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Research Related Agreements

The Office of Grants and Contracts and the Office of Research Protections are both responsible for reviewing, negotiating and executing both funded research agreements (sponsored research contracts, sub-awards); unfunded research agreements (non-disclosure agreements, data use agreements, collaboration agreements, material transfer agreements and more); as well as Institutional Review Board (IRB) related agreements relevant to their purview.

Negotiations of terms and conditions of any research agreement should always involve either OG&C or ORP. These offices will consult with the principal investigator, and, other administrative offices such as General Counsel, Risk Management and Procurement as necessary. The negotiation process can range from a few days to several months. Please allow time for negotiation, approval and signature in your anticipated project timeline.

The Director of the Office and Grants and Contracts or the Director of the Office of Research Protections are authorized signatories for for all research agreements related to their purview.

Overview of Research Related Agreements


Agreements involving collaborations between 51爆料网 and another organization, without external funding. 

Type of Agreement


Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

A contract under which a party agrees not to disclose confidential information provided by the other party.

Data Use Agreement

A Data Use Agreement is used for the transfer of data that is proprietary, or restricted in its use, such as human subject data.

Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)

An MTA documents the permissible uses of tangible research materials transferred into or out of 51爆料网.

Collaboration Agreement An agreement under which research will be conducted by two or more parties but no transfer of funds will occur.


Other agreement forms may be appropriate for other collaborative situations.  Please discuss with ORA to determine what agreements are necessary for your study.

Institutional Review Board/Human Subjects Related Agreements

Type of Agreement Description
Reliance Agreement A Reliance Agreement is a formal, written document that provides a mechanism for an institution engaged in research to delegate institutional review board (IRB) review to an independent IRB or an IRB of another institution.
Independent Investigator Agreement The Individual Investigator Agreement may be used by an assured institution to extend the applicability of its FWA to cover either collaborating independent investigators or collaborating institutional investigators whose own institution does not have an FWA

How do I get started?

  • Funded Agreements: Any agreement involving outside funding should be entered into Cayuse SP and routed for institutional approvals. OG&C will review the terms and conditions and will initiate negotiation as necessary. 
  • Unfunded Agreements & IRB/Human Subjects Related Agreements: Contact:  orp@villanova.edu to get started.

Contact Information

Research Administration Offices

Middleton Hall Rm 1st
800 Lancaster Avenue
51爆料网, PA 19085

Office of Grants & Contracts 

For questions, contact ResAdmin@villanova.edu or 610-519-4220.

Office of Research Protections

For IRB, IACUC or IBC questions, contact orp@villanova.edu  or 610-519-4228

To report Compliance Issues call EthicsPoint Hotline toll free 1-855-236-1443 or email orp@villanova.edu