
The Office for Access and Disability Services is committed to working with campus partners to seek “reasonable accommodations” for students with disabilities. Our goal is to ensure that students with documented disabilities have an opportunity to grow independently to their full potential at 51.

ADS provides accommodations to students with physical disabilities, neurologically-based disorders that trigger a physical response, sensory disabilities, chronic health conditions that rise to a level of a disability, or a temporary injury that requires accommodations.  

Students with disabilities may request support services in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students must self-identify by providing notice of their disability and the required documentation to ADS.

Students with documented disabilities who need accommodations should register with ADS by completing the .

For students with learning disabilities, please connect with the Office of Learning Support Services (LSS). LSS is committed to providing “reasonable academic accommodations” for students with learning disabilities, ADHD, autistic students, and students with mental health conditions that rise to the level of disability. The goal of LSS is to ensure that students with documented disabilities have an opportunity to grow independently to their full potential at 51.  If you have questions, email learning.support.services@villanova.edu or call 610-519-5176.

New students must complete this two-step registration process to receive academic accommodations through the Office for Access and Disability Services. Students only need to complete the registration process during the first semester that they work with ADS.

Step 1: Complete the online intake form:

  • Log into  and select the Online Intake link.
  • Click on the Register link in the menu to access this form. Log in using your 51 username and password.
  • Complete the form, upload documentation and click submit. Students must submit current documentation. Please refer to our Documentation Guidelines to determine which documentation is appropriate. If you have additional documentation to add once you have submitted the intake form, this documentation can be securely uploaded to the .
    • If you have already sent us your documentation before filling out this form, you do not need to submit the documentation again.
    • You may also mail, fax or email documentation to ADS, instead of uploading it to this form.  
  • You should receive a confirmation email once you have submitted your form. Please follow the directions detailed in the confirmation email. Submitting your registration does not automatically qualify you for accommodations.

If you try to complete the Online Intake Form and see the message “You have already completed the intake process,” this means that we had previously created a student profile for you in our system. You will still need to provide us with your documentation and schedule a meeting to discuss your accommodation needs. Your documentation can be securely uploaded to the .

Step 2: Discuss your accommodation needs with an ADS staff member:

  • Email Gregory Hannah, director of the Office for Access and Disability Services, to set up a meeting to discuss your accommodations.

You will not be eligible to receive or use your accommodations until you have a meeting with a member of the ADS team and complete the registration process.

All student requests for accommodations are handled by the Office for Access and Disability Services (ADS). 

New students must first register with ADS to receive accommodations. To register, log into  and select the Online Intake l԰.

Requesting Accommodations

Once you are registered with ODS and are approved for accommodations, you will need to send a copy of your accommodation letter to the professors of the courses you are enrolled in to receive your accommodations. Students must complete the Request for Accommodations through ClockWork each semester. 


1. Log into  and select the Request for Accommodations l԰.

2. Select the Accommodations t.

3. Select the Request button on the row that coincides with the course for which you would like to request accommodations. If you want to send letters to all your professors, you will have that option once you select the request button for one of your courses.

4. On the right side of the page, check all courses for which you are requesting an accommodation letter.

5. On the left side of the page, choose which approved accommodations you require for your courses.

6. If your accommodations are correct and no changes are required, select the My accommodations are correct the way they are bܳٳٴDz.

7. Once you have verified the accuracy of the information presented, select the “I agree to the terms outlined above” checkbox and select Submit. You will receive an email confirmation shortly after your request is submitted.

8. Your professor will receive an email notification to view your accommodation letter on ClockWork.

9. After you've sent your professors your accommodation letters, professors and students are expected to discuss the accommodations to make sure all parties are clear on what is needed. ADS staff are available to answer any questions or concerns.

Important things to remember:

  • You have the option to send letters with the same approved accommodations to all your professors by checking all the boxes under Courses to Request. If you need specific accommodations for certain courses but not others, you may select specific approved accommodations for each of your courses.

  • ClockWork also has a feature that allows you to notify ADS about any approved accommodation errors or needs for additional accommodations. Please indicate either “I need additional accommodation” or “I need to change or remove an accommodation” and select the Submit bܳٳٴDz. ADS will reach out to you after reviewing your request.

  • You can check the status of your request for each course by returning to the Request for Accommodations link and checking the status column. This important feature allows you to see if your professor has confirmed receipt of your accommodation letter. 

  • Professors must confirm accommodation letters before you are able to use the test-booking features in ClockWork.

  • Do not send a letter if a course does not have the professor listed. Once a professor is assigned by the Registrar, the name will show up in ClockWork and you can send the letter. 

  • If you make changes to your schedule during the drop/add period, the changes will be reflected in ClockWork in 24-48 hours.  

  • Students in the College of Nursing who have more than one professor listed for a course will have the option to share their accommodation letter with the person listed as the primary professor. The primary professor will share it with the appropriate faculty member(s).

  • Some students are enrolled in courses that are meant more as placeholders. For example, STLF (new student orientation). These “courses” may show up but do not have professors attached to them. You should not request accommodations for these placeholder “courses.”

  • Student athletes with a VATH athletic schedule will have the option to send their accommodation letter to their Academic Support for Athletics staff member through Clockwork.

In order for a student with a documented disability to be considered for a housing accommodation, their appropriate medical provider should fill out the Housing Accommodations Form.

Once the form is completed in its entirety, the student can upload the documentation using the (new students) or (students already connected with ODS or LSS) in . The Office for Access and Disability Services or Learning Support Services (depending on specific needs) will reach out to set up a time to discuss the request.

Please direct any questions regarding accommodations to ods@villanova.edu or learning.support.services@villanova.edu .

Learning Support Services (LSS) and the Office for Access and Disability Services (ADS) provide test proctoring services when professors are unable to provide all required testing accommodations for a student. Quizzes, tests, and final exams must be booked at least 3 business days in advance to take a test with LSS or ADS.

All LSS and ADS test proctoring requests are scheduled through ClockWork. LSS and ADS operate separate testing services. Please make sure you have selected the office that you are currently registered with for testing accommodations. If there are no dates and times available that work with your schedule, contact LSS or ADS, depending on the office you are registered with.

LSS Test Proctoring Hours

Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

ADS Test Proctoring Hours

Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Scheduling a Proctored Test with LSS or ADS

  1. Go to  through . Then select the Schedule a test or exam link.
  2. Students who are registered with LSS should select the LSS Test Booking link. Students who are registered with ADS should select the ADS Test Booking link. You will be asked to log in using your 51 username and password.
  3. Select course. Choose the appropriate course from the drop-down menu.
  4. Class Date and time. Enter when the class is taking the test and how long the class will get to take the test. ClockWork will calculate and apply approved time extensions. NOTE: Due to conflicts, students may need to take tests at a different time than the class. You will have the opportunity to enter this information.
  5. Confirm professor info. Make sure professor information is correct.
  6. Choose accommodations. Your approved testing accommodations will appear. Check off the accommodations you would like to use for this test. Any accommodations that remain unchecked will not be allowed during the test.
  7. Select your test time. A date and time that works with your class schedule and our proctoring availability will appear. Tests are to be taken during class date and time if student schedule permits. Note: LSS or ADS proctoring times may impact scheduling. If none of the times in the list will work for you, please make alternate arrangements.
  8. Confirm and complete. Student will receive an email confirmation and professor will be notified of the booking.

Important Things to Remember

  • Students must communicate with their professors prior to scheduling tests. Many professors can accommodate students without involving LSS or ADS test proctoring.
  • Both LSS and ADS have limited space available and operate on a first come, first served basis. If we are unable to proctor a student’s test, professors will still be responsible for providing students with their accommodations.
  • Students can check test bookings by clicking on the My upcoming events tab in ClockWork.

For LSS test proctoring information, please contact proctoring@villanova.edu or 610-519-5641.

For ADS test proctoring information, please contact ods@villanova.edu or 610-519-3209.

These email accounts are monitored during regular business hours (M–F, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.).

Download PDF Guidelines for Booking Tests with LSS or ADS




51 students with disabilities are eligible for protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADA AA) of 2008 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (as amended). The ADA Amendments Act 2008 retains the definition of a "disability" as physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a record of such an impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment.

The diagnostician who evaluates the student must be a licensed or otherwise properly credentialed professional who:  

  1. is qualified/ certified to evaluate and diagnose the disability, 
  2. is familiar with the challenges and functional requirements of a college environment
  3. is an impartial evaluator or diagnostician who is not a family member nor in a dual relationship with the student.

The documentation submitted for the purpose of seeking a determination of disability at the post-secondary level must be detailed, comprehensive, and include the following components as appropriate to the area of disability being disclosed:

  • ‌Narrative report format, on letterhead, signed by the evaluator(s) and includes title and credentials
  • ‌Evaluations/documentation must be current (generally between six months and three years of starting college)
  • ‌Clearly stated diagnosis (DSM  V, as appropriate)identifying the condition
  • ‌History of the disorder including the age of onset, past treatment(s)
  • ‌A statement of the current, significant impact of the disorder on a major life activity, and the professional’s assessment if the condition rises to the level of a disability
  • ‌Description of the level of severity, expected progression or stability of the condition (critical in the determination of chronic or progressive conditions)
  • ‌Description of current/ past accommodations, services and/or medications (if prescribed)
  • ‌Diagnostician recommendations for reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services for the post-secondary experience must be clearly linked to the testing and evaluation data
  • Each student’s request for a determination of disability and accommodations/services is evaluated and considered individually.
  • It is the responsibility of the individual seeking a determination of disability, (and who will be requesting accommodations), to provide appropriate documentation before a determination of disability can be made and accommodations can be discussed and implemented.
  • Prior use of accommodations and services is considered in the process of deliberating accommodations and services at the post-secondary level. It should be noted that some accommodations and services provided in high school may not be determined reasonable in the post-secondary environment.

Colleges and universities are required to provide students with appropriate academic accommodations,  auxiliary aids, and services that are necessary to afford an individual with a disability equal access and opportunity to participate in the school's facilities, programs, and activities. At the postsecondary level, it is the student's responsibility to disclose his/her diagnosed condition, to request reasonable accommodations, and to follow established procedures for requesting those accommodations.

Students with diagnosed conditions that may rise to the level of a disability who will be requesting accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services are encouraged to identify these needs to the Office for Access and Disability Services, as soon as possible, after their application to the College has been accepted and their decision to attend has been confirmed. Submission of current, detailed documentation of the student’s diagnosed condition is required in order to initiate the disability determination process.   

After an interview with the student, the Office for Access and Disability Services will review submitted documentation, including former medical and/or educational evaluations, IEPs, “504” Plans, and any other supplemental materials submitted in support of the request.

The Office for Access and Disability Services reviews 51 policies and practices regarding students with disabilities, as well as physical plant accessibility and operations, and offers recommendations for changes and modifications, as appropriate.

Our office collaborates with several offices including Residence Life, Public Safety, Dining Services, Facilities Management, and other key departments regarding collateral access issues for housing placement and general campus accessibility, such as:

  • Campus visitation for students, family members, and guests
  • Accessible housing facilities
  • Accessible in classrooms and labs
  • College-sponsored events and assignments at off-campus venues
  • Modifications to existing facilities under revised DOJ Accessible Guidelines:
    • Life /Sports building access (gym, pool, bathrooms)
    • Residential services (specifically, first-year student dorms & other non-accessible dorms)
    • Other academic and non-academic campus facilities
  • Campus-wide available handicapped parking access
  • Personal Care Attendant access
  • Van/transportation access
  • Graduation exercises – physical and the introduction of CART/captioned broadcast services


Students with disabilities requesting accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services at 51 are encouraged to meet with ADS staff and help develop an individual plan of accommodation. Students with conditions that may rise to the level of a disability must provide appropriate, comprehensive, and current documentation that outlines the need for the specific college-level accommodations. Documentation must identify the diagnosed condition, present evidence of the condition’s impact on a major life activity, and provide a history of previously used accommodations and services.

All requests for accommodations are individually reviewed using a collaborative approach after the determination process is complete. Once accommodations are approved, faculty members are contacted about the request for accommodations. We encourage our students to set up a private meeting with each of their teachers to discuss their personal situation and to discuss the individual protocol for accommodations. 

General Information Regarding the Grievance Procedure

It is the policy of 51 not to discriminate on the basis of disability. 51 has adopted this internal Grievance Procedure to provide prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (ADA). Section 504 and the ADA prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability and provide that no qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities at 51. Ray Duffy, Affirmative Action Officer, has been designated as the Section 504 Coordinator for 51. The Section 504 Coordinator manages the efforts of 51 to comply with Section 504 and the ADA.

Any person who believes she or he has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of disability may file a grievance under this procedure. Issues that may be the subject of a grievance include, but are not limited to, a denial of a requested accommodation, the inadequacy of an accommodation, the inaccessibility of a program or activity due to disability, and discrimination or harassment based on a disability.

Grievance Procedure

The Grievance Procedure is not intended to supersede the University’s Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment Policy which the University may use to address alleged violations of the ADA and/or Section 504 in lieu of this Grievance Procedure.

Informal Resolution

Individuals may choose to attempt informal resolution of complaints under this Procedure prior to filing a Formal Grievance “Complaint”. Students may seek to resolve the matter informally by meeting with the Director of the Office of Disability Services and/or the Director of Learning Support Services.

If a student pursues informal resolution, the student should discuss the problem with the Director of the Office for Access and Disability Services for matters involving physical disability accommodations, or the Director of Learning Support Services for matters involving learning disabilities or chronic illnesses that impact learning. ADS or LSS will seek to resolve the issue with the student and the appropriate University professionals.

Faculty and staff may seek to resolve the matter informally by meeting with Annette Lucidi, Human Resources Benefits Analyst, who handles workplace accommodations. The faculty or staff member should discuss the problem with the Human Resources Benefits Analyst. The Benefits Analyst will seek to resolve the issue with the faculty or staff member and the appropriate University professional. If the individual is dissatisfied with the informal resolution, she or he may file a Formal Grievance at any time.

Formal Grievance

Procedure Grievances must be submitted in writing to Ray Duffy, the Section 504 Coordinator, at raymond.duffy@villanova.edu. Grievances must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the date the person filing the grievance becomes aware of the alleged discriminatory action. Complaints received later than 30 days after the individual became aware of the alleged violation may be dismissed as untimely.

  • A complaint should be in writing, containing the name and address of the person filing it. The complaint must state the problem or action alleged to be discriminatory and the remedy or relief sought. 
  • The Section 504 Coordinator (or designee) shall conduct an investigation of the complaint. The investigation will afford the complainant, the subject of the complaint, other interested persons, departments and/or administrative offices of the University, if any, an opportunity to submit information relevant to the consideration of and resolution of the complaint. 
  • The Section 504 Coordinator will maintain the files and records of 51 relating to such grievances. 
  • The Section 504 Coordinator (or designee) will issue a written determination as to the validity of the complaint and a description of the resolution, if any, on the grievance normally no later than thirty (30) calendar days after its filing. 
  • The complainant can request reconsideration of the decision if he or she is dissatisfied with the resolution. A request for reconsideration shall be made within seven (7) days to the Vice Provost for Academics. If the grievance involves a student or faculty member, the request for reconsideration shall be submitted to the Vice Provost for Academics. If the grievance involves a staff member, the request for reconsideration shall be submitted to the Executive Vice President. 
  • The Administrator, or their designee, shall issue a written decision in response to the request for reconsideration normally no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after its filing. 
  • The decision of the Administrator, or their designee, is final. 
  • The availability and use of this Grievance Procedure does not prevent a person from pursuing other remedies, such as filing a complaint of discrimination on the basis of disability with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.


Retaliation in any form against an individual who exercises in good faith his or her right to file a grievance under this Policy or who cooperates in the investigation of any such complaint is strictly prohibited, and will itself be cause for appropriate disciplinary action.

51 will make appropriate arrangements to ensure that persons with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodations, if needed, to participate in this Grievance Procedure. The Section 504 Coordinator (or designee) will be responsible for such arrangements.




The updated American with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility guidelines/standards for state and local governments as well post-secondary institutions (Title II) and businesses/ entities that are open to the public (Title III) should consider the impact of a new category… “other power-driven mobility devices”. There has been an increase in the number and types of mobility devices in use by individuals with physical disabilities and/or medical conditions that affect mobility.

Additionally, there has been an increase in the number of individuals who have temporary medical conditions that result in limited/compromised mobility who may implement the use of “other power-driven mobility devices” for use in navigating the campus while temporarily impaired. It is prudent to consider key issues regarding general policies, appropriate use, storage, and responsibility for such devices.

51 recognized that the use of personal mobility devices can play an important role in facilitating the independence of individuals with certain types of disabilities.

51 is committed to ensuring that all qualified students with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services to ensure access and nondiscrimination to programs, services, and activities. 51 makes every reasonable effort to accommodate individuals with disabilities as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA Amendments Act 2008) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

51 does permit students with disabilities who have a documented need for assistance with activities of daily living and/or nursing care within a residential setting, to retain the services of a Personal Care Attendant (PCA). A Personal Care Attendant (PCA) is defined as a person who provides personal care/assistance (chronic or temporary) to a student with a disability or other health care needs with activities of daily living including nursing services not administered through the University Health Center or assistance with normal life functions. Personal Care Attendant (PCA) services may facilitate higher levels of independent access and participation in the College's programs, services, and activities. 51 does not provide, assume coordination, or financial responsibilities for personal attendant services.

The services of a Personal Care Attendant (PCA) can have an important role in an individual’s quality of life. The well-thought selection of the right Agency/individual and ongoing effective communication with the PCA is critical for a successful experience. Students who require personal attendant services must make arrangements to provide for his/her own Personal Care Attendant and must follow the policies, procedures, and guidelines as determined by the Office of Disability Services.


University Division/Department: Office of Disability Services/Human Resources Department
EFFECTIVE DATE: June 29, 2018


I.            PURPOSE

This policy governs the presence of Service Animals on 51’s campus and property.

II.            SCOPE

This policy applies to all individuals utilizing the assistance of a Service Animal on 51’s campus and property, as well as others who may interact or come into contact with a Service Animal.


Disability: A disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a record of such an impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment.

Service Animal:  A Service Animal is a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability.  In certain circumstances, miniature horses may also qualify as Service Animals.  Other animals, whether wild or domestic, do not qualify as Service Animals.  Animals whose sole function is to provide emotional support, comfort, or companionship do not qualify as Service Animals.

Emotional Support Animal:  An Emotional Support Animal (or “ESA”) is not a pet.  It is an animal that provides emotional support that alleviates one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s disability.  There must be a disability-related need for the ESA.  Unlike a Service Animal, an ESA may not accompany a person with a disability at all times and is typically only permitted in University housing (dwelling unit and common areas).  For additional information, please consult the University’s Emotional Support Animal Policy.

Owner:  An Owner is the individual utilizing the assistance of a Service Animal on 51’s campus.


51 is committed to compliance with federal and state disability rights laws and recognizes the importance of Service Animals to some individuals with disabilities.  This policy sets forth general guidelines applicable to the presence of Service Animals to ensure these rights are upheld without interruption of University functions.

V.            PROCEDURE

When it is not readily apparent that the animal is a Service Animal, by law only two questions may be asked:

  • Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?
  • What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?

For Owners who are also students, it is best practice to contact the Office for Access and Disability Services and/or Learning Support Services, as these offices may assist in contacting faculty and staff who should be made aware of the presence of the Service Animal, as necessary and appropriate.

If the Owner intends to reside in University housing with the Service Animal, the Owner should also contact the Office for Residence Life, which will also assist in this process.  Notifying the Office for Residence Life will help to ensure that residential building staff are aware of the Service Animal’s presence in the event of an emergency or work needing to be done to the room.  Early disclosure of the Service Animal by the Owner will allow the Office for Residence Life to address any issues in the event one or more roommates is unable to reside with the Service Animal.  In any such case, either the Owner or roommate may be moved to a different location.

Conflicting Health Conditions:

Students with a medical condition(s) that are affected by animals (e.g., respiratory diseases, asthma, severe allergies) are asked to contact the Office of Disability Services if they have a health or safety-related concern about exposure to a Service Animal. Employees with a medical condition(s) that are affected by animals are asked to contact the Human Resources Department if they have a health or safety-related concern about exposure to a Service Animal. The University will provide reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities who will be impacted when in proximity to the Service Animal.

Owner’s Responsibilities:

  • Care and supervision of the Service Animal are the responsibility of the Owner, who is required to maintain control of the Service Animal at all times.
  • The Owner is responsible for ensuring the cleanup of the Service Animal’s waste and must toilet the Service Animal in outdoor areas designated by the University consistent with the reasonable capacity of the Owner. All animal waste must be placed in a sturdy plastic bag and securely tied up before being disposed of in the appropriately labeled outside containers. All bathing/washing care of Service Animals must take place off-campus. If the Owner is unable to ensure cleanup of the Service Animal, please contact the Office for Access and Disability Services and a plan will be established.
  • The Owner must abide by current city, county, and state ordinances, laws, and/or regulations pertaining to licensing, vaccination, and other requirements for animals. It is the Owner’s responsibility to know and understand these ordinances, laws, and regulations.
  • The Owner is responsible for ensuring that the Service Animal does not unduly interfere with the routine activities of the University or cause difficulties for students who reside in housing with the Service Animal.
  • The Owner is financially responsible for the actions of the Service Animal including bodily injury or property damage (e.g., replacement of furniture, carpet, window and wall coverings etc.). The Owner will be required to reimburse the University for these costs, as well as any expenses incurred by the University for cleaning required as a result of the Service Animal. As applicable, the University may post these costs to the Owner’s student account.
  • Service Animals may travel freely with their Owner throughout University Housing and most other areas of the University where the Owner would be permitted. However, the University may prohibit the presence of Service Animals in certain locations due to health and safety concerns. 
  • Service Animals may not be left overnight in University Housing to be cared for by another student. An Owner leaving campus for a prolonged period must remove the Service Animal from campus.
  • The University is not responsible for a Service Animal during a fire alarm, fire drill or natural disaster.
  • Owners must continue to abide by all other residential policies.
  • Any violation of this policy may result in immediate removal of the Service Animal from the University.
  • Should the Service Animal be removed from the University for any reason, the Owner is expected to fulfill the housing obligations for the remainder of the academic year.

Requirements for Faculty, Staff, Students and Other Members of the University Community

  • They are not to inquire regarding the nature of the Owner’s disability, request documentation of the Service Animal, or require the Service Animal to demonstrate its task.
  • They are to allow the Service Animal to accompany its Owner at all times and in all places on campus, except where specifically prohibited.
  • They are not to touch or pet a Service Animal unless invited to do so.
  • They are not to feed a Service Animal.
  • They are not to deliberately startle or otherwise taunt a Service Animal.
  • They are not to separate or attempt to separate an owner from his or her Service Animal.

Removal of the Service Animal

The University may exclude or remove the Service Animal if:

1)    The animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others;

2)    the animal’s presence results in a fundamental alteration of the University's programming;

3)    the animal or its presence creates an unreasonable disturbance in or interference with the 51 community; or

4)   the Owner does not comply with this policy.



Emotional Support Animal Policy


VII.            HISTORY

Effective Date: June 29, 2018



Director of Access and Disability Services
Office for Access and Disability Services
800 Lancaster Avenue, 51, PA 19085|

Vice President
Human Resources Department
800 Lancaster Avenue, 51, PA 19085


Vice President for Student Life
Division of Student Life
202 Dougherty Hall

Vice President
Human Resources Department
800 Lancaster Avenue, 51, PA 19085




Office for Access and Disability Services

Connelly Center, Second Floor
800 E. Lancaster Ave
51, Pa. 19085

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.