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Organization of the College

All academic programs of the College (undergraduate, graduate, continuing education) come under the auspices of the College, its Faculty and its Dean. The College is organized by program, rather than by academic departments, since specialization does not exist in nursing at the undergraduate level.

Each program is directed by a doctorally-prepared nurse faculty member who oversees the implementation of the curriculum and in many respects functions similarly to a department chair. These are appointed positions. Given the size and complexity of the undergraduate program, faculty provide additional advisement to registered nurses and other non-traditional undergraduate students who enter the program and who present with various backgrounds and experiences. A staff member, who is a nurse, works closely with the undergraduate Admissions Offices and has primary responsibility for recruitment and selection of applicants. The Assistant Dean for Administration is a faculty member who holds a staff position and provides the on-going operations interface between the College and administrative units of the University.

Faculty are assigned to courses based on program needs and their expertise. The need for faculty to meet criteria for promotion and tenure through scholarly work is considered in developing faculty assignments. This is especially important to understand, because nursing faculty, teaching undergraduates, spend 12 hours weekly in clinical teaching, irrespective of classroom teaching and other faculty responsibilities.

Of 47 full-time faculty, the majority (80%) hold earned doctorates. Non-tenure track faculty, one year appointees and part-time faculty are utilized as necessary.

The Associate Dean and Assistant Dean for Administration report directly to the Dean. The Assistant Deans and Directors of Programs report to the Associate Dean. Secretarial and laboratory staff report through their respective supervisors to the Office of the Dean and interface actively with the Assistant Dean for Administration.


Faculty and students of the Fitzpatrick College of Nursing are an integral part of the University life and are represented on all major committees of the University, including committees of the Board of Trustees. The Dean, a faculty member, and one nursing student serve on the University Senate.

Fitzpatrick College of Nursing Committees and Committee Chairs for 2016-2017:

Academic Standing and Records
Dr. Lesley Perry 

Admissions and Recruitment
Dr. Patricia Bradley

Research and Evaluation
Dr. Nancy Sharts-Hopko

Dr. Mary Ann Cantrell 

Learning Resources
Professor Marita Frain 

Public Relations
Mrs. Ann McKenzie 

Promotion and Tenure
Dr. Suzanne Smeltzer

Continuing Education Advisory
Dr. Evelyn Lengetti 

Scholarship and Awards
Dr. Elizabeth Dowdell 

Faculty Development
Dr. Linda Copel
Dr. Helene Moriarty 

College Facilities
Mrs. Maria Pavelsky 

Lectureship Series
Dr. Evelyn Lengetti 

Additional Information

In addition, administrative committees include International Studies (Dr. Barbara Ott) and other committees and task forces, as needed. The Strategic Planning Committee of the College is comprised of the administration and committee chairpersons.