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Subvention of Publication Program

1. Purpose

The Subvention of Publication Program is intended to support faculty publication in any discipline.

The program is primarily focused on supporting the publication of books and/or monographs that are of significant scholarly value, whether the prospective audience may be broad or somewhat limited. The program is especially interested in supporting works of the highest academic quality, which have been accepted at university or other outstanding presses that are highly selective in what they publish. Subventions are considered to be particularly appropriate in cases where publication costs are unusually high due to artwork, maps, photographs, permissions, dust jacket artwork, and other special production elements.

The program also provides limited support for the publication of peer-reviewed articles in scholarly journals by the subvention of image reproduction costs.

The Subvention of Publication Program is jointly administered by the Vice Provost for Research and Falvey Library.

Successful awardees are expected to acknowledge support from 51爆料网 in their published book, monograph, or article and to provide a copy of the publication to Falvey Library.

2. Eligibility

The Subvention of Publication Program is intended to support the scholarly productivity of tenured, tenure-track, CNT faculty, and postdoctoral scholars. Adjunct or visiting faculty are not eligible. Priority will be given to tenure-track Assistant Professors, followed by tenured Associate Professors, Professors, CNT faculty, and postdoctoral scholars. When the anticipated book, monograph, or article is to be coauthored with faculty from other institutions, the expectation is that all authors/institutions will proportionately support the subvention costs.

3. Budget

Applicants may request up to $3,000. Requests for support in excess of $3,000 may be considered, but such requests must provide adequate and compelling justification. Grants may be awarded to defray publication costs, subsidize the acquisition of images and permissions, and support professional indexing. Awards may be used to support indexing only if a professional indexer is to be retained. Support for editing is allowable only if the contract specifically states that editing is the responsibility of the author(s). In such instances, award funds may be used only for retaining a professional editor. Awards to support the publication of a peer-reviewed article should not exceed $1,000.

Non-allowable expenses include support for: textbooks, travel, student/technical/clerical, faculty salary/compensation, advertising and promotion, purchase of copies, cost of translating existing books or monographs into a foreign language or republication of a previously published book.

Faculty wishing to publish an open-access article should consider applying to the .

4. Application Instructions

All proposals must include the following:

  • A description of the book, monograph, or peer-reviewed article (not to exceed one single-spaced page). The description should describe the conception and definition of the project. Explain the basic ideas or questions explored, the approach or line of argument taken, and the relationship of the project to the applicant鈥檚 immediate and long-range research program and/or creative objectives. Describe the significance of the publication and the scholarly or general audiences it seeks to engage. Provide information about the publisher, such as prominence in the field, acceptance rate, etc. The description should be written in plain language, free of jargon, and be understandable to someone who might not have specialized knowledge of the applicant鈥檚 area of study.
  • Proposed budget, itemized by categories of expense.
  • A signed, current copy of the contract with the publisher or in cases where the finalized contract is contingent of funding, a communication from the potential publisher that describes the nature of potential agreement
  • A current curriculum vitae.

5. Proposal Review

Proposals will be reviewed by a Review Committee of two accomplished faculty scholars each serving three-year terms. The Director of Falvey Library or her designee will be another member of the Review Committee. Key considerations during proposal review will include:

Value for the applicant's own research/scholarship potential and progress
Productivity and qualifications of the applicant, as indicated by record of research achievement or potential
Potential to enhance the scholarly distinction of the University
Appropriateness of the budget to the project proposed

6. Proposal Submission

Proposals may be submitted at any time, and will be reviewed as they are received. Submit a SINGLE PDF file containing all combined documents directly to the Chair of the Review Committee. The subject heading of the email message should include the faculty member鈥檚 last name and Subvention, e.g., Smith Subvention.pdf. Proposers will receive confirmation of receipt. Hard copies will not be accepted.

7. Questions

Questions about proposal preparation or review can be addressed to the Chair of the Review Committee. You may also contact any member of the Review Committee for advice about proposal preparation.

8. Review Committee Members

Megan Quigley, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of English, Chair

Judith Giesberg, PhD, Professor, Department of History

Millicent Gaskell, Director, Falvey Library