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Course and Class Regulations

  1. All courses are to be taught in accordance with guidelines established by the department and/or the dean of the college, as college policy may determine.
  2. All class periods are to begin and close at the appointed time to permit students to be prompt in attendance.
  3. If it is necessary for a faculty member to miss a class (for emergencies, religious holiday, illness, and University-related obligations such as professional conferences, external lectures, etc.), s/he must as soon as possible inform the department chair and, if possible, make other arrangements for the class. Faculty members should, if possible, notify the students of canceled classes by e-mail or voice mail, and they should make every effort to limit missed classes to a reasonable number.  
  4. If a faculty member is more than ten minutes late for class without a notice, the students may rightfully assume that the faculty member will be absent; students who leave may not be marked absent for that class, should it be conducted.
  5. No student is to be admitted to any class who is not on the official class list. Faculty members need to be attentive to the class lists and report discrepancies to their chairs and/or the Registrar.
  6. The instructor is required, however, to take record and report attendance for all classes as directed by the Registrar. (See Policy on Class Attendance.)


Office of the Provost

Tolentine Hall, Room 103
800 Lancaster Avenue
51爆料网, PA 19085
Phone: 610.519.4520
Fax: 610.519.6200

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