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Augustinian Historical Institute

A Division of The Augustinian Institute at 51±¬ÁÏÍø.

Augustinian Historical Institute

The Augustinian Historical Institute of 51±¬ÁÏÍø serves as a resource center for the study of the history of the Augustinian Order. Besides maintaining an extensive collection of materials on the history of the Order, we publish scholarly books and articles on these topics along with some studies of St. Augustine.

The Institute is sponsored by 51±¬ÁÏÍø as a division of The Augustinian Institute. The Historical Institute also maintains connections with the International Institutum Historicum of the Order and various similar institutes within the Order.

We respond to questions on the Augustinian Order by supplying information or documentation. Please submit your questions by email.

Through the inspiration and labors of Arthur J. Ennis, O.S.A., the Institute was established at 51±¬ÁÏÍø in 1971 with a large part of the collection of the former Augustinian Historical Institute established earlier by Francis Roth, OSA at Riverdale, NY The Institute was officially opened on April 6, 1973.

The Directors of the Historical Institute have been:

  • Arthur J. Ennis, OSA (1971–1977)
  • Joseph C. Schnaubelt, OSA (1977–1995)
  • Karl A. Gersbach (1995–present)

The collection contains works relating to the Augustinian Order in the areas of history, theology, philosophy, biography, and spirituality. Included are:

  • 4400 books
  • 1200 bound periodicals
  • various pamphlets, pictures, clippings, microfilms
  • 250 manuscripts.

The Institute's catalog is incorporated in the  of . The Institute also possesses a card catalog for the collection.

The following exhibits have been coordinated through the Institute:

 - Pay a virtual visit to the exhibit in Falvey Library in honor of the 450th Anniversary of St. Thomas of 51±¬ÁÏÍø and the 700th Anniversary of St. Nicholas of Tolentine 2005.

 - Celebrating the 750th anniversary of the Grand Union of the Augustinian Order.

 - Commemorating 500 years of the complete works of Saint Augustine.

Series of Monographs

The Institute's publications include various collections:

History of the Augustinian Order

(Original editions published by the Institutum Historicum Ordinis Fratrum S. Augustini in Rome).

  • Vol. 1, Part 1. The Augustinians in the Middle Ages 1256-1356, by David Gutierrez, O.S.A., translated by Arthur J. Ennis, O.S.A. 51±¬ÁÏÍø: Augustinian Historical Institute, 51±¬ÁÏÍø, 1984.
  • Vol. 1, Part 2. The Augustinians in the Middle Ages 1357-1517, by David Gutierrez, O.S.A., translated by Thomas Martin, O.S.A. 51±¬ÁÏÍø: Augustinian Historical Institute, 51±¬ÁÏÍø, 1983.
  • Vol. 2. The Augustinians from the Protestant Reformation to the Peace of Westphalia 1518-1648, by David Gutierrez, O.S.A., translated by John J. Kelly, O.S.A. 51±¬ÁÏÍø: Augustinian Historical Institute, 51±¬ÁÏÍø, 1979.
  • Vol. 3. The Augustinians from 1649 to the French Revolution. In preparation.
  • Vol. 4. The Augustinians from the French Revolution to Modern Times, by John Gavigan, O.S.A. 51±¬ÁÏÍø: Augustinian Press, 1989.

Books in this series may be ordered from Augustinian Press, 214 Ashwood Road, P.O. Box 338, 51±¬ÁÏÍø, PA 19085. Phone: 610-527-3330. See also .

Cassiciacum Series

Cassiciacum: Studies in Saint Augustine and the Augustinian Order- American Series

  • Vol. 9. Adventure in Faith: The Story of the Chulucanas Prelature, by John J. Kelly, O.S.A. with Foreword by Bishop John C. McNabb, O.S.A. 51±¬ÁÏÍø: Augustinian Press, 1989.
  • Vol. 10. Augustinian Religious Professions in Sixteenth Century Mexico, by Arthur J. Ennis, O.S.A. 51±¬ÁÏÍø: Augustinian Historical Institute, 51±¬ÁÏÍø, 1986.
  • Vol. 11. Before All Else: The History of the Augustinians in the Western United States 1922-1985, by John R. Sanders, O.S.A. 51±¬ÁÏÍø: Augustinian Press, 1987.
  • Vol. 12. No Easy Road. The Early Years of the Augustinians in the United States, 1796-1874, by Arthur J. Ennis, O.S.A. New York, San Francisco, Bern, Baltimore, Frankfurt Main, Berlin, Wien, Paris: Peter Lang, 1993.
  • Vol. 13. A Presence in an Age of Turmoil: English, Irish, and Scottish Augustinians in the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, by Michael Benedict Hackett, O.S.A., 51±¬ÁÏÍø: Augustinian Historical Institute, 2001.

Books in this series may be ordered from the publishers. However, Vol 12 must be ordered from Peter Lang publishing company.

Collectanea Augustiniana Series

  • Vol. 1. Augustine: "Second Founder of the Faith," edited by Joseph C. Schnaubelt, O.S.A, and Frederick Van Fleteren. New York, Bern, Frankfurt am Main, Paris: Peter Lang, 1990.
  • Vol. 2. Augustine: Presbyter Factus Sum, edited by Jospeh T. Lienhard, S.J., Earl C. Muller, S.J., and Roland J. Teske, S.J. NewYork, San Francisco, Bern, Baltimore, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Wien, Paris: Peter Lang, 1993.
  • Vol. 3. Augustine: Mystic and Mystagogue, edited by Frederick Van Fleteren, Joseph C. Schnaubelt, O.S.A., and Joseph Reino. New York, Washington, D.C./Baltimore, San Francisco, Bern, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Vienna, Paris: Peter Lang, 1994.
  • Vol. 4. Augustine in Iconography: History and Legend, edited by Joseph C. Schnaubelt, O.S.A., and Frederick Van Fleteren. New York, Washington. D.C./Baltimore, Boston,Bern, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Vienna, Paris: Peter Lang, 1999.
  • Vol. 5. Augustine: Biblical Exegete, edited by Frederick Van Fleteren and Joseph C. Schnaubelt, O.S.A. New York, Washington, Baltimore: Peter Lang, 2001.
  • Vol. 6. Martin Heidegger's Interpretations of Saint Augustine: Sein und Zeit und Ewigkeit. edited by Frederick Van Fleteren. Lewiston, Queenston, Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 2005

Books in this series must be ordered from Peter Lang publishing company.

Anselm Studies

  • Vol. 2. Proceedings of the Fifth International Saint Anselm Conference: St. Anselm and St. Augustine Episcopi ad Saecula, edited by Joseph C. Schnaubelt, O.S.A., Thomas A.Losoncy, Frederick Van Fleteren, and Jill A. Frederick. White Plains, NY: Kraus International Publications, 1988.
  • Vol. 3. Twenty-Five Years (1969-1994) of Anselm Studies: Review and Critique of Recent Scholarly Views, edited by Frederick Van Fleteren and Joseph C. Schnaubelt,O.S.A. Lewiston, Queenston, Lampter: Edwin Mellen Press, 1996.
  • Vol. 4. Saint Anselm — A Thinker for Yesterday and Today: Anselm's Thought Viewed by Our Contemporaries: Proceedings of the International Anselm Conference, Centre National de Recherche Scientifique Paris, edited by Coloman Viola and Frederick Van Fleteren. Lewiston, N.Y., the Edwin Mellen Press, 2002.

Books in this series may be ordered from the publishers.

Other Studies

  • Columbus and the New World, American University Series, IX History, vol. 185, edited by Joseph C. Schnaubelt, O.S.A., and Frederick Van Fleteren. New York, Washington.D.C./Baltimore, Boston, Bern, Frankfurt Main, Berlin, Vienna, Paris: Peter Lang,1998.
  • Cambria County Catholicity: The Patrimony of Prince Gallitzin, edited by Joseph C. Schnaubelt, O.S.A., Frederick Van Fleteren, Joseph Reino and Karl Parrish. Philadelphia: American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, 1999.
  • A Companion to the Confessions of St. Augustine, by John M. Quinn, O.S.A. New York: Peter Lang, 2002.

Books listed here must be ordered from the publisher.

International Links

Provinces of the Augustinian Order

Try singing this to the familiar tune!

Cum descendunt umbrae noctis
super campum viridem,
Cum nox purpurata lente
venit desuper,
Nos alumni 51±¬ÁÏÍøe
paean canimus
Tibi, cara Alma Mater,

51±¬ÁÏÍø, 51±¬ÁÏÍø,
egressuri moenibus
Relinquemus resonantem
in te canticum.
Relinquemus resonantem
nocte canticum,
Caeruli dum recordamur
atque candidi.

Ludo ultimo perfecto,
iam citatis omnibus,
Paedagogo senescente
demum tacito,
Veniemus, Alma Mater,
nostris somniis,
Implorantes 51±¬ÁÏÍøe
dulcem Dominum.

Rev. Karl Gersbach, O.S.A.
© 2000

  • - Information for this conference sponsored by the Augustinian Institute. 

Author Index of the Proceedings of the PRM Conference

Volumes 1-20 (1976-1996)

Abraham, Lenore. "Bede's Life of Cuthbert: A Reassessment." 1 (1976), 23-32.
———. "The Devil, the Yew Bow, and the Saxon Archer." 16-17 (1992-93), 1-12.

Alkaaoud, Elizabeth. "Caro, Caritas, and the Role of Samaritan in Piers Plowman." 7 (1982), 39-45.

Asals, Heather. "Davids Successors: Forms of Joy in Art." 2 (1977), 31-38.

Bäck, Allan. "Ibn Sina on the Individuation of Perceptible Substances." 14 (1989), 23-42.

Bakelaar, Bette Lou. "An Episode in the Roman de Meliadus." 1 (1976), 73-79.

Bampton, Alice. "Cardinal Ippolito II d'Este as a Patron of Art." 18 (1993-94), 147-62.

Barker, Lynn K. "Epistola 63 and the Canonical Reform Movement: Keys to Understanding the Typological Exegesis of Ivo of Chartres." 9 (1984), 51-58.

Bartlett, Kenneth R. "English Students at Padua 1521-1588." 4 (1979), 89-106.

Beer, Jeanette. "The Clerc-Lai Opposition in Language—A Stage in the Education of French." 1 (1976), 59-65.

Bell, Dean Phillip. "Anti-Judaism and Anticlericalism in Late Medieval Augsburg." 19-20 (1994-96), 117-24.

Berlin, Gail Ivy. "Grendel's Advance on Heorot: The Functions of Anticipation." 11 (1986), 19-26.

Bilaniuk, Petro. "A Theological Analysis of The Letter of Misael, the Metropolitan-elect of Kiev, to Pope Sixtus IV (on Its 500th Anniversary: 1476-1976)." 1 (1976), 123-36.
———. "Nicholas of Cusa and the Council of Florence." 2 (1977), 59-76.

Black, Deborah L. "The Influence of the De divinis nominibus on the Epistemology of St. Thomas Aquinas." 10 (1985), 41-52.

Bönker-Vallon, Angelika. "The Mathematics of Natural Philosophy in Giordano Bruno's Latin Work: An Example of Early Modern Thought." 19-20 (1994-96), 125-32.

Bourke, Vernon J. "A Millenium of Christian Platonism: Augustine, Anselm and Ficino." 10 (1985), 1-22.

Boyle, John F. "Is the Tertia Pars of the Summa Theologiae Misplaced?" 18 (1993-94), 103-109.

Boyle, Leonard E. "Thomas Aquinas and the Duchess of Brabant." 8 (1983), 25-35.

Brady, Jennifer. "Pre-Texts to Ben Jonson's Sejanus." 16-17 (1992-93), 13-21.

Bragg, Lois. "Color Words in Beowulf." 7 (1982), 47-56.

Brams, Jozef. "The Critical Editing of the Latin Aristotle: The Case of the Physics." 15 (1990), 19-33.

Broeniman, Clifford S. "The Confessiones of St. Augustine and Virgil's Aeneas: a Study in Narrative Design." 16-17 (1992-93), 23-38.

Brown, Montague. "Anselm's Argument for the Necessity of the Incarnation." 16-17 (1992-93), 39-52.

Bruce, Alexander M. "The Questing Beast in Malory's Morte Darthur." 19-20 (1994-96), 133-42.

Brumfield, William Craft. "Structure and Iconography in the Medieval Churches of Vladimir Principality." 19-20 (1994-96), 69-100.

Burrows, Mark S. "Another Look at the Sources of De consolatione philosophiae: Boethius' Echo of Augustine's Doctrine of 'Providentia.'" 11 (1986), 27-41.

Cahill, Michael, CSSp. "The Identification of an Interpolated Homily in an Early Commentary on Mark." 15 (1990), 35-42.

Carman, Charles H. "Leonardo's Paragone and Renaissance Poetics." 18 (1993-94), 133-45.

Carpenter, Dwayne E. "Christian Attitudes toward the Jewish Sabbath in the Light of Medieval Spanish Legal Texts." 4 (1979), 51-62.

Cavadini, John C. "Claudius of Turin and the Augustinian Tradition." 11 (1986), 43-50.

Chazelle, Celia M. "To Whom Did Christ Pay the Price? The Soteriology of Alcuin's Epistola 307." 14 (1989), 43-62.
———. "Images, Scripture, the Church, and the Libri Carolini." 16-17 (1992-93), 53-76.

Chiappelli, Carolyn. "Fals Apparences: Satan and Chaucer's House of Fame." 4 (1979), 107-114.

Cizewski, Wanda. "‘In saeculo quondam cara, nunc in Christo carissima'—Heloise and Spiritual Formation at the Convent of the Paraclete." 9 (1984), 69-75.
———. "Tribuli et Spini: Some Twelfth-Century Interpretations of the Problem of Physical Evil." 14 (1989), 63-74.
———. "Peter Abelard and the Problem of Revelation." 15 (1990), 43-55.

Clark, Elizabeth A. "Perilous Readings: Jerome, Asceticism, and Heresy." 19-20 (1994-96), 15-33.

Clark, John R. "The Traditional Figure of Dina and Abelard's First Planctus." 7 (1982), 117-28.

Clark, Susan L. "Said and Unsaid, Male and Female: Leaving, Left, and Left Out in Heinrich von Veldeke's Eneide." 11 (1986), 51-70.

Clark-Evans, Christine. "On the Comunion of Women: Reading and Writing in the Poetry of Pernette Du Guillet and Louise Labé." 12-13 (1987-88), 67-80.

Classen, Albrecht. "Royal Women in Middle High German Romances." 12-13 (1987-88), 81-100.

Colish, Marcia L. "'...Quae hodie locum non habent': Scholastic Theologians Reflect on Their Authoritites." 15 (1990), 1-17.

Colledge, Edmund, OSA,. "Lay Piety as a Force in Late Mediaeval Spirituality." 1 (1976), 1-21.

Colón, David M. "Martin Luther, the Devil and the Teufelchen: Attitudes Toward Mentally Retarded Children in Sixteenth-Century Germany." 14 (1989), 75-84.

Colvert, Gavin T. "Aquinas and Davidson on Making Bad Choices." 18 (1993-94), 67-101.

Cook, William R. and Accorso, Samuel D. "The Image of the Good Shepherd in pre-Reformation Christianity." 1 (1976), 93-104.

Cormier, Raymond. "From Urbs to Herbs: Illustrations of Amazing Marvels in the Twelfth-Century Scientific Awakening as Found in a Vernacular Adaptation of Virgil's Aeneid." 16-17 (1992-93), 77-89.

Corrigan, Kevin. "Conflict and Consistency in the Theories of Matter in Plotinus and Ibn Gabirol." 12-13 (1987-88), 101-12.

Davis, Scott. "The Unity of the Virtues in Abelard's Dialogues." 11 (1986), 71-82.

De Asúa, Miguel. "Albert the Great and the Controversia inter Medicos et Philosophos." 19-20 (1994-96), 143-56.

Dobbs-Weinstein, Idit. "The Nature of Biblical Language in Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed: Parabolic Contradictions and Negative Attributions." 12-13 (1987-88), 113-27.

Delp, Mark Damien. "Alcuin: Master and Practitioner of Dialectic." 16-17 (1992-93), 91-103.

Deyermond, Alan. "Structure and Style as Instruments of Propaganda in Juan de Mena's Laberinto de Fortuna." 5 (1980), 159-67.

Donawerth, Jane. "Holofernes, the English Spelling Controversy, and the Renaissance Philosophy of Language." 8 (1983), 79-88.

Donnelly, Dorothy F. "Temporal and Cosmic Order: The Making of a New Vision in Thomas More's Utopia." 9 (1984), 103-16.
———. "An Obscure Seventeenth-Century Tribute to Augustine." 12-13 (1987-88), 129-35.

Dow, Helen J. "The Apse Mosaic of S. Appollinare in Classe." 4 (1979), 35-40.

Eastman, John R. "De Renunciatione Papae: Giles of Rome and His Fidelity to Sources in the Context of Ecclesiological Political Thought." 15 (1990), 57-70.

Eby, Charles T. "Nicholas of Cusa and Medieval Cosmology: An Historical Reassessment." 11 (1986), 83-90.

Echard, Gwenda. "Aspects of Christian Humanism in French Renaissance Prefaces to the Classics." 4 (1979), 41-50.
———. "The String Untuned—Anti-Reformation Aspects of Guillaume Budés De transitu." 11 (1986), 91-99.

Edwards, Burton Van Name. "The Commentary on Genesis Attributed to Walahfrid Strabo: A Preliminary Report from the Manuscripts." 15 (1990), 71-89.

Edwards, Sandra. "Aquinas on Unity and Identity." 3 (1978), 41-50.

Elias, Lorraine. "Augustinian Elements in the Record of Galbert of Bruges." 18 (1993-94), 35-48.

Elliott, Alison Goddard. "The Martyr as Epic Hero: Prudentius' Peristephanon and the Old French Chanson de Geste." 3 (1978), 119-35.

Evans, Barbara. "‘Me prolubiis risum tegit regia vestis': Symbolic Inversion and Tropes of Portraits of Little People in the Late Cinquecento." 14 (1989), 85-98.

Farrell, Anthony J. "Original and Borrowed Words: The Works of Pedro Hurtado de la Vera." 9 (1984), 89-94.

Faughnan, Mary Ellen. "Morality in the Romance of the Rose: The Misunderstood Figure of Nature." 4 (1979), 137-41.

Fifield, Merle. "Marieken van Nijmegan and Its Chapbook Version: A Study in Contrastive Narrative Techniques." 4 (1979), 127-36.

Flansburg, Margaret. "Beato Agostino Novello: A Trecento Saint Restored." 10 (1985), 53-64.

Forhan, Kate Langdon. "A Twelfth-Century ‘Bureaucrat' and the Life of the Mind: The Political Thought of John of Salisbury." 10 (1985), 65-74.

Frederick, Jill. "‘His ansyne waes swylce rosan blostma': A Reading of the Old English Life of St. Christopher." 12-13 (1987-88) 137-48.

Frend, William H. C. "The Exploration of Christian Nubia: Retrospect and Prospects." 6 (1981), 51-74.

Furr, Grover C., III. "France vs. Italy: French Literary Nationalism in 'Petrarch's Last Controversy' and a Humanist Dispute of ca. 1395." 4 (1979), 115-25.

Gaskill, Thomas E. "Was Leibniz an Avicennian? Leibniz and Avicenna on the Principle of Sufficient Reason." 16-17 (1992-93), 105-13.

Geanakoplos, Deno J. "A Reevaluation of the Influences of Byzantine Scholars on the Development of the Studia Humanitatis, Metaphysics, Patristics, and Science in the Italian Renaissance (1361-c.1521)." 3 (1978), 1-25.

George, Marie. "St. Albert the Great on the Role of Poesis in Liberal Education." 15 (1990), 91-101.

Gerke, Robert S. "Fortitude and Sloth in the Wife of Bath's Tale and the Clerk's Tale." 5 (1980), 119-35.

Gertzman, Jay A. "Literature of Courtesy and the Cavalier Persona." 3 (1978), 105-18.

Gnerro, Mark L. "Marian Typology and Milton's Heavenly Muse." 2 (1977), 39-48.

Grant, Marshal S. "The Question of Integrity in the First Continuation of Chrétien de Troyes' Conte du Graal." 11 (1986), 101-25.

Green, Paul D. "The Treatment of Suicide in the Later Books of The Faerie Queene." 2 (1977), 77-85.

Griffith, Sidney H. "Comparative Religion in the Apologetics of the First Christian Arabic Theologians." 4 (1979), 63-87.

Grimes, Donald J. "Petrine Primacy: Perspectives of Two Insular Commentators (A.D. 600-800)." 12-13 (1987-88), 149-58.

Gross, Charlotte. "William of Conches: A Curious Grammatical Argument Against the Eternity of the World." 11 (1986), 127-33.

Hackett, Jeremiah. "The Use of a Text Quotation from Meister Eckhart by Jordan of Quedlinburg (Saxony), O.S.A." 2 (1977), 97-102.

Hackett, Michael B., OSA. "Catherine of Siena and William of England." 5 (1980), 29-47.
———. "The Augustinian Situation in Ireland at the Outset of the American Mission in the 1790's." 19-20 (1994-96), 1-14.

Hala, James. "‘For She is Tikel of Hire Tale': Word-Play in the Lady Mede Episode of Piers Plowman B." 14 (1989), 99-126.

Hale, David G. "'The Glose Was Gloriously Written': The Textuality of Langland's Good Samaritan." 14 (1989), 127-34.

Hamilton, Gertrude. "Ficino's Concept of Nature and the Philosophy of Light." 7 (1982), 67-74.

Hammerling, Roy. "The Pater Noster in Its Patristic and Medieval Context: The Baptismal-Catechetic Interpretation of the Lord's Prayer." 18 (1993-94), 1-24.

Hanson, Craig L. "Religious Minorities in Palaeologan Constantinople: Patriarch Athanasius I and the Jewish Community in the Reign of Andronicus II." 14 (1989), 135-46.

Hanus, Jerome J. "Virture in the Utopias of Thomas More and Charles Fourier." 16-17 (1992-93), 115-26.

Haskin, Dayton. "Matthew, Mary, Luke and John: The Mother of the Word in Milton's Poetry." 10 (1985), 75-86.

Hatlen, Burton. "A World without Absolutes: Dialectic in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar." 3 (1978), 167-82.

Heffner, Blake R. "'God Must Give Godself': A Theological A Priori in Rhineland Mysticism." 12-13 (1987-88), 159-66.
———. "Hadewijch and a Mystical Trajectory of Augustinianism." 16-17 (1992-93), 127-38.

Hill, Melissa. "'A Conversation of Souls': Community and Subjectivity in Margaret Cavendish's Sociable Letters." 16-17 (1992-93), 139-47.

Houghton, John William. "(Re)Sounding Brass: Alcuin's New Castings in the Questions and Answers on Genesis." 16-17 (1992-93), 149-61.

Houser, R. E. "The Place of the First Principle of Demonstration in Avicennian Metaphysics." 6 (1981), 117-34.

Huelsbergen, Helmut E. "Laus Asini: On the Revaluation of an Image in Sixteenth-Century German Literature." 3 (1978), 95-104.

Huseman, William H. "The Zelus domus domini Motif, the Sacred Space of Orthodoxy, and the Phantasmagoria of Heresy: Issues of Centrality and Marginality in the Effort to Define Heresy." 16-17 (1992-93), 163-203.

Jaster, Margaret Rose. "Of Bonnets and Breeches: Sumptuary Codes in Elizabethan Popular Literature." 16-17 (1992-93), 205-11.

Kantra, Robert T. "Jerome and Erasmus in Renaissance Art." 1 (1976), 105-10.

Kaufman, Peter Iver. "Colet, Erasmus, and the Practical Spirituality of the Catholic Reformation." 2 (1977), 19-30.

Keita, Maghan. "Scholarship as a Global Commodity: African Intellectual Communities in the Medieval and Renaissance Periods." 14 (1989), 147-71.

Kem, Judy. "Jean Lemaire de Belges' Illustrations de Gaule et Singularitez de Troye: Revising Medieval Versions of the Trojan Legend." 14 (1989), 173-81.

Keresztes, Paul. "Constantine's Christianity and Patristic Literature." 5 (1980), 49-57.

Kienzle, Beverly M. "The House of the Lord: Hélinand on Superfluous Monastic Construction." 11 (1986), 135-41.

King, James T. "The First Controversy over the Possibility of a Christian Philosophy (A Survey of the Opposing Views of Justin and Tatian)." 1 (1976), 81-92.

Koterski, Joseph W. "The Epistemology of St. Bernard of Clairvaux: Humility and Freedom for Truth." 8 (1983), 47-52.

Krieg, Martha Fessler. "Color Terms in Mediaeval French." 3 (1978), 51-58.

Kries, Douglas. "The Virtue of Religion in the Political Thought of Thomas Aquinas." 15 (1990), 103-15.

Kristeller, Paul Oskar. "The Curriculum of the Italian Universities from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance." 9 (1984), 1-16 .

Lavere, George J. "Camus' Plague and Saint Augustine's Civitas Terrena." 10 (1985), 87-98.

Leichner, Laurel. "Das StraBburger Heldenbuch in Historical, Cultural, and Literary Context." 12-13 (1987-88), 167-78.

Levenson, Jill L. "Romeo and Juliet: Tragical-Comical-Lyrical History." 12-13 (1987-88), 31-46.

Lloyd-Jones, Kenneth. "Some Variants of the Fortuna Topos in French Poetry of the Early Renaissance." 1 (1976), 111-22.

Lo Bello, Anthony. "The Commentary of Albert on Euclid's Elements of Geometry." 14 (1989), 183-201.

Long, R. James. "The Question 'Whether the Church Could Better Be Ruled by a Good Canonist than by a Theologian' and the Origins of Ecclesiology." 10 (1985), 99-112.

Luscombe, David E. "Masters and Their Books in the Schools of the Twelfth Century." 9 (1984) 17-33.

Manville, Brook. "Aldus Manutius and Civic Humanism: The Editio Princeps Demosthenis in its Historical Context." 3 (1978), 27-39.

Marc'hadour, Abbé Germain. "Tres Thomae." 10 (1985), 23-40.

Markus, R. A. "De Civitate Dei: Pride and the Common Good." 12-13 (1987-88), 1-16.

Martin, Lawrence T. "The Influence of Arator in Anglo-Saxon England." 7 (1982), 75-81.

Marzec, Marcia Smith. "The Man of Law's Tale as Christian Comedy; or, The Best-Laid Schemes. . . ." 12-13 (1987-88), 197-208.

McDiarmid, John F. "Sir John Cheke's Protestant Ciceronianism and Its Background." 10 (1985), 113-25.

McEnerney, John I. "Alcuin, Carmina: 57." 4 (1979), 25-34.
———. "Alcuini Carmen 32." 9 (1984), 43-49.
———. "The Swallow of Utrecht: Radbod, Carmen 6." 7 (1982), 109-16.

McGowan, Joseph. "The Old English Apollonius of Tyre and the Latin Recensions." 12-13 (1987-88), 179-95.

McTighe, Thomas P. "Boethius on Universals: A Reconsideration." 2 (1977), 113-21.
———. "Thierry of Chartres and Nicholas of Cusa's Epistemology." 5 (1980), 169-75.

Mitchell, Susan. "Deception and Self-deception in the 'Franklin's Tale.'" 1 (1976), 67-72.

Mongeau, Rene Guy B. "Li Chevaliers: Jean de Meun's Translation of Epitoma rei militaris." 6 (1981), 89-99.

Moritz, Theresa. "William of Saint Thierry's Definition of Man as the Image of God." 2 (1977), 103-12.

Morrissey, Thomas E. "Cardinal Zabarella on Papal and Episcopal Authority." 1 (1976), 39-52.

Mulrooney, Sean. "Boethius on Place." 15 (1990), 117-126.

Murnion, William E. "Aquinas's Theory of the Mind in the Commentary on the Sentences." 19-20 (1994-96), 157-75.

Murphy, Francis X. "Chaucer's Patristic Knowledge." 1 (1976), 53-57.

Murray, Shannon. "Postlapsarian Types and Prelapsarian Parallels: Strategies for Reading and Rereading Paradise Lost." 16-17 (1992-93), 213-222

Muth, Marcia Finley. "Patterns for Prince and People in Elizabethan Royal Panegyric." 3 (1978), 137-42.

Newell, John. "Twelfth-Century Theories of Knowledge, New Directions at the School of Chartres." 6 (1981), 161-73.

Ocker, Christopher. "Scholastic Traditions and their Cultural Contexts in the Later Fourteenth Century: An Augustinian Friar at Oxford, Erfurt, Magdeburg, and Prague." 12-13 (1987-88), 209-20.

O'Keeffe, Katherine O'B. "Exeter Riddle 40: The Art of an Old English Translator." 5 (1980), 107-18.

Olsen, Glenn W. "Early Christian Nubia: Progress and Prospects of Research." 6 (1981), 75-77.

Otte, James K. "Alfredus Anglicus and the Reception of Aristotle." 15 (1990), 127-39.

Otten, Willemien. "Autobiography and the Dialect of the Self in Peter Abelard." 19-20 (1994-96), 177-87.

Ousterhout, Robert. "Building Medieval Constantinople." 19-20 (1994-96), 35-67.

Owens, Joseph. "The Notion of Actuality in Aquinas." 4 (1979), 13-23.

Pelikan, Jaroslav. "Canonica Regula: The Trinitarian Hermeneutics of Augustine. 12-13 (1987-88), 17-29.

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