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Publications and Patents

For the most current list of Dr. Feng’s publications, please visit .


Journal Cover Page: “Elastoplastic inverse opals as power-free mechanochromic sensors for force recording” in Advanced Functional Materials, October 2015

Journal Cover Page: “” in Advanced Functional Materials, October 2015.

Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 30, Issue 23, December 14, 2015xx

Journal Cover Page: “” in Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 30, Issue 23, December 14, 2015.

Journal Papers:

Khare H., Lahouij I., Jackson A., Feng G., Chen Z., Cooper G., and Carpick R., , Applied Materials and Interfaces, October 18, 2018.

Xu, Y., Fleischer, A., and Feng, G., . Carbon, 2017.

Jung, J., Qaiser, N., Feng, G., Hwang, B., Kim, T., Han, S., . Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Issue 2, 2017.

Ramezania M., Demkowiczb M., Feng, G., Rutnera M., “,” Scripta Materialia, Vol. 139, October 2017, Pages 114-118

Yu L., Yan Z., Yang H., Chai X., Li B., Moeendarbari  S., Hao Y., Zang D., Feng G., Han P., Gilbert D., Liu K., Buchanan K., Cheng X., , IEEE Magnetics Letters, October 2016.

Yu, L., Yan, Z.Y., Yang, H.C., Chai, X.Z., Li, B.Q., Moeendarbari, S., Hao, Y.W., Zhang, D., Feng, G., Han, P., Gilbert, D. A., Liu, K.,Buchanan, K.S., Cheng, X.M., . Nanomagnetics, 2016, Volume PP, 1-4.

Maganosc, D., Feng, G., Yu, L., Cheng, X., and Gianola, D., . APL Materials, 2016, Volume 4, 086104.

Zhang, D., Zhang, L., Lee, D., Cheng, X., and Feng, G., Reinforcing nanocolloidal crystals by tuning interparticle bonding via atomic layer deposition. Acta Materialia, 2015, Volume 95, 216-223.

Zhang, D., Zhang, L., Lee, D., Cheng, X., and Feng, G., Suppressing unstable deformation of nanocolloidal crystals with atomic layer deposition. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2015, Volume 639, 514-518.

Zhang, D., Huang, Y.-R., Xu, Y., Lee, D., and Feng, G., Comparing sintering and atomic layer deposition as methods to mechanically reinforce nanocolloidal crystals. Journal of Materials Research, 2015, Volume 30, 3717-3727.

Huang, Y.-R., Jiang, Y., Hor, J. L., Gupta, R., Zhang, L., Stebe, K. J., Feng, G., Turner, K. T., and Lee, D., Polymer nanocomposite films with extremely high nanoparticle loadings via capillary rise infiltration (CARI). Nanoscale, 2015, Volume 7, 798-805.

Cho, Y., Lee, S. Y., Ellerthorpe, L., Feng, G., Lin, G. J., Wu, G. X., Yin, J., and Yang, S., . Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, Volume 25, 6041-6049.

Streller, F., Wabiszewski, G. E., Mangolini, F., Feng, G., and Carpick, R. W., . Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2014, Volume 1, 1300120.

Kelly, W., Scully, J., Zhang, D., Feng, G., Lavengood, M., Condon, J., Knighton, J., and Bhatia, R., . Biotechnology Progress, 2014, Volume 30, 1291-1300.

He, M.-R., Felfer, P. J., Dasgupta, S., Samudrala, S. K., Malone, P. J., Feng, G., Hemker, K. J., Cairney, J. M., and Gianola, D. S., Understanding the mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline Al–O thin films with complex microstructures. Acta Materialia, 2014, Volume 77, 269-283.

Brugarolas, T., Gianola, D. S., Zhang, L., Campbell, G. M., Bassani, J. L., Feng, G., and Lee, D., Tailoring and understanding the mechanical properties of nanoparticle-shelled bubbles. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, Volume 6, 11558-11572.

Zhang, L., Feng, G., Zeravcic, Z., Brugarolas, T., Liu, A. J., and Lee, D., Using shape anisotropy to toughen disordered nanoparticle assemblies. ACS Nano, 2013, Volume 7, 8043-8050.

Wendelin, J. W., Feng, G., and Nix, W. D., A laboratory experiment using nanoindentation to demonstrate the indentation size effect. Journal of Materials Education, 2013, Volume 35, 135-143.

Warzoha, R. J., Zhang, D., Feng, G., and Fleischer, A. S., Engineering interfaces in carbon nanostructured mats for the creation of energy efficient thermal interface materials. Carbon, 2013, Volume 61, 441-457.

Min Han, S., Feng, G., Young Jung, J., Joon Jung, H., Groves, J. R., Nix, W. D., and Cui, Y., Critical-temperature/Peierls-stress dependent size effects in body centered cubic nanopillars. Applied Physics Letters, 2013, Volume 102, 041910.

Zhang, L., Prosser, J. H., Feng, G., and Lee, D., Mechanical properties of atomic layer deposition-reinforced nanoparticle thin films. Nanoscale, 2012, Volume 4, 6543-6552.

Askari, D., and Feng, G., Finite element analysis of nanowire indentation on a flat substrate. Journal of Materials Research, 2012, Volume 27, 586-591.


Feng, G; Ngan. AHW, Patent: Method for Measuring Elastic Properties, (US 2003/0094034 A1, EP 1314970 A2).


Dr. Gang Feng

Gang Feng, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Tolentine Hall Rm 113A 
Mechanical Engineering 
800 Lancaster Avenue 
51, PA 19085
Email: gang.feng@villanova.edu 
Phone: (610) 519-6654