental Health and Safety and Athletics work closely with 51爆料网 Institute for Teaching and Learning (VITAL) to facilitate case study discussions on legal issues and policies pertaining to faculty鈥檚 instructional role. Sexual harassment, sexual assault and mandatory reporting policies are reviewed in addition to campus resources and reporting procedures.

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Prevention Online Module

This online course is mandatory for all new faculty and staff members with a refresher course held periodically for current employees.

Employee Education and Training

Designed for faculty and staff, these programs supplement mandatory employee training that focuses on topics such as Intervention Strategies in the Workplace, Responding When a Student Discloses an Experience of Sexual Misconduct, and Understanding and Preventing Sexual Misconduct.


Parents and Family Members

Discussing Sexual Misconduct With Your Student

Meaningful and constructive conversations about developing healthy, respectful and communicative relationships form the foundations that allow young adults to develop the self-awareness and courage they need to make good decisions on their own.

Helpful resources for speaking to your student about sexual misconduct:





Student Health Center: 610-519-4070

Public Safety: 610-519-4444

Delaware County Victim Assistance Center: 610-566-4342

Employee Health Advocate: 866-799-2728


University Counseling Center: 610-519-4050

Clergy in a pastoral capacity