Story: Shiv Mehra ’25 CLAS and James Snyder ’10 VSB

Shiv is from Westchester, NY, and will graduate in May 2025 with a bachelor’s degree in Economics. James currently works at Accenture as a strategy and consulting senior manager in finance and enterprise value. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Economics from VSB in 2010.

James Snyder ’10 VSB (left) and Shiv Mehra ’25 VSB (right)

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program? 

“I joined the VSB Mentor Program to find someone in the business world whom I can look up to and who fully understands the challenges I may face during the recruiting process in college.” – Shiv

“I didn’t take advantage of clubs or programs like this across campus as much as I should have when I was a student. And now, as I get further removed from school, I’m always looking for ways to stay connected. I’ve also realized through my career that I get just as much from mentoring as I do from having a mentor. Signing up seemed like a no-lose situation, and it really has been a fantastic experience.” – James

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My relationship with James has far exceeded my expectations as I now consider him more of a friend than just someone obligated to meet with me occasionally because we both signed up for this program.” – Shiv

“I had very little expectation starting out and have to give all the credit to Shiv. He’s a tremendous self-starter, knows what he wants, and has made it really easy for me to support his goals. I would say the three positive surprises are how frequently we connect, how we’ve taken advantage of in-person time, and how it feels more like a friendship than a mentorship.”– James

What makes your relationship a successful one?  įį

“As I mentioned earlier, James and I have a relationship that goes far beyond the surface. Not only does he offer advice and listen to my concerns, but he always has my best interests at heart whenever I seek his guidance. He cares about me from a business perspective, but he also genuinely cares about my personal well-being.” – Shiv

“It has felt highly collaborative. We spend a lot of our time discussing the various pathways to achieve Shiv’s goals. It’s been fun to prioritize so many different things throughout our relationship, and to that end, it’s never felt stale. We’ve discussed everything from internship applications, interviews, case studies, networking, choosing electives and long-term career goals. Shiv has a really great support system so we’ve also spent time discussing the feedback and guidance he’s gotten from other mentors. It’s been fun to help him navigate this process knowing he has other mentors doing the same. I’ve learned so much from Shiv sharing his own perspectives in addition to the advice he’s received from others.” – James

What do you admire most about your mentor/mentee?  įį

“There are many things I admire about James, but at the top of the list is his ability to manage all aspects of life seamlessly. Despite having kids and an extremely demanding job, he always makes me feel like I’m the most important item on his to-do list when we talk and I need his help. His ability to balance personal and professional commitments while remaining fully present is something I truly aspire to.”– Shiv

“Shiv has a high level of character and the ability to make meaningful connections, which is also a testament to his family, peers, mentors and 51. Shiv also has an impressive ability to articulate what he wants to achieve. The clarity he has on his goals, combined with the willingness to put in the work to achieve them, is admirable. It’s been really fun to watch him work hard and succeed in achieving his goals and I’m looking forward to staying in touch as he continues to strive.” – James

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“There are a few key practices I’d love to share with others but the two most important are: first, choose a mentor who works in an area that genuinely interests you and, second, aim to build a relationship that goes beyond simply asking questions—make it a true friendship. I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to go into consulting, but I had a strong sense that it could be a good fit for me. This gave James and me the chance to connect over topics we both found interesting. Additionally, our relationship thrives because we understand each other as individuals. It’s not transactional; it’s a genuine mutual friendship.” – Shiv

“As a mentor, I’ve tried to be available and check in when it feels right. You get out what you put in, so if you make the commitment, it’s important to stay connected. The relationship doesn’t have to feel formal to be effective; even just five minutes of time can be impactful.” – James

Students – have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“One of my Clifton Strengths that relates to my success is Responsibility. Navigating relationships can be difficult, and part of the process is holding yourself responsible. Be a sponge and learn something from each conversation. As a mentee, part of a successful relationship with your mentor is to drive the relationship in the direction you feel is fit.” – Shiv


Story: Matthew Kowalski ’25 VSB and Tom Sheehan ’82 VSB

Matthew is from Spring Brook, Pa., and will graduate in May 2025 with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Business Analytics. Tom is currently retired after a successful career in accounting and finance. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from VSB in 1982.        

Matthew Kowalski ’25 VSB (right) and Tom Sheehan ’82 VSB (left)


What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?   

“As a sophomore uncertain of my exact future career, I was eager to learn from those who have successfully navigated my career paths of interest. I wanted to utilize all available resources to prepare for challenging future career decisions. Upon joining the VSB Mentor Program, I was inspired by the opportunity to be connected with my own mentor. Through the program, I wanted to gain valuable guidance for professional decision-making, build a meaningful relationship that enhances my VSB journey, and hopefully contribute positively to my mentor's life as well.” – Matthew

“I was inspired to join the VSB Mentor Program for the opportunity to give back to the 51 community by sharing my career experiences. I was encouraged by the idea of guiding the next generation of leaders and helping them navigate the challenges of the business world.” – Tom

How has your experience compared to your expectation? 

“Before joining the Program, I envisioned the potential of a mentoring relationship, and I am thrilled to share that my experience has exceeded all expectations. Through regular check-ins and opportunistic support, Tom has offered valuable guidance for various situations, including major/minor selections, internships and extracurricular opportunities.” – Matthew

“My experience has closely aligned with my expectations, which has been both reassuring and fulfilling. Much has changed since I attended 51 40+ years ago. Students today have much more access to information and opportunities (even without using the Dewey Decimal system). We were naïve by comparison.” – Tom

What makes your relationship a successful one?  įį 

“Open and healthy communication contributes strongly to the success of our relationship. I have been blessed to connect with Tom, who has been flexible in coordinating meeting times, supportive through insightful discussions, and generous in offering his time, effort and mentorship.” – Matthew

“Mutual respect is important in mentorship. I’m realizing that each of us can learn something from someone a generation and a half older/younger.”– Tom

What do you admire most about your mentor/mentee?  įį 

“Tom consistently showcases curiosity about my life and demonstrates mentorship at its highest level. I admire his commitment to me and to the Program. I hope to inspire Tom and others in the same way he inspires me.” – Matthew

“Matt is a self-motivated go-getter. He gets great grades, has pursued internships and is successfully following his plan of graduating in three and a half years (with 150 credits).” – Tom

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program? 

“Understand that your relationship is designed to help you. This Program’s mentorship offers unique opportunities to ask questions, seek guidance and learn intentionally. Approach each interaction with purpose and openness, and your experience can truly change your life.” – Matthew

“Let the mentee dictate the flow and frequency of your interactions. Mentors should share their insights and experiences but should try to refrain from telling the mentee what to do.” – Tom

Students – have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“My top three Clifton Strengths – Harmony, Empathy and Developer – enhance our strong mentoring relationship. Harmony appears through our effortless conversations, as Tom and I are agreeable across various discussion topics. Developer contributes to our mentorship as both parties actively seek to cultivate the potential of one another and the overall relationship. I strive to embody the Empathy strength by first understanding Tom’s perspective. Tom, like many other mentors, generously offers widespread assistance, for which I am eternally grateful. This perspective motivates me to channel my appreciation towards building a mutually beneficial relationship.” – Matthew


Story: Isabel McGinty ’25 VSB and Thomas Plate ’14 CLAS

Isabel is from Seattle, Wash., and will graduate in May 2025 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance. Thomas works at J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., as a vice president. He graduated with degrees in Economics and Political Science from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in 2014. 

Thomas Plate ’14 CLAS (left) and Isabel McGinty '25 VSB (right)


What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?   

“As a Finance student seeking guidance on my career goals, I wanted to connect with a professional who could provide the support I was looking for. Navigating the industry was initially challenging, but the prospect of receiving advice from someone with firsthand experience made joining the VSB Mentor Program an easy decision.” – Isabel

“The 51 Alumni network is the best in the nation. 51ns have always been willing to contribute to students because the alumni before them did the same. I was blessed with several tremendous mentors who have had a significant impact on my professional career. Our Augustinian teachings have taught us to give back with our time, money, or talents.

In addition, participating in the VSB Mentor Program is a significant honor. There are so many talented individuals willing to contribute. Participating in the VSB Mentor Program is certainly a privilege. The team is readily available to both mentors and mentees on an active basis to make the program a successful one.” – Thomas

How has your experience compared to your expectation? 

“I was looking for a mentor with whom I could cultivate a comfortable and candid relationship. Thomas, my mentor, has completely exceeded these expectations with his robust knowledge and personal belief in my success.” – Isabel

“Overall, the experience has exceeded my expectations. The program has three key features that are appealing as a mentor. First, the team ensures mentors and mentees are assigned appropriately which helps establish the foundation for a successful relationship. Second, the program is considerate of the mentors. The amount of time you want to contribute as a mentor is up to you, your availability and your willingness to support the mentees. Third, the experience has deepened my ties to the 51 community. The VSB Mentor Program is yet another aspect of the University that makes me a proud alum.” – Thomas

What makes your relationship a successful one?  įį 

“Thomas is always willing to walk me through my thoughts and concerns, emphasizing his genuine investment in my future.” – Isabel

“The relationship that the 51 Alumni network offers is unparalleled. The alumni have taught me the attributes, relationship skills and ability to communicate to have a successful mentoring relationship. Isabel has been incredible throughout the program, making my mentor role an easy one. We are on the same page and I will do the best I can to help her.” – Thomas

What do you admire most about your mentor/mentee?  įį 

“What I admire most about Thomas is his willingness to help regardless of how busy he is or his success in his career. Seeing the path he has taken to achieve his goals is very inspiring and makes me want to work harder. On top of this, he remains dedicated to the program and tome, helping me navigate through any difficulties that may arise and keeping me on track in terms of my career goals.” – Isabel

“Isabel is going to be successful. She has been and will continue to be a fantastic representation of the 51 community. She has had multiple internship experiences over the last two summers. From these two experiences, she has affirmed her passion as a professional in business. She already has all the tools to be with any organization that she wants. Something I admire about Isabel is how prepared she is for our conversations. We have been able to learn from each other. Based on our experience, I hope to be an even better mentor to other mentees moving forward.” – Thomas

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program? 

“The best practice to help you succeed in the VSB Mentor Program is that you should never be afraid to reach out. Thomas has helped me realize that no questions are bad questions, and that your mentor will always be there to discuss career goals or give advice. Reaching out can provide valuable insights, help broaden your network, and will make the experience of being in the program much better.” – Isabel

“Each mentoring relationship is different. Each individual has the ability to decide the best frequency and communication platforms that work for them. We decided that text was best because we were able to stay in touch for almost two years. We then conducted numerous phone calls to have more in-depth conversation to develop a specific plan moving forward. There are so many talented students graduating from 51 every year. As alumni, we are extremely fortunate to be in a position to give back to these students. If we are able to give back to the 51 community just a little, then the program is a success.” – Thomas

 Students – have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“I believe that two of my Clifton Strengths—Communicator and Activator—have heavily contributed to the success of our relationship. As a Communicator, I can express my thought process clearly which helps Thomas gain a better understanding of how to assist me. Being an Activator helps me take the insights given by Thomas and turn them into actions which benefit me and my career. Utilizing my strengths, I have been able to have make the most out of our mentoring sessions.” – Isabel


Story: Aidan Ahearn ’25 VSB and Steven Buckley ’20 EMBA

Aidan is from Amherst, N.H., and will graduate in May 2025 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance. Steven currently works at MacKay Shields LLC as a managing director. He graduated with an executive master of business administration (EMBA) degree from VSB in 2020.        

Steven Buckley ’20 EMBA (left) and Aidan Ahearn ’25 VSB (right)


What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?   

“I was first inspired to join the VSB Mentor Program because I found myself unsure of what I wanted to do career-wise. I thought The Mentor Program would help me find someone who could help me navigate different career opportunities. Ever since I stepped onto this campus, I realized the importance of unity and togetherness within the 51 community. Other members of the VSB community would say that the resources to help you succeed are all around you, it is just a matter of utilizing them. This led me to join The VSB Mentor Program and eventually be paired with Steven Buckley.” – Aidan

“I have always valued the importance of mentorship and the role it has played in shaping my personal and professional development. 51 is an amazing institution whose Augustinian values is rooted in community and service to others, and I felt the Mentor Program would be a terrific way to give back. I viewed it as an opportunity to share my own knowledge and experience, while providing support and guidance to the next generation of leaders.”  – Steven

How has your experience compared to your expectation? 

“My experience as Steven’s mentee has exceeded my expectations of what I envisioned a mentorship would entail. Steven has not only become a useful resource that I can call with career questions, but also a friend and a role model. He has been able to help me determine a career path, and also given me valuable insights and life lessons along the way.”– Aidan

“This experience has exceeded my expectations, principally due to the relationship I have built with Aidan. Once I enrolled in the program, I learned that I was selected by a young student athlete who expressed an interest in furthering his network, developing a career plan and obtaining interview skills. For context, Aidan is a Division 1 student athlete attending one of the more rigorous academic institutions in the country. Not surprisingly, Aidan represents the very best of 51’s core values. Student athletes are expected to balance a heavy workload of classwork coupled with the demands of a challenging athletic life every day. It requires focus, discipline, sacrifice, and very good time management skills. As I had the opportunity to spend time with Aidan, it was clear to me that he demonstrated these important qualities. Further, over the last 18 months Aidan has shown me that he is a very intelligent, motivated student who is driven to succeed. Throughout our time together he listens intently, asks thoughtful questions and expresses a genuine interest in advancing his development.” – Steven

What makes your relationship a successful one?  įį 

“I believe that our relationship has been successful for several reasons. The first reason stems from the two-way dynamic of our mentorship. When we call via phone or Zoom, our discussions are never one-sided. We have interactive conversations, where we both walk away with a new perspective on a certain topic. On multiple occasions he has offered to introduce me to other people to expand my network and sector knowledge. In one instance, he connected me with his brother, RJ, who is the CFO of a biotech firm. At the time, I was interested in a wide range of finance roles but had never considered the corporate side. Having the ability to meet his brother opened up a new perspective to consider when evaluating career opportunities. 

Another aspect that makes our relationship a successful one is our ability to embrace the core 51n values. Throughout our time as mentor/mentee, he has shown commitment to going the extra mile for someone else. Rather than me only asking him about his opinions on certain topics, advice on interview prep, etc., Steven would show his support in the other areas of my life. Last spring, Steven brought his two sons, Christian and Brendan, to one our lacrosse games. It was great meeting Steven in person, but it was wonderful meeting his sons, who also play lacrosse. That moment really exemplified how Steven has embodied the values of 51 and went above and beyond for a successful mentorship.” – Aidan

“I believe our relationship is successful because we have shown mutual trust and respect for one another. We value each other’s time and we both show commitment to the process. While this is very much Aidan’s journey, in some ways it’s also my own journey as a mentor. Whether I am managing people at work, coaching kids on the lacrosse field or mentoring students, I try to be open and honest in my communication. At the same time, I’ve learned over the years to avoid being overly prescriptive when offering advice or counsel. It’s important for a mentee to feel accountability and ownership for his or her journey. In the case of Aidan, this has been easy given his maturity and unwavering drive to be his best.  

Another reason I think our relationship has been successful is we genuinely enjoy catching up and learning from each other. I made it a point to attend one of Aidan’s lacrosse games to show him support. My two young sons were in tow as they also wanted to meet Aidan and see the team play. Afterwards, Aidan gave them a pair of lacrosse gloves to which their eyes opened wide with appreciation. Even though Aidan is a mentee in our relationship, he is also a role model and an inspiration to young kids.” – Steven

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?  įį 

“I truly admire the way Steven holds himself. No matter how formal or casual our conversation is, Steven always conducts himself in a professional manner. He maintains a positive attitude and gives unbiased advice whenever I ask for it. I also admire how Steven shows interest in my development in addition to my career. Steven  always makes sure to check up on the other important aspects of my life such as coursework and lacrosse. He not only wants me to succeed in my career, but also develop as a young man.” – Aidan

“I really admire Aidan’s ambition and drive to be his very best – whether in the classroom, on the field or in pursuit of his career interests. He is purposeful and goal-oriented in his approach and focuses all his efforts on achieving his goals. This is a testament to his character and the values instilled in him by his parents. Aidan has an incredibly bright future ahead of him.”  – Steven 

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program? 

“I believe commitment is the most important trait to have, especially as a mentee. The VSB Mentor Program is very well-structured, and the people who volunteer to mentor join it for a reason – to help the next generation of 51 students. With that said, it is important for the student to show commitment to their mentor and to their own personal development. Be vulnerable, humble, and ask questions. The best way to grow is to put yourself out there. The mentors who join the VSB Mentor Program, have been in our shoes before, and many of them see themselves in us. By joining this program, they have shown commitment to help current 51 students succeed on a number of different levels.” – Aidan

“Be a good listener. Resist the urge to always offer advice or a solution. It’s not always easy, but it’s important to recognize that we all have personal biases and blind spots that are largely a culmination of our own experiences. Whenever I communicate with Aidan, I remind myself that my path is not necessarily his path.    

Another best practice is to simply be yourself. Mentoring is relationship-based, and so it requires time to cultivate a personal connection rooted in mutual trust. There shouldn’t be any pressure.  Find ways to inspire them and be a role model. Share your personal experiences to help open their mind to the different possibilities that exist.”  –Steven 

Students – have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how? 

“One of my Clifton Strengths that relates to my success is Responsibility. Navigating relationships can be difficult, and part of the process is holding yourself responsible. Be a sponge and learn something from each conversation. As a mentee, part of a successful relationship with your mentor is to drive the relationship in the direction you feel is fit.” – Aidan


Story: Isabelle Kellezi ’25 CLAS and Megan Gillen ’17 VSB

Isabelle is from Westchester, N.Y., and will graduate in May 2024 with a bachelor’s degree in communication and minors in business and real estate. Megan currently works at American Express as a digital content product manager. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in marketing and international business from VSB in 2017.  

 Isabelle Kellezi ’25 CLAS (right) and Megan Gillen ’17 VSB (left)

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program? 

“The term ‘Nova Nation’ is frequently used in reference to the dedicated and intermixed group of alumni who are eager to help other 51ns. On campus, it is a constant emphasis on leveraging the power of ‘Nova Nation,’ and that’s exactly what the VSB Mentor Program does! Upon completing SBI, I was excited to find a mentor who could guide my professional development and help me navigate my career.” – Isabelle

“During my time at 51, I was a VSB Peer Advisor and had a VSB mentor of my own, so I have been heavily involved in and see the value of mentorship. Furthermore, while there are a lot of professional development resources available to VSB students, I wanted to increase the presence of marketing-specific resources and amplify potential career paths for non-finance and accounting focused students.” – Megan

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience with the VSB Mentor Program has surpassed my expectations. Megan provided invaluable mentorship to me during my internship application process. She was always a quick phone call away for any questions I had about resume edits, interview tips, or networking opportunities. Megan extends personal, supportive, and constructive advice that helps me advance my career goals.” – Isabelle

“My experience as a mentor has exceeded my expectations since Isabelle is such a motivated and inquisitive mentee. The Program has been well designed to be flexible to meet the needs of both the mentee and mentor.” – Megan

What makes your relationship a successful one?  įį

“My relationship with Megan is successful because we make an effort to go beyond our monthly FaceTimes and connect in person when we can. We have met up face-to-face three times: the first at a VSB Mentor Program event in Manhattan, then at a dinner in NYC to celebrate the completion of my internship, and on campus in October for Alumni Weekend. Our direct interactions have fostered deeper connections which in turn facilitates effectiveness during our regularly scheduled meetings.” – Isabelle

“I believe our relationship is successful due to our ease of communication and Isabelle’s insightful questions.” – Megan

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?  įį

“I admire Megan’s pursuit of embracing new experiences, whether it be a new project at work or visiting a new country with friends. She proves that stepping out of one’s comfort zone opens a world of possibilities for learning and enrichment. I am inspired by her sense of curiosity and hope to emulate this characteristic in my own endeavors.” – Isabelle

“I admire Isabelle’s proactiveness and hard-working nature. She is a highly motivated individual who manages to juggle all her coursework in addition to extracurriculars and leadership commitments with ease.” – Megan

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“Megan and I practice open communication with one another, including regular messaging and meetings. Because of this dynamic, I feel comfortable candidly sharing my goals and challenges which enables Megan to best advise me. Our conversations provide opportunities to foster our relationship through shared interests that include 51 Basketball, travel and food!” – Isabelle

“I believe that having similar interests on both a personal and professional level allows us each to feel more invested in one another’s success. Also, while the Program offers a comprehensive baseline structure, pairs can work together to determine the best way to maximize what they want to get out of the mentoring relationship.” – Megan

Students – have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“Consistency is one of my top Clifton Strength themes which contributes to the sense of reliability Megan and I have in our relationship. To maximize our meetings, we prioritize having a routine and value the time we have together. Continuing a regular form of contact and feedback bolsters the mentorship.” – Isabelle


Story: Kaitrin Karr ’24 CLAS and Kayte Toczylowski ’03 CLAS

Kaitrin is from Garden City, N.J., and will graduate in May 2024 with a bachelor’s degree in communication. Kayte currently works at FINRA as the vice president of member relations and education. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English from CLAS in 2003.        

Kaitrin Karr ’24 CLAS (right) and Kayte Toczylowski ’03 CLAS (left)


What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?   

“My mom encouraged me to join the VSB Mentor Program. As a 51 alumna and as a mentor in the program, she knew the benefits and wanted me to experience it for myself. I also had the opportunity to meet my mom’s mentee before starting at 51, and she influenced me to learn more once I got to campus.” – Kaitrin  

“My time at 51 was some of the most transformative and incredible years of my life. It was there that I became the person I am today and found lifelong friends. This program allows me to give back to the community that gave me so much.” – Kayte

How has your experience compared to your expectation? 

“This experience has exceeded my expectations in so many ways. I had never had a formal mentor before Kayte, so I was so nervous to start the program. My initial nerves melted away when Kayte and I first met. She was so kind and welcoming, and we immediately hit it off. Our relationship has been instrumental in helping me navigate my professional career and it encouraged me to be more active in the mentor program itself. This program genuinely makes a difference in so many mentee and mentors’ lives and it also shows the strength of the 51 community.” – Kaitrin

“This program has surpassed every expectation I had! The program support is top notch and provides mentors and students with helpful information on creating a strong mentoring relationship. I am also grateful for being matched with a driven, thoughtful and open mentee – she has made this experience so rewarding for me as a mentor.” – Kayte  

What makes your relationship a successful one?  įį 

“I think our relationship has been a successful one because we have learned so much and have grown to care for each other. I highly value Kayte’s input and opinion and am grateful to have found someone who I feel comfortable sharing my worries, stressors, and successes with. I also have appreciated being able to meet in person with Kayte. Our relationship has continued to grow, and I’m excited to see where it takes us post-graduation.” – Kaitrin

“I think the key to every successful mentoring relationship is both the student and the mentor entering the relationship with an open mind and taking time to get to know each other as people first and mentor/student second. Over the last nearly three years, Kaitrin and I have done just that – listen to each other with a very open and curious mind and have taken time to get to know each other personally – starting on Zoom, and now (thankfully!) meeting in person as schedules allow.” – Kayte

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?  įį 

“I really admire Kayte’s drive and how she pushes herself out of her comfort zone both professionally and personally. Even though public speaking isn’t her favorite thing, Kayte pushes herself to do it, and she has gotten so much more comfortable with it. She also ran the Philadelphia Marathon this past November, which is such a huge personal accomplishment and shows Kayte’s drive.” – Kaitrin

“I admire Kaitrin’s willingness to accept feedback, her openness to trying something new, and her commitment to following through. I have seen her grow so much over the course of our relationship; she is really learning to trust her gut and her decisions. I cannot wait to see all she accomplishes after graduation.” – Kayte  

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program? 

“Don’t be afraid. The program is designed to be helpful, not stressful. Coming into the meetings excited and ready to get to know your mentor will definitely be helpful. Also, be prepared. Bring specific topics you want to discuss with your mentor, so you utilize the time efficiently.” – Kaitrin

“Take the time to get to know each other personally before diving into the development conversations. This will allow you each to feel more comfortable with each other and will lead to more honest and authentic conversation.” – Kayte


Story: Maahika Naheta ’24 VSB and Heather Tarrant ’85 VSB

Maahika is from Paramus, N.J., and will graduate in May 2024 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance, concentration in Applied Quantitative Finance. Heather currently works as a managing director at Jefferies Financial Group. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in Finance from VSB in 1985. 

Maahika Naheta ’24 VSB (left) and Heather Tarrant ’85 VSB (right)


What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?   

"I first heard about the VSB Mentor Program on a VU campus tour when I was still in high school. My tour guide was a VSB student who shared how beneficial the program was for him as he gained industry advice from someone who had been in the field he was looking to go into. As a freshman, I knew I wanted to be a part of the Mentor Program as well, because I believe a mentor and mentee pair experience is invaluable, especially being someone who is just starting a career. I think the emphasis of learning from one another inspired me the most to really get involved.” – Maahika

“I am very involved in recruiting, and I saw that 51 could have a better presence with Wall Street firms. I have also mentored within my company and found it to be very rewarding.” – Heather

How has your experience compared to your expectation? 

“Joining the VSB Mentor Program has exceeded my expectations. I have been able to get so much insight and advice from Heather. Building up the relationship from sophomore year has allowed me to ask Heather any question that I would not know who else to ask! From sharing opportunities to interview tips and reviewing my resume, Heather has really been so helpful, and I am looking forward to keeping in touch even after I graduate.” – Maahika 
“My experience in the VSB Mentor Program has been very positive.” – Heather

What makes your relationship a successful one? 

“I think communication and goal setting have made our relationship successful. Our first call was to discuss what I was interested in achieving and ways I could reach my goals. I think I have gained a lot of professional confidence throughout this experience. We schedule calls every month where we share what we are working on or have been doing and talk through any questions I have.” – Maahika

“I attribute much of the success to Maahika. She is proactive and a consistent and effective communicator.” – Heather

What do you admire most about your mentor/mentee?

“I admire my mentor’s honest advice the most. Whether it be for resume help, interview advice, or career searching, Heather has given me honest insight from her years of experience. She has helped me better navigate internship and career opportunities.” – Maahika 

“I admire Maahika’s hard work and resourcefulness.” – Heather

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“I think it’s always helpful to get to know your mentor personally, as well as professionally. Being curious and asking about her family and hobbies have really allowed Heather and I to go one step further and know more about each other on an individual level. When we finally got to meet in person over the summer, it was easy to catch up because we had gotten to know each other so well over phone calls.” – Maahika  

"As a mentor, make yourself available but allow the student to set the pace of the relationship.” – Heather

Students – have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“The Clifton Strengths that have contributed to the success of my mentoring relationship are responsibility, consistency and discipline. I believe these strengths have helped me make the most of the mentoring experience. Coming into the program, I was looking to grow as a person, as well as a student, and being paired with Heather has been so beneficial.” – Maahika


Story: Christopher Hyland ’24  VSB  and Nick Testa ’18 VSB

Chris is from Penn Valley, PA and will graduate in May 2024 with a bachelor’s degree in Real Estate. Nick currently works as an Acquisitions and Asset Management Associate at EQT Exeter. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Finance and in Real Estate from VSB in 2018.   

Christopher Hyland ’24  VSB  and Nick Testa ’18 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?    
“One of the numerous factors that contributed to my decision to attend 51 was the emphasis that Father Peter, faculty and students put on the “Nova Network.” When it came time to apply for the VSB Mentor Program, it was a no-brainer. The Program gifted me an opportunity to grow and learn from an experienced alumnus in my desired professional field.” – Chris   

“When I first started at 51 in the Fall of 2014, the most comforting thing to me was that I had my older sister there as a mentor. She was a junior when I was a freshman and she constantly served as a sounding board for everything from college life to which clubs to join. One such group was the VSB Peer Advisors. Through my time working at the Clay Center and as a Peer Advisor, I got the chance to give advice and guidance to students in the same way my sister advised me. This experience, having been a mentor and mentee, gave me the conviction to join the Program and continue to play a part in the VSB community.  

 A special shout-out to Michele Gianforcaro, who was instrumental in generating interest and awareness for the Mentor Program. Without her, I would not have known about the Program and the impact it can have.” – Nick   

How has your experience compared to your expectation?   
“The program has exceeded all expectations and has truly fostered a one-of-a-kind experience that 51 seemingly pulls off with ease in all facets of the university.” – Chris 

“I went in with no major expectations and I was just excited to see who I would get paired up with. Every experience has blown away anything I could have imagined. The Program is designed to be seamless for both the mentor and mentee, and truly fosters a culture where both parties can make the relationship whatever they want/need.” – Nick  

What makes your relationship a successful one?  
“With Nick being a semi-recent graduate, we share many of the same academic and extracurricular experiences. From the time we hopped on our first phone call, I felt as though I was talking to a mirror image of myself. So, when it came time to really start planning for my future, it came as naturally as I could have asked for. This is a true testament to the pairing algorithm the O’Donnell Center has created for their business undergraduates.” – Chris 

“Chris and I foster a great relationship through an open line of communication. We look to stay in touch via phone calls, texting, meet-ups, emailing, etc. Each form of communication is always open. This allows us to stay close on a personal and professional level. Whenever Chris has a question or I have a thought, we both know the other will respond promptly and with great attention.” – Nick  

What do you admire most about your mentor/mentee?   
“I was quite surprised when I was faced with the decision to pick between two mentors: a California-based alumnus, or Nick (my forthcoming boss at EQT Exeter, a worldwide leader in Real Estate Private Equity). Initially, I was a bit hesitant due to the optics of the situation; however, I felt as though Nick and I shared too many of the same aspirations and characteristics to ignore. From that moment forward, Nick has been nothing short of phenomenal. Our relationship blossomed that summer: his constant support and guidance cemented my decision to pursue a career in commercial real estate finance. While he will not be shy in saying that I reported to him for a few months, I am beyond grateful for the experience, and I am proud to call him a lifelong mentor and friend.” – Chris  

“What I admire most about Chris is how hungry he is to learn and how serious he takes not only the program, but his professional growth. Now of course, Chris and I have had plenty of fun times together, but his constant drive to succeed is never lost on me. He asks great questions, is thoughtful in his work, knows how to be a leader and has all the great skills that anyone could look for in a young professional. He has obtained this through his own accord, and that work ethic and passion is why I love being a mentor to Chris.” – Nick  

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?   
“The program is not strict in structure and is designed for the mentee to take initiative in building the future they desire. Your mentor also signed up for the program and is there to help in any way possible; however, taking the time to first know your mentor on a personal level will only give them the necessary context to assist you as they best see fit.” – Chris   

“It is hard to say the type of mentor/mentee relationship that Chris and I share is one that is easily duplicated; however, I believe there are a few things that I could share. First, as Chris said, the structure does not need to be rigid. As pairings get to know each other and how they communicate, they can branch off from the template provided. Second, looking past the professional aspect of the relationship and getting to know the interests and passions of your mentor/mentee can help make the relationship an easier one to turn to for advice. Lastly, the experience is whatever you want it to be, do not be afraid as the mentee to take the initiative. As a young mentor myself, I remind myself that I need to be proactive in being there for Chris and making sure he is getting what he needs.  

Overall – the Program creates a fluid space where like-minded pairs can truly get to know each other and their passions within and outside of their careers. I am eternally grateful that the Program has brought me a friend and peer in Chris!” – Nick


Story: Connor Alchus ’24 VSB and Charlie Balancia ’92 VSB 

Connor is from Scotch Plains, N.J., and will graduate in May 2024 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance. Charlie currently works as an executive director at S&P Global. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Business Management from VSB in 1992.

Connor Alchus ’24 VSB (left) and Charlie Balancia ’92 VSB (right)

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program? 

“I joined the VSB Mentor Program to build my professional network and learn from alumni who have pursued successful careers in finance after graduating from 51.” – Connor

“I have always enjoyed coaching youth sports and mentoring my younger coworkers, so when I heard about VSB’s Mentor Program, it seemed like a natural fit. Also, having the opportunity to give a little something back to the school that has given me so much was something I was more than willing to do.” – Charlie

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“This experience has surpassed my expectations, offering a unique opportunity to develop meaningful connections with alumni who have helped me gain insights into career paths within the financial services industry. It has been great to talk with my mentor not only about finance and careers, but also about New York sports, Nova basketball and our experiences at 51.” – Connor

“I was not sure what to expect as it was a new program to me, but thankfully it has exceeded all expectations. I was pleasantly surprised that being a part of the program never felt like work. The program has structure, but there is also a lot of freedom in terms of growing the relationship. It is all about getting to know a young VSB student, taking the ride with him and giving some guidance along the way. I am now with my third mentee which is proof enough that the program is rewarding.” – Charlie

What makes your relationship a successful one?  įį

“Checking in every few weeks, asking questions and making my interests known early has helped make this a successful mentorship. Setting up calls prior to interviews and internships has also helped me gain valuable insights and answer any questions I had.” – Connor

“The key is establishing with my mentee that I don’t want him to view this as work or as some box he must check; I want him to look forward to our interactions. I am here to help in any way and share my thoughts and experiences. I understand how busy he is and if he views our communication as a chore, then that wouldn’t be beneficial to either of us. I do my best to create a relationship that is not all about business. Maybe this leads to a lot of basketball talk, but so be it.” – Charlie

What do you admire most about your mentor/mentee? įį

“I admire Charlie’s willingness to answer my questions about careers in financial services by speaking about his own experiences in sales. He has always offered to help me prepare for interviews, strategize about internships and understand the different roles in finance. I always appreciate him taking the time to check in about classes, extracurriculars and career planning.” – Connor

“Connor is a lot of things I was not as a young student. Let’s just say his focus and work ethic are very impressive. He really has his “stuff” together and has a great internship on Wall Street for this summer teed up. Aside from the premier student aspect, he is also a pleasure to get to know. I never feel like we are working to keep a conversation going; it flows easily as he is very well spoken and curious. I only hope I am giving him the right advice. I do tell him to use other sources also to be fair. He is simply an all-around great young man.” – Charlie

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“It is important to build a regular cadence and connect with your mentor on a regular basis, even if it is just to check in and talk about the weekend or Nova basketball. For students, it is also beneficial if you lead the conversation so that you can focus on your interests and the mentor can understand how to best help. It is also important to make your interests and goals known early in the process.” – Connor

“My number one best practice is telling my mentee up front that this will only work if he keeps up the communication. I put it on him to make sure we keep a steady cadence and to schedule calls, so it creates responsibility. It is very easy to go weeks without touching base as we are both busy. I put it on him to not let that happen, even if it is only a quick check-in biweekly. I also promote him being comfortable reaching out outside of our steady schedule if anything comes up. Consistent communication is the key to this program’s success.” – Charlie


Story: Julie Mathew '24 VSB and Spencer Miller '18 VSB, '21 CWSL  

Julie is from Nanuet, NY, and will graduate in May 2024 with a bachelor's degree in Finance. Spencer currently works as an associate attorney at Berger Harris LLP. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Finance and Real Estate from VSB in 2018 and a JD from 51 Charles Widger School of Law in 2021.  

Spencer Miller (left) and Julie Mathew (right) during VSB’s Mentor Program’s on-campus meetup in March 2023.

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program? 

"As a child of two first-generation immigrants, I have always sought mentors to help guide me through my education and career journeys. When I heard about the VSB Mentor Program, I was immediately interested because it was exactly what I was looking for: an outlet to find someone I could go to with all my professional questions. I was especially interested when I realized that I could be matched with an attorney, which is the career I hope to pursue. Up until that point, I was clueless about the law school process as I knew no attorneys that I could go to for advice or to answer my questions.” – Julie

“I participated in the VSB Mentor Program as a student, which was a rewarding experience to say the least. I knew that I wanted to return as an alumni mentor and pay the favor forward.” – Spencer

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience has greatly exceeded my expectations. Spencer and I communicate more often than I had expected, and with his help I have been able to thoroughly map out my plan for law school. I also really love that our relationship is informal, while still maintaining a level of professionalism. I had gone into the mentoring process thinking that our mentor/mentee relationship would feel very formal.” – Julie

“This experience has exceeded my expectations! The VSB students are incredible; it is a delight to work with the next wave of 51ns. Additionally, the VSB Mentor Program has been a great way to remain connected with 51.” – Spencer

What makes your relationship a successful one?  įį

“Consistency. From the beginning, Spencer and I mapped out how frequently we would meet. I found out that Spencer was my mentor during the time that I was deciding between internships for Summer 2023. We first set up a phone call to get to know each other immediately after we were matched. Then, we set up a Zoom call before I began my summer internship to discuss what I hoped to accomplish and what skills I wanted to develop. One week into my internship, we set up another Zoom call to discuss how my first week went. We ended the summer with another Zoom call to discuss how my internship had gone, what my plans were for the Fall Semester, and we began setting up a plan for applying to law school. We occasionally kept up via text between these scheduled calls, especially as I was deciding between Summer 2023 offers. We met in person for the first time during the Fall 2022 Semester.” – Julie

“Julie and I prioritize meaningful contact over the frequency with which we meet. Although parameters and expectations help define the relationship, we both appreciate flexibility. To this end, we do not plan meetings for the sake of catching up – rather, we connect when Julie needs feedback, or there is something important I should share with her.” – Spencer

What do you admire most about your mentor/mentee?  įį

“I really admire how open Spencer is. While he is my mentor, he often treats me like a peer. He is very real with me about the realities of working as an attorney, and his experiences both at VSB and in law school. This has helped me gain a first-hand glimpse into the various avenues I plan to pursue, rather than receiving ‘sugar-coated’ perspectives. His effort to be real with me has also allowed us to have a more authentic, informal relationship because I know that I can go to him openly with my own experiences and questions.” – Julie

“Julie's work ethic is tough to beat. As a result, she is exposed to a ton of opportunities and receptive to most of them. Working alongside Julie is a good reminder not to be close-minded. It is important to have goals and interests, but it is equally important not to discount opportunities outside of your plan.” – Spencer

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“Keep your mentor in the loop. You typically match with a mentor during a pivotal time in your VSB experience — often when you are interviewing for internships, deciding between offers, or brainstorming where to apply. Your mentor can be a very helpful resource in this process, but for them to be as helpful as possible, you must be open and communicative. Keep them updated about your offers, how your interviews are going, and what your thought process is during these endeavors. By doing so, your mentor can then give you advice and guidance accordingly.” – Julie

“To the extent you feel comfortable, try to break down the formality in your relationship. Julie and I have reached a point where she will text me for quick thoughts or feedback. From the mentor's perspective, I feel like I can be helpful in real time, and it is much easier to deliver honest and helpful advice.” – Spencer

Students – have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“My Clifton Strengths have definitely contributed to the success of my mentoring relationship. One of my top five Clifton Strengths is Discipline, which has proven to be extremely beneficial. Those talented in the Discipline theme enjoy routine and structure, which has helped us in maintaining consistent and organized communication. My top strength is Achiever and I have been able to lean into this through my mentoring relationship with Spencer. He knows all my goals and ambitions and encourages and advises me accordingly.” – Julie


Story: Matt Blanco ’23 COE and Ken Jeanos ’21 MBA

Matt is from Newtown, Conn., and will graduate in May 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering. Ken currently works at General Dynamics Electric Boat (GDEB). He graduated with an MBA from VSB in 2021.

Ken Jeanos (left) and Matt Blanco (right) met up during Matt’s internship in 2022, along with two other interns (middle).

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?

“After completing my business minor through VSB, the opportunity to have a mentor help guide me through college and my professional career was enticing. Creating this connection through VSB seemed like an excellent way to supplement professional skills I have learned in Navy ROTC that I will need to become a better leader, teammate and communicator in my future career.” – Matt

“I truly understand the power of having a mentor. I have been very fortunate to have had several mentors in my life who assisted me to grow in my career. I still stay engaged with these mentors to this day. Therefore, I wanted to offer my experiences to future leaders by joining the VSB Mentor Program.” – Ken

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“I thought I would be paired with a mentor who could offer me advice for my professional career. However, Mr. Jeanos has far exceeded this and has become not only a close mentor, but also a friend I can rely on and always seek out when I need help. Mr. Jeanos even steered me toward an internship with the company he works for building US Navy submarines, General Dynamics Electric Boat (GDEB), a fascinating job that has balanced my engineering skills with my NAVY ties. Working with Mr. Jeanos has been a pleasure and I hope to stay in contact throughout my career.” – Matt

“This has been a fulfilling experience. I look forward to our conversations and getting to know Matt. He is a dedicated, intelligent and respectful young man.” – Ken

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“Mr. Jeanos has an extremely friendly and easygoing personality but is an organized and hard-working mentor. He is approachable and his dedication to his job and to this Program has allowed us both to communicate well and succeed as a mentoring pair.” – Matt

“The level of respect and trust that that we have for each other makes our relationship successful. I feel that we are both engaged in this Program for the right reasons.” – Ken

What do you admire most about having a mentor/mentee?

“Mr. Jeanos is a dedicated individual in all aspects of his life. He always is available for me despite his busy schedule and is an extremely diligent planner, making him an excellent role model. I always feel like I can go to him for advice or with questions I have.” – Matt

“Matt has committed himself to the ROTC program. When he completes his undergraduate degree 51, he will then dedicate himself to protecting the rights and freedoms that we all have as Americans. It takes a special person to commit themselves to carry out that mission.” – Ken

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“You get out of this relationship what you put into it. If you want a close working relationship, you need to set aside time to meet and really get to know your mentor. Regular communication is key to get the absolute most out of the Program.” – Matt

“Take the time to get to know your mentee. Ask him or her questions rather than just offer guidance. I was fortunate to get to know Matt for a couple of years and I am honored that I could help him get an internship at GDEB. Although he did not work in my area, we stayed in touch throughout his internship where he supported the construction efforts of nuclear submarines for the US Navy. I felt it allowed Matt to strengthen his alliance to the military while gaining valuable business experience.” – Ken

Students – have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“As an Arranger, I enjoy managing and organizing my time with the commitments I have. This allows me to make time to interact with my mentor and form the relationship that we have. In addition, as a Learner I am always eager to ask questions and seek out new experiences which I have worked with my mentor to achieve. A desire for learning is a key foundation with any mentoring relationship journey.” – Matt


Story: Joe Cooner ’23 VSB and Louis DeRose ’09 VSB 

Joe is from Fair Haven, N.J., and will graduate in May 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in finance and business analytics and minor in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Louis currently works at Ponto Software, Inc. as the vice president of finance. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Finance from VSB in 2009.   

 Joe Cooner ’23 VSB and Louis DeRose ’09 VSB 

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program? 
“I was inspired to join the VSB Mentor Program because I wanted to learn from a finance industry professional and gain valuable insights on breaking into the field from a successful alumnus. The Program seemed like the ideal way for me to develop my skills and knowledge and get a head start on my career.” – Joe

“I greatly enjoyed my experience at VSB and the mentorship that I received from numerous alumni upon graduating. I enjoy giving back to the VSB Mentor Program and helping students achieve their career goals through mentorship. My goal is to inspire more VSB students to become future mentors.” – Louis

How has your experience compared to your expectation?
“My experience participating in the VSB Mentor Program has far exceeded my expectations. Lou, my mentor, has consistently provided support and assistance throughout my time in the Program, helping me explore various career options, offering guidance on job opportunities and resume review, and providing valuable advice on offer negotiations. I am grateful for Lou’s support and guidance and feel that my experience in the Program has been extremely beneficial for my professional development.” – Joe

“My VSB Mentor Program experience has exceeded my expectations. Joe and I have been in touch more often than I expected, in a great way. It has been exciting to see the opportunities in front of him and help him navigate the career planning process.” – Louis

What makes your relationship a successful one?  įį
“Flexibility has been a key factor in the success of our mentoring relationship. During periods when I needed more frequent guidance, we were able to schedule more in-depth check-ins, and during other times, we were able to maintain communication through simple check-ins via text message. We made sure to touch base every few months and set clear goals for our progress. Lou also made sure I knew that I could reach out to him anytime I needed help or had a question, which has helped us develop a strong bond as mentor and mentee.” – Joe

“The success of our relationship was based on the mutual understanding of availability. We did not try to force a schedule or cadence, but instead would touch base as needed and keep communication informal.” – Louis

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?  įį
“One of the greatest benefits of having a mentor is being able to work with someone who shares similar personal and professional interests. Lou has been able to provide a wealth of perspective and insight into the job recruiting process, which has been incredibly valuable to me.” – Joe

“The most enjoyable part of being paired with Joe has been helping him work through the numerous opportunities and career paths in front of him. It is an exciting time in an undergraduate’s college experience, and it has been fun being there to provide support and advice.” – Louis

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?
“As I have participated in the VSB Mentor Program, I have found it to be most effective to focus on setting clear goals at the outset of the relationship and being proactive in seeking out guidance. These practices have helped me to achieve the goals that I have set with Lou and make the most of my time with him. I would recommend these practices to other pairs in the Program as a way to make the most of their mentoring experience.” – Joe

“I suggest really getting to know one another early on and finding common interests. This can be finding common grounds professionally, personally, and also by sharing about 51 experiences.” – Louis

Students – have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?
“My strengths which are Context, Analytical, and Strategic have contributed to the success of my mentoring relationship by helping me to understand the context of Lou’s advice, approach problems and decision-making with a logical mindset, and plan and structure our interactions effectively. My strength in Significance has motivated me to make the most of my mentoring relationship and seek out opportunities to learn and grow. My strength in Relator has allowed me to build a strong bond with my mentor and work effectively together toward our shared goals.” – Joe


51ns Helping 51ns: Erin Neilsen ’23 CLAS and Luiz Andrade ’25 VSB

Erin is from Nashville, Tenn., and will graduate in May 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in English and minors in business and communication. Luiz is from Minas Gerais, Brazil, and will graduate in May 2025 with a bachelor’s degree in management information systems and data analytics.

Luiz and Erin

Please share details about the business that you have started.

“Fun, Instruction, Nashville, Swim (FINS) is a private swim lesson program operated through Old Natchez Country Club in Franklin, Tenn. Founded in 2020, FINS’ mission is ‘to offer high quality private swim lessons taught by professional and personable instructors who create a safe and fun atmosphere where children develop confidence in water activities.’ Over the past three years, FINS has worked with more than 200 children in the Nashville community and provided jobs to more than 20 people in Nashville.” – Erin

“Risk Technology is a company that offers consulting, web, e-commerce, and software solutions. We create websites, online stores, apps, and digital marketing campaigns for other businesses. We provide services from the consulting phase all throughout the implementation stage. We have been in the market for five years and worked with more than 200 clients in six different countries worldwide.” – Luiz

Why did you desire to join the VSB Mentor Program?

“I have always valued mentorship in my life, whether that be through formal or informal mentoring relationships. I decided to join the VSB Mentor Program because I was seeking to expand my professional network and receive support and guidance from successful 51 alumni who shared similar career interests and goals. I joined with the hope of being matched with an alumni mentor, and my experience with the VSB Mentor Program has far exceeded my expectations. Along with getting to form a strong relationship with my mentor, Jessica Gerber ’93 VSB, joining the VSB Mentor Program has allowed me to cultivate close connections with other likeminded 51ns, like Luiz Andrade.”– Erin

“From past experiences, I knew the immeasurable value of mentorship in professional development. When I first heard about the VSB Mentor Program, I tried to learn more about it as soon as I could. At that time, as a freshman, one of the ways to get involved was through the Advisory Board. I joined it, and since then, I have been immersed in the Program’s culture by helping recruit participants, organize events and enhance the Program’s offerings.” – Luiz

How did you both of you connect through the VSB Mentor Program Advisory Board?

“I have had the opportunity to work as the VSB Mentor Program Marketing and Communications Intern since February 2021 and have gotten to take a lead role in overseeing the Program’s Advisory Board over the past two years. In January 2022, I organized a thank you letter initiative for all students on the VSB Mentor Program Advisory Board to write Michele Gianforcaro letters for National Thank Your Mentor Day. Luiz, who served on the Board, messaged me to coordinate a time to drop off his handwritten letter. When Luiz and I exchanged Michele’s letter, he asked if we could schedule a coffee chat to talk more about my role as the VSB Mentor Program Intern. During our conversation, I shared my passion for entrepreneurship and how I was working on scaling my swim lesson business, FINS, by creating an online website and booking platform. Upon hearing this, Luiz shared with me that his business, Risk Technology, supports small businesses with website development. After further conversations, I decided to hire Luiz as my website consultant for FINS and have continued my partnership with him over the past year. We are currently working on new enhancements for the FINS website.”– Erin

“Over the course of the Fall 2021 Semester, the VSB Mentor Program Advisory Board was conducting its meetings online. I had seen Erin virtually in all of the meetings, but we had not met in person yet. In late January 2022, Erin sent all of the VSB Mentor Program Advisory Board students an email requesting a letter from each of us to thank Michele Gianforcaro for being a supporter of the Program and celebrate how she has helped each of us in the mentorship process. I wrote a letter to Michele, and I had my first interaction with Erin when I handed Michele’s letter to Erin. I thought Erin was doing a great job as the VSB Mentor Program Marketing and Communications Intern and invited her to a coffee chat later that week. We started getting to know each other, and Erin mentioned her venture, FINS, and its business needs. Particularly, she emphasized the need for a website and an online client management platform. I thought my company could assist Erin, and we continued talking from then on.” – Luiz

How has working together allowed each of you to advance your entrepreneurial goals?

“Working with Luiz has allowed me to advance my entrepreneurial goal of growing and scaling FINS. Luiz helped me accelerate the timeline that I had created for building a website, and also helped enhance the functions that I desired in an online booking platform. Moreover, partnering with Luiz has allowed me to offset website development tasks to his team at Risk Technology, providing me support in business areas where I have less expertise so that I can focus my attention on other core operations of FINS, such as human resource management, client relations and marketing. ”  – Erin

“Erin’s business is based in Nashville and, coincidentally, my company was expanding its footprint to the central-southeastern region of the U.S. Having Erin as a client has widened our understanding of that specific region and helped us learn about how businesses make decisions in that area.” – Luiz

What motivates you to pursue your passion for entrepreneurship?

“I am motivated to pursue my passion for entrepreneurship because I aim to generate new and creative ideas to help create better outcomes for others. From a young age, I have continuously felt an urge to help care for those around me. For instance, my dad recalls that when I was in preschool, he would come home from work and find me at the table creating crafts and designing cards for sick friends. This desire to create has always stayed with me. FINS has become a vehicle for me to have a direct impact within the Nashville community. Seeing each of my clients gain confidence and strength in the water through their engagement with FINS fills me with motivation to continue my entrepreneurial endeavors so that I can hopefully generate more social good within my community.” – Erin

“I have been an entrepreneur even before I started my company at 16 years old. I have had technology abilities from a very young age, and I would always assist anyone who needed technology help, from my friends and family, to my school and my hometown’s city hall. I have traveled to many different places and have always offered to help if I saw a technological need. I work with big corporations and small local businesses, but I also volunteer to help any non-profit organization with its technology demands. This is what motivates me to pursue my passion for entrepreneurship: understanding that I can promote social and economic value literally everywhere I go, through my abilities with technology.” – Luiz

What have you learned from working with each other?

“Collaborating with Luiz and has allowed me to experience firsthand the power of the 51 community helping each other. Through our partnership, Luiz has expanded the geographic scope of his clientele, while I have simultaneously benefitted by receiving support in developing a website for my business FINS. Working together has been a win for both of us!” – Erin

“I believe in the mantra, ‘51ns helping 51ns.’ By working with Erin, I am not only directly enhancing her business, FINS, but also strengthening the 51 entrepreneurial community. When working with me, Erin is doing the same thing: being an important client and further developing 51’s community. It is mutually beneficial.” – Luiz


Story: Kyle MacDonald ’23 CLAS and Shane Mengel ’94 VSB

Kyle is from Glastonbury, Conn., and will graduate in May 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in economics. Shane is the co-founder and senior partner at Pacific & Plains Capital LLC and the founder of Morgan Hunter Capital LLC. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in accounting from VSB in 1994.

Kyle MacDonald ’23 CLAS and Shane Mengel ’94 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?

“I was inspired to join the VSB Mentor Program by a willingness to network and learn from 51 alumni. A friend introduced me to the Program before the spring semester of sophomore year and emphasized how much he has taken away from it, so joining was a no-brainer. The COVID-19 pandemic had halted all in-person networking at the time and it was difficult to engage in any sort of mentoring relationship. Thus, I was eager to learn and to find my true passion in the world of business. This led me to seek out Michele Gianforcaro and join the VSB Mentor Program to aid in my overall professional development. I am so glad that I chose to send an email to Michele inquiring about the Program!” – Kyle

“During my career in leveraged finance, I always found it extremely rewarding to mentor young professionals and to share my personal experiences in an effort to provide insight that might be useful as they developed their own professional careers. In addition, as a West Coast resident, I was looking for a way to stay connected with VSB, as well as younger generations preparing to enter the workforce. The VSB Mentor Program has allowed me to continue the rewarding endeavor of mentoring as well as staying connected and giving back to VSB.” – Shane

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience in the VSB Mentor Program has exceeded my expectation to the point that I have committed to be heavily involved with the Program’s Advisory Board. I am incredibly passionate about the Program and about sharing the wonders it has done for me as a means of encouraging involvement among all members of the VSB undergraduate population. I hope to continue being involved with the Program even after my graduation. I owe much of my professional success to it, and it has provided me with in an amazing mentoring relationship.” – Kyle

“I believe it is an understatement to say my experience with Kyle has far exceeded my expectations. We connected immediately, and Kyle was extremely engaged and thoughtful as our mentoring relationship developed. Kyle appropriately utilized me as a resource as he strategized to identify and achieve his career objectives. Kyle is smart, focused, and hungry, which in my opinion is an absolute recipe for success. The fact that he was successful in obtaining an internship at Grant Thornton International in management consulting between his junior and senior year and then subsequently receiving a full-time employment offer for post-graduation says it all.” – Shane

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“My relationship with Shane has been successful because of our incredible commitment to each other as a mentoring pair. We have made the most of a long-distance mentoring relationship by connecting for monthly calls and prioritizing effective communication above all else. The approachability and honesty in our relationship is second-to-none and is what motivates me to always be the best version of myself.” – Kyle

“I believe our relationship has been successful as we have both been present and engaged in the mentoring process and share similar interests and experiences. My background pairs nicely with Kyle’s aspirations and we have enjoyed an easy collaboration. We also have been open and inquisitive as we strategized around educational and career goals. That being said, the most impactful element of our success has been Kyle’s commitment and intense, energetic drive to identify and achieve his objectives.” – Shane

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“The best part about having a mentor is having someone who you can go to for anything. I appreciate that Shane is always available to talk with me. It is amazingly reassuring to have a mentor like Shane in my corner because I know that he will always consider my best interest and tell it to me straight, even if it is not what I want to hear. I would not have been able to achieve such incredible growth in my career without his help.” – Kyle

“I believe the best part of having a mentee is to witness the joy they experience as they achieve their goals and strategize for their future. It is also immensely rewarding to know that sharing my professional experiences, successes, and more often my failures can be a resource to Kyle as he embarks on his own professional career.” – Shane

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“A best practice to share with other pairs in the Program is to always keep an open mind. I joined the Program with aspirations of working in finance but ultimately pivoted to consulting. Shane was incredibly understanding and supportive of my decision and worked endlessly with me to help me achieve my goal of landing an internship and ultimately receiving a full time offer of employment. Even though it was not his specific area of practice, I appreciate Shane for his adaptability and for prioritizing my overall success.” – Kyle

“From the standpoint of a best practice, I believe the most important element to the success of the Program is for both participants to be consistently present and engaged, and to know that if we learn from each success, and each failure, and improve ourselves through the process, then we are all fulfilling our potential. Commitment from both parties is also a huge part in the success of this Program.” – Shane

Students – Have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“My strength of Connectedness has heavily contributed to the success of my relationship with Shane. In any mentoring relationship, it is important that the mentor and mentee are always on the same page. From day one, Shane and I quickly understood this. By establishing a clear set of principles and agreeing upon aspirations and hopes, we were able to make meaningful progress in our relationship. Because Shane and I were always on the same page, our time together has been productive and well-spent. That being said, I think that all my Clifton Strengths have aided in my mentoring relationship!” – Kyle


Story:  Jane Brunell ’23  CLAS  and  Anthony Zampogna ’90 VSB 

Jane is from Minneapolis, Minn., and will graduate in May 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in criminology and minor in business. Anthony currently works at Pfizer, Inc. as a director of Fraud and Program Integrity. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from VSB in 1990.  


What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program? 

“I first learned of the VSB Mentor Program through an information session offered to Summer Business Institute students. I was immediately set on joining the upcoming year because I understood the invaluable impact it has on students’ careers. Being a criminology major with a business minor, I had a lot of interests but did not know how they would manifest into a career. I wanted guidance from a successful alum on how to navigate my career choices, and I received this through the VSB Mentor Program” – Jane

“The VSB Mentor Program is all about giving back. VSB helped me identify my career interest while opening the door to an opportunity I would have never considered. I left 51 in 1990 pursuing my CPA. A chance interview on campus inspired me to consider a career with the FBI. After a few years in public accounting, I spent 23 years as an FBI Special Agent, using my accounting skills to conduct complex financial investigations, investigate organized crime, and disrupt financial support of terrorism. Now, I am back in the corporate sector using my experience to protect my employer, Pfizer, Inc., from external fraud. Protecting Pfizer has been especially satisfying during the pandemic. I would not have experienced such a fulfilling career without the guidance I received at 51.” – Anthony

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“In a lot of ways, the VSB Mentor Program was what I expected: I would get one-on-one help with my resume, cover letters, and interviewing skills, and my mentor and I would have discussions about career paths. But really, the VSB Mentor Program has been more of what I did not expect. The enthusiasm both Anthony and I have for our mentoring relationship is great. I did not expect to gain a friend and long-term mentor from this Program. We really enjoy catching up, and it is often the highlight of my week. I am honored to have gotten to know him so well and have had such a great experience working with him.” – Jane

“I have been part of the VSB Mentor Program since its inception. I am currently working with my third mentee. Each experience has been uniquely positive. My time with Jane has been especially satisfying. My previous mentees came into the Program with established career plans. When I met Jane, she was still in the process of determining which path to take. In addition to discussing matters like course schedules, resume writing, and interviewing, we have had much deeper, substantive conversations about her career interests. We discuss what I find satisfying about my work, how it compares to her interests, and where she could find the best job to inspire growth and success.” – Anthony

What makes your relationship a successful one?  įį

“What makes our relationship successful is that we have found a rhythm that works for us. Our mentoring relationship is very low-pressure, and it works well for each of our schedules. I think Anthony and I both understand each other in the sense that he knows I will reach out when I need to talk. As a pair, we do not operate on a rigid schedule to connect, but rather we chat when we see fit to catch up.” – Jane

“I think every successful relationship is based on trust. Trust is built over time. I let Jane set the pace for the time and frequency of our conversations while ensuring she knows I am available when she needs me. I know from our discussions that Jane is highly intelligent. I try to answer her questions and offer advice, trusting she will make informed career decisions. I approach each interaction of with a singular goal of seeing Jane achieve success.” – Anthony

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?  įį

“The best part of having a mentor is always having someone in my corner and rooting for me. It is really nice to not have to go through the job-finding process alone and have Anthony want nothing else for me but to succeed. It is always a pleasure talking to him whether it’s hearing about his fascinating career experiences or discussing internship and job opportunities. I really trust his opinion from what he has learned personally and professionally.” – Jane

“The best part is the positive feedback. I want to know whether the advice I provide is helpful. Jane and I have discussed how to approach certain professional interactions during an internship and how to prepare for a job interview. We even discussed the psychology of the interview from the perspective of the hiring manager. It is very satisfying to speak with Jane after an event and to hear her express satisfaction with the advice I provided.” – Anthony

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“Ask questions. It is easy to go into a conversation and just get what you want out of it, but I urge other pairs to go further, delve into conversations, and for mentees to pick their mentor’s brain about their experiences. Some of the best times I have connected with Anthony have been candidly chatting and getting to know each other.” – Jane

“Answer the questions which are not being asked. For most mentees, this is the first time they are pursuing a rigorous job application or interview process. Every mentor has been though the process, and many are hiring managers. Educating a mentee on the unknown aspects of the process should provide them with the comfort and the confidence to perform well.” – Anthony

Students – have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“One of my top three Clifton Strengths is Adaptability, which is completely accurate for me. As I shifted my career focus many times throughout my time as a student, it was necessary to adapt and be content with my choices. My adaptability coupled with Anthony’s constant encouragement made me stay positive in times of change.” – Jane


Story: Amanda Lee ’23 VSB and Bob Olsen ’86 VSB

Amanda is from New York, N.Y., and will graduate in May 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Data Analytics with a minor in International Business. Bob works as the CMO of Chief Outsiders. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing from VSB in 1986.

Amanda Lee ’23 VSB and Bob Olsen ’86 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?

“I was inspired to join the VSB Mentor Program because I am a first-generation college student. Therefore, my parents do not know much about getting a job, interviews, career paths, etc. Even though I have so much support from my family, they cannot give me much professional advice. Thus, I was really hoping to have a mentor who would help prepare me for my life post-graduation.” – Amanda

“I know that I could not have gotten where I am without several people helping and believing in me. The VSB Mentor Program provides a unique opportunity to guide and inspire a mentee with real-world perspective, as well as offering networking opportunities. It is also a terrific way for me to stay connected to the 51 community.” – Bob

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“This experience really surpassed my expectations. Bob is such a great mentor and is always so supportive and willing to help. Even though I originally had no clear direction of what I wanted to do for my career, he helped me explore numerous options and told me great places to start. When I got my full-time job offer, Bob gave me a lot of advice in how to negotiate my offer.” – Amanda

“The caliber of the student mentees I have worked with far has exceeded my expectations. Amanda is a rock star, and it has been wonderful to see her grow and develop over our time together. I could not be more excited that she already has an amazing position lined up. I am sure it will be the first step to a long and impressive career.” – Bob

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“What makes our relationship successful is communication. We made sure to have a check-in every few months and establish clear goals. Bob also made sure that I knew I could email or text him whenever I needed help with anything. This helped us develop a deeper bond as a mentoring pair, and I could not be more grateful.” – Amanda

“From the start, Amanda and I set some common expectations for how we might work together. We developed an easy check-in rhythm so we stay connected but also allow for flexibility. Not every discussion is a ‘mentoring’ one. Sometimes just catching up and continuing to support the relationship is all that is needed. Also, I am happy to say the championing goes both ways. Amanda has been great about recognizing my career successes and cheering me on as well.” – Bob

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“The best part about having a mentor is having a person who has so much experience within the workforce. Bob has gained so many experiences throughout the years and was therefore able to share a lot of perspectives with me that I would never have known.” – Amanda

“The best part about having a mentee is knowing that—even if it is just in a small way—you have made a positive impact on someone’s life. The satisfaction of seeing that person grow at a very formative time in their life is pretty special. It has also been fun to experience how two people with different backgrounds and life experiences can quickly develop an open, give-and-take relationship.” – Bob

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“A best practice that I would share is to be as open as possible. The mentors are there to help students grow and gain knowledge. If students aren’t clear about their goals or what they need help with, the mentors won’t know either. Therefore, it’s really important to develop a bond and express your wants and needs!” – Amanda

“First, know that there is no one ‘right model.’ My best practice advice would be to set some common goals and expectations how things should work. I also think it is very important to take a genuine interest in each other beyond just the education and career focus. With Amanda, it has been fun to talk about what else is going on in her life, her family, and activities she is involved in—and to share those things from my life with her. It puts things in perspective and helps foster a genuine friendship.” – Bob

Students – Have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“The Clifton Strengths that contribute to the success of my mentoring relationship are Positivity, Adaptability, Restorative and Developer. I believe these strengths really helped me want to make the most of the mentoring experience. I wanted to be able to grow as a person and as a student with all the advice that Bob gave me. He wanted to help me to the best of his abilities, and therefore made me also want to do my best.” – Amanda


Story: Grayson Pruett ’23 CLAS and Clara Spinetto ’84 CLAS

Grayson is from Lake Forest, Ill., and will graduate in May 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science with minors in Business and Finance. Outside of the classroom, she has started her own business by hosting the podcast Meant for Big Things. Clara currently works as the president and CEO of Mennta Energy Solutions, Inc. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages from CLAS in 1984.

Grayson Pruett ’23 CLAS and Clara Spinetto ’84 CLAS

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?

“Mentors have served as tremendous guides throughout my life. When I transferred to 51 my sophomore year, finding a mentor was important in establishing a strong foundation. As a Political Science major, I became increasingly interested in international political economics and felt like I was missing an important piece: business. I wanted guidance on how to fuse my passions and academic interests into a career. I pursued a business minor through the Summer Business Institute and was afforded the opportunity to participate in the VSB Mentor Program.” – Grayson

“First, I was inspired to join the VSB Mentor Program because I was hoping to help young women see the incredible opportunities available to them now (especially compared to when I was that age). I hoped to reinforce that a glass ceiling can be broken, and that if you want something, you can make it happen with the proper mindset and goals. Second, I wanted to see the world through the next generation’s eyes. There’s a close to 40-year age difference between Grayson and me. I wanted to see how she sees things, reacts to challenges, and makes her career goals a reality.” – Clara

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience has exceeded my expectations. Clara has been very generous sharing her time and knowledge. She has served as a consultant for my business venture Meant for Big Things, aided in decision making, and guided me through fluctuating career paths. Sharing our 51 experiences, specifically as it relates to business, has been incredibly rewarding. Clara has opened doors for me and serves as a great example of what is possible with hard work, multidisciplinary perspectives and consistency.” – Grayson

“Working with Grayson has truly exceeded my expectations. She rose to the challenge on many occasions, even when I questioned some choices. She listened, she did her research, and she acted on every objective we established.” – Clara

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“There is purpose to each meeting. We usually do not just meet to catch-up. There are objectives to be achieved at each meeting. While we hit the objectives, there is always room for the conversation to float elsewhere. We both share a fascination with many academic disciplines and have a desire to expand our knowledge. Our shared interests in business, international relations and entrepreneurship allow us to have meaningful conversations about the state of the world through an interdisciplinary perspective.” – Grayson

“We both respected each other’s time, commitments and viewpoints. Even if we did not necessarily agree on an item, we would support each other’s right to speak on it.” – Clara

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“Clara is incredibly knowledgeable and has a keen eye for solutions. Her strategic advice as a mentor is invaluable. In addition, she creates an open environment to explore anything from career paths to school paper topics. It is a relief and confidence-booster to know she has my back and wants me to succeed. Last year, I was lost on which career path to take upon graduation. After long discussions, she suggested looking into investment banks. Through interview prep, diving into her network and increasing my confidence, Clara helped guide me to an exciting career in finance post-grad.” – Grayson

“Seeing Grayson thrive! She has made sound decisions, and I know she will be very successful. There is very little I can take credit for – it is all Grayson. But I will proudly watch her success from the sidelines and continue to cheer her on.” – Clara

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“The amount of effort you put into the Program determines what you get out of it. For students, an important best practice is planning. Prior to meetings, lay out short-term and long-term objectives, prepare a loose agenda, and most importantly, enter each meeting with something new, exciting and positive. During the meeting, discuss outside interests and creative ideas. Mentor meetings serve as a space of creation; come with a plan and purpose but let that serve as a base for genuine conversation and discovery.” – Grayson

“Be flexible and be somewhat casual. I found some of our best conversations were not scripted or bound by a strict agenda.” – Clara

Students – Have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“I believe my Clifton Strengths of Activator, Communication and Positivity were important in the success of our mentor relationship. These strengths were manifested in the following: meeting preparation, short and long-term action plans, and keeping a positive attitude.” – Grayson

Story: Jackie Dorsett ’23 VSB and Lindsay Mullen ’12 VSB

Jackie is from Clarendon Hills, Ill., and will graduate in May 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Business Analytics. Lindsay currently works at DICK’s Sporting Goods as a Senior Manager in Strategy. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing from VSB in 2012.

Jackie Dorsett ’23 VSB and Lindsay Mullen ’12 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?

“I had the privilege of having great mentors throughout various internships in high school and found I was missing that when I first came to 51. 51 has a strong alumni base that is very passionate about helping current students, so I knew by joining the VSB Mentor Program, I would be able to find another great mentor to guide me through my years at 51 and beyond.” – Jackie

“Throughout my professional career, I have benefited so much from mentors (formal and informal) who provided me with advice, coaching and opportunities to further develop. Many of these relationships happened by chance, so I recognize that I was very lucky in this sense. Therefore, I was excited to learn about The VSB Mentor Program, as it is something that I would have benefited from while I was a student. I also truly cherished my time at 51 and was excited for this opportunity to stay involved as an alumna.” – Lindsay

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience has far exceeded my expectations! I have developed a close relationship with Lindsay where we have not only bonded over our love for 51 and living in Chicago, but also our professional interests in consulting and analytics. Despite our mentorship relationship being developed via Zoom because of COVID-19 and currently living in different cities, we have still been able to meet almost every month to continue working on different professional development skills I am trying to improve. Additionally, Lindsay has been willing to meet at the last minute for interview prep multiple times which I am extremely grateful for.” – Jackie

“My experience has exceeded my expectations! While I hope that our relationship has been most helpful to Jackie, I feel that I have been able to further strengthen my mentor and coaching muscle as well.” – Lindsay

What makes your relationship a successful one?    

“Lindsay and I have made it a priority to meet almost every month, whether it is getting her advice on different internship opportunities, looking over my resume, or simply to just catch up! This has made our relationship extremely successful because we are able to stay up to date on what each other is currently working on and continuously building a stronger relationship every time we meet. Because we have met continuously over the past year, we have developed a more candid relationship where I am able to ask Lindsay questions that I would not feel comfortable asking a recruiter and seek out her advice on various professional development questions.” – Jackie

“Overall, I think remaining flexible about meeting times and ways of communicating along with focusing on what is most helpful for Jackie in the moment helps to make our relationship successful. For our meetings, Jackie is great about identifying an area that she wants to focus on (e.g., resume review, interview prep), but we have not let those focus areas limit what we discuss. Taking time to talk about the bigger picture and things outside of professional development is equally as important.” – Lindsay

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?    

“The best part about having a mentor is having someone I can turn to during the difficult process of figuring out what I want to pursue after school. Lindsay has been able to share incredible insights into her career as a consultant and the previous companies she has worked for. Since I am considering a career in consulting after graduation, it has been extremely beneficial to learn about Lindsay’s experiences.” – Jackie

“The best part about having a mentee is being able to stay connected to the 51 community and learning about the current student experience, for both VSB and 51 more broadly. It was particularly fun to talk about 51 Men’s Basketball 2022 March Madness run during our meetings in March and April!” – Lindsay

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“Make sure to always have a next meeting scheduled. Trying to manage the busy schedule that comes with being in college and your mentor’s work schedule can sometimes make it difficult to find a date and time to meet. However, when you do meet, it is best to plan the next time you both are free to meet again so you continue building your relationship.” – Jackie

“At the end of each meeting, identify when and how you both will connect next and if there this anything that either the mentor or mentee will do in the interim.” – Lindsay

Students – have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“One of my top five Clifton Strengths is Relator. It has been easier to find ways to connect with my mentor because of this strength. Especially developing this relationship over Zoom, where it can be more difficult to develop a connection, having this strength has paid off well. We are able to spend the first 10-20 minutes of our meetings catching up on life and discussing things we have in common. This has led to developing a stronger mentoring relationship because we have gotten to know each other much better.” – Jackie

Story: Graham Young ’23 VSB and Christopher Haley ’90 VSB

Graham Young is from Huntington, NY, and will graduate in May 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in Real Estate and Finance. Chris Haley graduated from 51 in 1990 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance. He currently works at Palladian Realty Capital LLC.

Graham Young ’23 VSB and Christopher Haley ’90 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?

“I had first heard about the VSB Mentor Program during my tour when I was a prospective student. It was one of the many things that differentiated 51 from other business schools and I was eager to get involved as soon as I could. I joined the VSB Mentor

Program Advisory Board during my first year – even before I had a mentor of my own – so I could take advantage of the numerous networking opportunities the Program offers. My drive to network with 51 alumni and form meaningful connections inspired me to be a part of the Program.” – Graham

“The opportunity to give back my time and share my early professional experiences with students at my alma mater inspired me to join the Program. I want to help them in their advancement, whether it be for academic preferences and/or career searches.” – Chris

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience being involved in the VSB Mentor Program is very similar to how I expected it to go which I think reflects how you truly get out what you put into this Program. I wanted help with professional development, networking, interview preparation, and any other possible challenge that may come up. Chris has done a great job providing me with assistance when needed.” – Graham

“My experience has been outstanding, largely reflecting the energy from my mentee. Graham has great enthusiasm for learning and making connections. I have enjoyed the rewarding process of enhancing his confidence in internship and employment efforts.” – Chris

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“I think what makes my relationship with Chris successful is that he is always driving me to be a better version of myself. By allowing me to access his network to learn more about different career opportunities and helping me navigate the internship application and interview processes, Chris has consistently been there to support me.” – Graham

“Open and frequent communication is essential to developing our relationship, understanding what each of us can offer, and setting expectations. This simple communication foundation has moved us toward greater appreciation and assistance to help each other and has allowed Graham to develop and build his confidence.” – Chris

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“The best part about having a mentor has been having someone to turn to any time I have a question about anything professional. If I ever get lost and need guidance, I know I can always text Chris for advice. It is great to have a contact in the industry I am looking to enter who I can run things by which helps me with my career confidence.” – Graham

“Simply, as a Mentor, it’s the ability to help a younger professional clarify desires and establish goals.These are then more easily reflected in their discussions, interviews and communications with professors, prospective employers, and other relationships.” – Chris

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“Something that I have made a consistent effort of doing is keeping Chris updated with my academic and professional career. When I was looking for an internship for last summer and the upcoming summer, I would send Chris a list of all the companies that I was looking into and the pros and cons of each opportunity and he would give his advice as if he was in my situation. Because of his guidance, I was able to secure two really great internships and I could not have done it without his help.” – Graham

“First, establish communication grounds and the importance of the commitment to communicate regularly, even if nothing has developed or no items have surfaced since the last get-together.Second, establish simple goals for the relationship between both the mentor and mentee. Third, both people should be flexible in where the mentee's path (selection of major, internship ideas, new studies, employment, etc.) may lead. It is important for me to remember the overriding goal as mentor is to share my experiences, both failures and successes, to better enable my mentee to make life decisions with higher conviction.” – Chris

Have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“One of my Clifton Strengths is being a learner which I think has contributed to my success with Chris. I am always trying to learn more about the real estate industry and best professional practices so I ask a lot of questions and learn a lot from Chris and his experience. No question is a stupid one and I feel more equipped to enter the professional world having asked.” – Graham


Story: Vy Vo ’23 VSB and Jay Santoro ’18 CLAS

Vy Vo is from Concord, Mass., and will graduate in May 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance. Jay Santoro currently works at Tarsadia Investments as an associate. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from 51 in 2018.

Vy Vo ’23 VSB and Jay Santoro ’18 CLAS

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?   

“I thought that the VSB Mentor Program would provide an amazing opportunity to develop a meaningful, life-long connection with an individual who had already found success in a field I was interested pursuing.” – Vy

“The desire to give back to a network that gave so much to me inspired me to join the VSB Mentor Program. If it were not for the 51 alumni who took the time to mentor me while I was a student, I would not be in the position I am in today. I want the chance to be able to provide that for the next generation of 51 students.” – Jay

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience completely blew away my expectations. I initially thought that I would only meet with Jay one or two times during the entire process, but Jay has gone above and beyond to help me prepare for my interviews and guide me through the steps that came after accepting my internship. He was also there to check up on my life and see how I was doing in school. Overall, he has shown compassion and warmth toward me. He has been a phenomenal mentor and an amazing friend throughout the tenuous and challenging interview process.” – Vy

“My experience with Vy has been fantastic. He has reached out for advice more than I was anticipating, and I have had a great time both guiding and getting to know him.” – Jay

What makes your relationship a successful one?    

“The one thing that has made our relationship so successful has been honesty. Jay was not afraid to voice his opinion on what I was doing correctly and what I needed to work on. He was outspoken about the urgency of recruiting and emphasized the commitment it would require to find success. His honesty pushed me to work hard to achieve my dreams and ultimately led me to land my internship.” – Vy

“Honesty has made our relationship successful. Candid, constructive feedback is key to building the bridge between campus and the real world for student mentees. It’s also the key to ensuring I am doing my job as a mentor.” – Jay

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?    

“The best part about having a mentor is always being able to lean on someone for support and knowing that they will have words of advice or will be there to listen to your problems. The mentor-mentee relationship is unique because the mentor has been in the mentee's shoes and understands the trials and challenges they must overcome. I feel like Jay always has something relevant and helpful to say every step of the way because he understands exactly what I am  going through.” – Vy

“Getting to see Vy secure his internship has been the best part of the Mentor Program for me. I am confident he would have secured the job without my guidance, but getting the chance to help contribute in even the slightest way to a student beginning his or her career in the right place makes the whole Program worthwhile.” – Jay

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“I think it’s important to get to know each other personally before going right into giving career advice. Connecting outside the school and work environment will make communication flow more naturally.” – Vy

“See the point above on honesty!” – Jay

Have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“My top Clifton strength is positivity, and it most definitely contributed to the success of my mentoring relationship. Throughout the recruiting processes, Jay continuously emphasized to stay positive through thick and thin and that everything would work out in the end. I was able to reciprocate that positivity and being able to do so allowed Jay and me to work more cohesively as a team. Both of us saw the brighter side of things and always worked hard to overcome any challenges that came our way.” – Vy


Story: Tee Nguyen ’23 VSB and Eric Borun ’10 VSB

Tee is from Hanoi, Vietnam and will graduate in May 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems and Business Analytics. Borun is currently a senior Hyperion Analyst and Developer at Aramark. He graduated from 51 in 2010 with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Information Systems.

Tee Nguyen ’23 VSB and Eric Borun ’10 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?

“Ever since I went to primary school in Vietnam, I have always been surrounded by very close-knit communities. In fact, my high school graduation only had 50 graduates and the teachers felt like family because they connected and took care of us outside classes. As I continued my education at 51, I missed having a person who closely guided me. Fortunately, the VSB Mentor Program gave me the opportunity to connect with an alumnus who is experienced in the field that I am interested in and understands being a college student. The Program gives me the comfort knowing that I have someone who supports me as I enter the professional world.” – Tee

“I have always enjoyed giving back to the community at large. During my time at 51, I was involved in several community-forward activities including serving as a student mentor and tutor through the VSB Tutoring Program. Prior to serving as an alumni mentor through the VSB Mentor Program, I had some experience as a peer mentor in both high school and in Big 4 consulting. When I learned about the VSB Mentor Program, I jumped at the call to join the roster of available alumni mentors.” – Eric

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience is beyond my expectation when I first joined the Program. Eric has not only given me professional advice, but also tips to do better in school and in life. Occasionally, I am lucky to hear some of his funny and relatable flashbacks from when he was a student at 51. Other times, when he is in town and has some time to catch up, he will invite me to eat somewhere off campus. Through this, he has taught me some unspoken business and social rules, which are practical and not learned in classroom settings.” – Tee

“I was certainly expecting to be discussing coursework, the information systems industry and internships with Tee. What I was not expecting, however, was to witness the budding career of a young professional in such an intimate way. Since starting the mentoring journey with Tee last year, she has already received an internship offer and has been considered for awards, scholarships and other honors. Watching Tee’s 51 experience firsthand has been nothing short of magical, and Tee has been so forthcoming to share all of her news and seek advice. For this and many other reasons, the Program has far surpassed my expectations.” – Eric

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“I believe constant communication is one of the most important factors that contributes to a successful professional relationship. Eric is open to having conversations with me via both emails and text messages. I use emails to forward him some good news or important concerns that directly affect my academic and career choices. Meanwhile, text messages are for quick updates or requests for quick advice. Regardless, I try to keep my messages concise and to-the-point, so that he can best support me even during his busy times.” – Tee

“Tee is highly communicative and very easy to work with, both of which have directly contributed to the strength of our mentoring partnership. We shared phone numbers early on which has definitely helped with periodic communication in between and to coordinate more formal check-ins. Tee and I also have the added benefit of me having residence very close to 51, so barring the time when Tee was at home in Hanoi and during the COVID-19 restrictions on campus, all of our meetings have been in person.– Eric

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“The best part of having a mentor is having someone who is working in the industry that I want to work in give me professional advice and at the same time understand being a VSB student. I can ask Eric about anything!” – Tee

“Apart from all of the professional discussions we have, Tee and I have gotten to know one another on a personal level along the way. Tee shares stories about her trips and activities outside of the classroom and, from this past summer, her travels through her native country of Vietnam. She, in kind, is always curious to hear about my adventures. It is this type of personal connection, alongside the professional discourse which forms the backbone of our relationship, making my continued time working with Tee so special. In addition, it has been incredibly eye-opening to hear the perspective of a current 51 student. I am impressed to see how many more resources and opportunities VSB students have now compared to when I was a student.” – Eric

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“I believe having a good goal-setting habit and being able to share that with your mentor can help you go a long way. Eric helped me get into this habit by teaching me how to make SMART goals, an acronym which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. From then on, I always think about that framework whenever I start a new semester. After that, I make sure to share my goal with him and ask him about his opinions on how to work towards those goals. That way, I always have something to reflect on at the end of the semester and update with Eric.” – Tee

“From the mentor’s point of view, asking, “how can I help?” can be a very powerful thing. You never know what might be truly helpful. Tee has asked for assistance with internship documentation, class and studying tips and tricks, advice about what to do during her semester breaks, and plenty more. From the mentee’s point of view, don’t be afraid to ask your mentor for what would be most helpful to help you achieve success. Sometimes it can even be something very small that makes a big difference.” – Eric

Have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“One of my Clifton Strengths is Strategic, meaning that I have the talent in spotting relevant patterns and issues when faced with any give scenario. It is most obvious when I can engage in dialogues with people or spend some time alone to think. That partially explains why I enjoy sharing my life updates with Eric. In fact, the more I talk it out, certain problems reveal themselves, and eventually some solutions start taking shape in my mind. For example, before spring break, I told Eric that I might feel really bored during break time because everyone, but me, would be traveling somewhere. I then realized that the problem is me being overwhelmed with planning and truly just needing a break with no expectation. From there, I came up with the idea of multiple small trips to save my energy and keep my mind fresh. It turned out to be a balanced break and I, of course, updated Eric again on what I did!” – Tee


Story: Steve Guerrini ’07 VSB, Lukas Michaels ’18 CLAS, and Lucas Deane ’23 CLAS Pay it Forward!

Steve Guerrini works as an account executive at Gladly. Lukas Michaels is a software engineer at Apple. Lucas Deane will graduate in May 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a minor in Business.

Steve Guerrini ’07 VSB, Lukas Michaels ’18 CLAS, and Lucas Deane ’23 CLAS

Steve Guerrini works as an account executive at Gladly. Lukas Michaels is a software engineer at Apple. Lucas Deane will graduate in May 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a minor in Business.
Striving to advance students’ professional development experiences, the VSB Mentor Program connects alumni mentors with undergraduate students who are exploring career possibilities and seeking support from professionals with relevant industry experience. The Program encourages participants to “pay it forward,” meaning alumni mentors give back to students, who will hopefully someday support future 51ns.

A strong example of “paying it forward” to others in the VSB Mentor Program is seen through the chain of mentorship that mentor Steve Guerrini initiated. Lukas Michaels was actively pursuing a technology internship, and Guerrini helped Michaels make a connection at Apple. This led to Michaels earning an internship opportunity at Apple, where he now works full time. Guerrini’s positive impact on Michaels motivated him to pay it forward as a mentor. Michaels currently mentors Lucas Deane, a student who has shared interests in the technology field. Through actively participating in the VSB Mentor Program, Lucas received support about how to best prepare for the internship application process for various technology positions. Lucas’ preparation paid off by earning an internship at Apple. While Lucas is still a student, his positive experience in the VSB Mentor Program has made him already desire to someday pay it forward and become an alumni mentor just like Guerrini and Michaels.

Read below to learn how the VSB Mentor Program has helped this trio learn about the value of mentorship, motivating these three individuals to “pay it forward.”

Why do you believe in mentoring and paying it forward?

"Mentoring is a great way to pay it forward because while you help once, your mentee can reap the benefits for years to come. If you're looking to have a meaningful impact on someone's career and life, mentoring might be for you." – Steve

“As an alumnus of the VSB Mentor Program, being able to pay it forward has been one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had since my undergraduate experience in the Program. The mentality of helping others came directly from my mentor. This is something I hope to embody as I guide my own mentee. With so many bright pairs of mentors and mentees, I’m excited to see how fast the VSB Mentor Program continues to grow.” – Lukas

"I believe that mentoring is essential to a successful career, and the VSB Mentor Program not only connects amazing alumni to bright students but also fosters a community where helping each other and 'paying it forward' becomes natural. Because of this, I will always continue to mentor fellow 51ns, and I am confident that my mentees will as well." – Lucas


Story: A Table of Friends and Family: John Ondik ’83 VSB, Alex Ondik ’13 VSB, Colin Lilly ’23 CLAS and Praneet Saxena ’23 VSB

John Ondik is the founder of The Ondik Group where he works as a management consultant. His daughter, Alex Ondik, is a senior program manager at Google. Colin Lilly will graduate in May 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Political Science and a minor in Business. Praneet Saxena will graduate in May 2023 with a degree in Applied Quantitative Finance.

John Ondik ’83 VSB, Alex Ondik ’13 VSB, Colin Lilly ’23 CLAS and Praneet Saxena ’23 VSB

The VSB Mentor Program strives to connect students with seasoned professionals who can support students as alumni mentors in order to advance students in professional development opportunities. In February of 2021, Colin Lilly and Praneet Saxena, two driven and motivated students and friends, both filled out mentee profiles after declaring their majors in order to each be matched with a mentor through the VSB Mentor Program. While they had discussed that they both completed their mentee profile and selected a mentor, neither expanded on telling each other about their experiences connecting on Zoom with their mentor. 

Colin and Praneet continued to take the initiative to connect monthly with their mentors. One afternoon, while the two friends were studying together, Colin looked at Praneet’s computer screen and noticed that Praneet was sending an email to a woman named Alex Ondik. Upon seeing the last name, Colin asked Praneet for details on the woman he was emailing. Praneet told Colin that Alex Ondik was his mentor through the VSB Mentor Program, and Colin responded by saying that his mentor also had the last name Ondik. The two friends put together that Colin’s mentor, John Ondik is the father of Alex Ondik, who is Praneet’s mentor!

After the two mentees shared this exciting realization with the Ondiks, they all agreed to plan a breakfast so the two family members and two friends could all connect and discuss mentorship. In October 2021, the four 51ns gathered at First Watch on Lancaster Avenue to eat breakfast and connect. Read below to learn how they have all strengthened friendship and familial bonds through the VSB Mentor Program, along with forming new relationships with others in the Program.

How has your experience in the VSB Mentor Program compared to your expectations?

“Being a part of the VSB Mentor Program is more than I had hoped for. I mentor Colin, a bright and driven student, and also participate as an Advisory Board member surrounded by talented, dedicated alumni. When I met with Michele Gianforcaro about joining the Advisory Board I was hooked by her passion and commitment to the students and mentors in Program. Specifically, working with my mentee Colin has been a wonderful experience. His preparation, motivation, and coachability has made it easy and enjoyable to take this journey together. And the fact that his best friend is being mentored by my daughter, and that we had the opportunity to have a meeting with the four of us is incredible! I have always believed in giving back. It is something passed down from my dad. Through the VSB Mentor Program, I am getting much more than I am giving.” – John

“Connecting with and mentoring Praneet has been great. While I had expected that the kind of students who sign up for the VSB Mentor Program would be dedicated and driven like Praneet, I was impressed by how he and I were able to truly connect and make that safe space to take conversations a step further, beyond just standard career and networking topics. We put the time in up front to prioritize getting to know one another. I think having that additional comfort and awareness of personalities allows us to discuss deeper topics besides just situational scenarios. It is less about just an interview or class, and more about getting to know ourselves on a deeper level which will serve us no matter where we end up. I would be remiss not to mention how fun it was to meet in person, alongside my father who is a fellow VSB alumnus and mentor.” – Alex

“My experience in the VSB Mentor Program thus far has exceeded my initial expectations. Upon joining the Program, I was looking for a trusted advisor I could go to for both professional and personal advice, and I am grateful that John has been excellent in facilitating this kind of relationship. John has been a consistently great resource in affirming my career interests and supporting my internship search. I am happy to say we have gotten to spend quality time together and form a meaningful connection.” – Colin

“Joining the VSB Mentor Program has exceeded my expectations because of the tremendous support I now have. My mentor, Alex, has provided excellent help and feedback as I am closer to entering the workforce. It is great to receive feedback from her and discuss some of the challenges I face as a student.” – Praneet

Would you encourage another student or alumni to get involved in the program? If yes, why?

“Absolutely! The VSB Mentor Program provides an opportunity to share with and learn from some of the finest students anywhere. As mentors, we can share life and business lessons learned over the years and allow students to benefit from our experiences. The Program is a win for the students, a win for the mentors, a win for VSB and 51!” – John  

“Certainly. I have benefited from many mentors in my life, and I appreciate the opportunity to take some of the things I have learned through experience and pay it forward. There are many skills I learned after 51 that I wish I had started to develop while still a student. As a mentor, I also benefit greatly by listening to Praneet’s good questions. I, too, am a lifelong learner. Plus, I love to stay up to date about what is going on at VSB, which I credit a lot of my success to.” – Alex

“I would certainly encourage other students to get involved in the Program, particularly Business Minor students such as myself. Having a 51 alumnus in my corner at all times has been incredibly valuable, and it is reassuring to know I can go to John at any time with questions or concerns and receive support and wisdom.” – Colin

“Absolutely! Having an experienced alumnus to guide you is extremely helpful. I highly recommend that students engage in mentoring relationships in college and beyond.” – Praneet


Story: Beste Bilen ’22 VSB and Deep Shah ’15 VSB

Beste is from Istanbul, Turkey, and will graduate in May 2022 with bachelor’s degrees in Accounting & Management Information Systems. Deep graduated from 51 in 2015 with a degree in Accounting & Management Information Systems. He currently works at RSM as a consulting manager for complex financial instruments.

Beste Bilen ’22 VSB and Deep Shah ’15 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?

“I was fascinated by the VSB alumni who I have met throughout my first year at 51. They were all very accomplished in their careers and also had great work and life ethics. I wanted to learn from them as much as I could, and fortunately I was assigned a mentor who has taught me a lot during my three years!” – Beste

“Looking back to my early years at 51, I can still recall the questions I had about beginning my career. I appreciate the value of mentorship as it can guide students in whose shoes you once stood to seek their passions and careers.” – Deep

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience with the VSB Mentor Program has been incredible. When I first met Deep, I was a new transfer to the 51 School of Business from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and I needed guidance in my new environment. At the time, I barely knew what each major had to offer. After hearing about Deep’s story and his accomplishments, I had a much better understanding of the countless opportunities that VSB offers students. This has made my mentorship experience exceed my expectations!”– Beste

“My experience with Beste has been wonderful. Mentorship relationships should develop organically in order to be most successful, and I believe that our relationship reflects this. Throughout our experience working together, Beste has been inquisitive in wanting to understand potential career paths, and I have seen her impressively consider and develop her short-term and long-term visions.” – Deep

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“We developed a friendly relationship in which we were both comfortable with reaching out to each other. Deep made himself available to answer my questions even when he was extremely busy at work. He even accepted the opportunity to be a speaker for a society I organize on campus called Business Without Borders. All of these memories made our relationship strong and successful, and I am confident we will stay in contact beyond college.” – Beste

“I believe it is important for a mentor relationship to have a foundation that encourages open conversations such that it can be a mixture of hands-on and hands-off mentoring. In this case, the relationship has included anything from the occasional ad-hoc question to the very detailed and in-depth career discussions, which I believe has fostered an easy line of communication.” – Deep

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“The best part of having a mentor is to be able to talk with someone who has already been in my shoes and gone through the struggles that I am currently facing. I constantly talk about my concerns and desires regarding my career path with Deep. He always listens carefully and reminds me that there are countless opportunities that I can take in the future and I should focus on the big picture instead of stressing over the short-term details. One of the best pieces of advice that he gave me was that no matter what, I should take care of myself and prioritize my happiness first. Once I make my happiness a priority, I can then make the best decisions to pivot my career to where I want it to be. Listening to him talk about the intersection of happiness and career was very influential and I will carry his advice every step of my professional life.” – Beste

“Having Beste as my mentee reminds me of my time at 51. It’s exciting to see someone developing their career from the same alma mater and makes me reminisce having once been in her shoes. It is also a great feeling watching the growth and success of your mentee.” – Deep

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“Instead of scheduling formal monthly meetings, we reach out to each other when we need to discuss a particular subject, when I need Deep’s opinion on a specific question, or just to catch up. I believe this less formal practice helped our relationship a lot since we did not feel obligated to follow specific guidelines.” – Beste

“Put aside some of the expectations at the outset of the relationship and instead let them develop organically over time. Communicate well and check-in periodically. Focus on the purpose of the mentorship and build from there.” – Deep


Story: Sydney Karpowich ’22 VSB and Robin Gray ’84 VSB

Sydney is from Sugarloaf, Pa., and will graduate in May 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting, International Business, and Data Analytics. Robin is currently the owner of the Law Office of Robin J. Gray where she serves as an attorney. She graduated from 51 in 1984 with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a minor in International Finance.

Sydney Karpowich ’22 VSB and Robin Gray ’84 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?

“I was inspired to join the VSB Mentor Program after hearing from upperclassmen how valuable their mentor experiences were. I recognized how helpful it would be to connect with a VSB alumnus who has experience in the field I am pursuing.” – Sydney

“I believe that mentoring is beneficial in helping students navigate real-world situations as they enter the workforce and know how to prepare when speaking with prospective employers. I strongly believe in education and want to help students in any way I can.” – Robin

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My mentor experience has greatly surpassed my initial expectations. I opted into the VSB Mentor Program at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and I was unsure how successful having a virtual mentorship would be. However, my mentor has gone above and beyond to provide me with opportunities virtually. For example, when her court cases were transitioned online, she graciously allowed me to join in virtually in order to gain a better understanding of the legal process.” –Sydney

“Mentoring Sydney has greatly exceeded my expectations. The relationship has worked both ways. I hope that I have helped Sydney and I know she has helped me by sharing her experiences with her internships, interactions with her prospective employers and her educational experience. This has helped me refocus my attention on my own business and how I conduct business and interactions with others in a very positive way.” –Robin

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“Our relationship has been successful because we have an open and honest dialogue. Communicating expectations, being honest about what I need help with and expressing what is going on in our lives has made the mentoring process simple and rewarding.” – Sydney

“Our ability to communicate and talk about anything has made our relationship very successful. Sydney is extremely intelligent, bright and very well spoken. She has a continual need to learn and understand everything. We can talk for hours on any subject.” – Robin

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“The best part of having a mentor is knowing that there is someone I can talk to about my academic and professional pursuits at any time. Receiving feedback and advice from Robin is beneficial because she has so much real-world experience in business and law.” –Sydney

“The best part about having a mentee is having the ability to help and guide Sydney in the transition from being a student to having a position in her chosen field that will provide her with the most opportunity and growth. Another rewarding aspect is recognizing how much I, as a mentor, have learned from my mentee.” –Robin

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“My best advice to other pairs in the Program is to get to know your mentor on both a professional and personal level. Some of my most interesting and productive conversations with Robin have stemmed from conversations about our personal interests and experiences.” –Sydney

“The best practice I would share is to have open communication and share opinions and ideas. Also, mentors should try to include the mentee, when possible, in actual real-world situations within the mentor’s business.” –Robin

Have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“Two of my CliftonStrengths are Communication and Futuristic. I really enjoying talking to and meeting new people. This has made getting to know and building a relationship with my mentor easier. Additionally, my Futuristic strength has contributed to the success of my mentoring relationship because I continually seek ways to plan and reach my future goals. Robin has been a great resource to help me find ways to achieve these goals and has encouraged me to pursue new opportunities.” –Sydney


Story: Anthony Spadaccini ’22 VSB and Dan Temple ’96 VSB

Anthony is from Hamilton, N.J. and will graduate in May 2022 with bachelor’s degrees in Finance and Marketing. Dan graduated from 51 in 1996 with a degree in Management and a concentration in International Business. He currently works at JP Morgan Chase as the head of compensation for consumer and community banking.

Anthony Spadaccini ’22 VSB and Dan Temple ’96 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?

“I heard about the VSB Mentor Program from older students who were eager to share their own success stories in the program. Ultimately, I knew how valuable a mentor could be in helping me navigate the many challenges I would soon be facing.” – Anthony

“I was inspired to join the VSB Mentor Program because I do a lot of mentoring of junior professionals at work and really enjoy providing career coaching and advice. The chance to do something similar through the VSB Mentor Program was something that had tremendous appeal given my passion for mentoring.” – Dan

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience has exceeded all expectations. It has been great building a relationship with Dan, and I truly count him as a friend. Our conversations are always engaging, and I feel comfortable asking him difficult questions because I know he is going to deliver terrific advice.” – Anthony

“My experience so far with Anthony has been fantastic. The world drastically changed after our first call in late February or early March of 2021; however, that has made the overall experience special as I have been able to give Anthony strong advice on how to best navigate the challenges and adjustments of networking, interviewing, and working remotely.” – Dan

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“I believe our relationship is successful due to its friendly nature. Before we started discussing professional and career related topics, we got to know one another which formed a solid base for the relationship. There is a natural balance of our conversations between shared interests and professional topics. Nothing is ever forced, as I will update him accordingly and schedule a meeting only when I feel there is something important to discuss.” – Anthony

“We have a lot of common interests and I think that helped us at the beginning to establish a strong relationship. Our conversations are always a mix of personal topics as well as true coaching and advice. I think we have a really good balance of both and that has made us very successful so far.” – Dan

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“The best part of having a mentor is being able to turn to someone who will support me and offer unbiased advice. Dan is someone with years of experience, and it is always a pleasure to listen and learn from him.” – Anthony

“First and foremost, getting to know Anthony has been a pleasure and I feel very lucky that we were paired together. For me, it has also been great to see how he has had to navigate everything over the last eighteen months, and I like that I have played a small part in helping him do that.” – Dan

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“I think every mentor-mentee relationship is going to be different but getting to know each other beyond career related questions has been extremely beneficial in my experience. This laid a foundation and built trust while making the relationship feel as natural as possible. Also, be honest and transparent with your mentor about your goals, as he or she is there to help and encourage you!” – Anthony

“What has worked really well for us is to not have formal check-ins or a schedule of when to meet. We have let the frequency of our meetings become more organic, allowing us to connect as needed versus having a set schedule. For Anthony and me, this means when we do connect live we definitely have something to focus on and talk about.” – Dan

Have any of your Clifton Strengths contributed to the success of your mentoring relationship? If so, how?

“My Clifton Strength of Relator has definitely contributed to the success of my mentoring relationship. Although it has been very easy to relate with Dan, I think I have done a nice job uncovering mutual interests and building our relationship to the comfort level it is today.” – Anthony


Story: Olivia McEntee ’19 VSB

Olivia is from North Caldwell, N.J. and graduated from 51 in 2019 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance and a minor in Accounting. Olivia works as a financial planning and analysis analyst at BlackRock supporting its systematic and fundamental equities business.

Olivia McEntee ’19 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?    

“I joined the VSB Mentor Program as a mentee during my sophomore year because I liked the idea of getting professional development guidance from someone who had been in my shoes as a 51 student. I enjoyed my experience with the program so much that when the opportunity came to become involved as a mentor, I jumped the chance. I am currently a mentor to Samantha Rathjen ’23 VSB. I have also recently joined the VSB Mentor Program Advisory Board and am excited to get more involved there.” – Olivia

How has your experience participating in the VSB Mentor Program compared to your expectation?

“My experience has far exceeded my expectations! Little did I know that five years ago when I signed up for this program with the hope of receiving interview advice, that I would become so involved now as a mentor and Advisory Board member.” – Olivia

How did your experience as a 51 student learning about the value of mentorship motivate you to implement mentoring opportunities at your current company?

“Shortly upon starting my career at BlackRock, I realized that I was missing the mentoring aspect that was a constant in my 51 experience. I was sure that if I was missing this guidance, others in my analyst class were as well. I surveyed other analysts, as well as former analysts who had since been promoted, and they confirmed my thoughts. I began to brainstorm how I could bring a program similar to the VSB Mentor Program to BlackRock Finance. I connected with Michele Gianforcaro’89 VSB for advice on how to get started. From there, I formed a team to help put together a pilot mentoring program that pairs first and second-year finance analysts with associate and vice president level mentors. The first round of matches went extremely well, and we received great feedback from participants. I also participated in the program and gained an amazing mentor. We are aiming to kick off our second round of pairings this fall where we will incorporate all of the feedback we received. I cannot credit the 51 School of Business enough for instilling the value of mentorship within me and inspiring me to create a mentoring program at BlackRock.” – Olivia

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?  

“The best part about having a mentee is the idea of giving back. There were so many times throughout my college experience where I felt extremely thankful for the nuggets of advice my mentor provided me. I wanted to give someone else that same feeling. It feels great that I can use my short two and a half years of work experience to help my mentee Samantha with any professional development tips she needs. Outside of career related mentoring, it has been great to have developed a relationship with Samantha and help her navigate life at 51.” – Olivia

What do you believe are some best mentoring practices to share with others in the VSB Mentor Program?

“As mentor, try to put yourself in your mentee’s shoes and use personal experiences from your time at 51 to guide your advice. Be conscious of the times when your mentee needs you to stop talking and start listening. While you listen, make sure to listen with compassion and grasp your mentee’s point of view. This will allow you to dig deeper and understand what your mentee wants to gain from your conversations. Offer encouragement to your mentee. Junior and senior year of college can come with some daunting tasks, especially when the summer internship or post-grad job searches come into play. Provide a safe space where your mentee can ask questions, share ideas and vent their frustrations. Encourage them to push through stressful times and cheer them on as they attempt to navigate them.” – Olivia


Story: Robby Hill ’21 VSB and George Broadbin ’10 VSB

Robby is from Greenwood Village, Colo., and will graduate in May 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance and minors in Economics and Accounting. George serves as an investment partner for Alleghany Corporation. He graduated from 51 in 2010 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance.

Robby Hill ’21 VSB and George Broadbin ’10 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?

“I joined the VSB Mentor Program because having a mentor is a great way to connect on a deeper level with 51 alumni working in a field I want to pursue. I saw the program as a fantastic opportunity to start building relationships early on and having a ‘life coach.’” – Robby

“I saw the many benefits of mentorship when I was a student and was excited to see some more structure put around the program. A good mentor can help you avoid a lot of mistakes, and I want to see and help others succeed. I also see the Mentor Program as an opportunity to force a Kaizen-style analysis your own career and sharing those learnings with others helps improve their chances of success.” – George

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience has completely exceeded my expectations. I was fortunate enough to be paired with George, someone whose career path I want to follow, and it has been a terrific relationship. The highlight of our relationship was getting to meet in person in New York for coffee and catch up as if we had known each other for years.” – Robby

“The mentor program has been an excellent experience. The process is somewhat self-fulfilling – generally students who aren’t motivated to develop a mentor/mentee relationship won’t participate in the program and the same goes for mentors, so I was not surprised that it was a success.  Robby and I were both motivated to succeed in our respective roles, so it worked well.”  – George

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“The honesty and the flexibility of our relationship is what makes it so successful. I am comfortable asking George questions on a variety of topics, from interview preparation or where to live when I move to New York City. Another reason we have had a successful relationship is because we stay in touch often and keep our dialogue conversational.” – Robby

“The relationship was successful because Robby and I were able to establish trust early on in the relationship. Robby was very respectful of my time and was honest about his expectations. I was straightforward with what level of help I would be able to provide, and my expectations of him which laid the foundation for trust. After that, regular dialogue and sharing both successes and failures helped grow the relationship and build upon that foundation of trust.  It helped remove ego and bias from our process, which helped us both improve.  I look forward to watching the early days of Robby’s career and staying in touch.” – George

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee? 

“The best part of having a mentor is just having someone to talk to, to learn about their experiences, and listen to their advice. George has dealt with a lot of the questions I have right now and getting to hear his experience tackling those same issues has been a great benefit of this relationship.” – Robby

“Seeing my mentees set high goals for themselves and achieve them is the number one reward.  When Robby got his full time offer it felt just as good as the day when I got mine. An added bonus is when I can make a value-added recommendation to their process (like taking more liberal arts classes).”  – George 

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“I have two best practices to share. First, make sure that you are prepared and have done research on your mentor before your introductory call. Schedule enough time for the first call so you can set goals that you want to achieve with your mentor. I’d recommend an hour. Second, decide with your mentor how often you are going to meet. For some pairs, that could be every month, but for others, once a semester might suffice. Most importantly, what you get out of the mentoring is directly related to what you put into your relationship.” – Robby

“Have fun, don’t take yourself too seriously, and treat every interaction as an opportunity to improve.”  – George


Story: Kyle Patel ’22 VSB and Erin Guadagno ’07 VSB

Kyle is from Mount Laurel, N.J., and will graduate in May 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance and Business Analytics. Ms. Guadagno serves as the vice president of delivery & optimization for Barclays. She graduated from 51 in 2007 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance.

Kyle Patel ’22 VSB and Erin Guadagno ’07 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?

“I am very passionate about the sense of community within the 51 network. As I continue to explore potential career paths, I wanted to engage an alum with whom I could connect over a long period of time, to get insightful advice related to my long-term career goals from someone who has experienced it. I knew the Mentor Program would allow me to form both a professional and personal connection with my mentor, which would ultimately allow my mentor to aid me in the best way possible.” –Kyle

“I was inspired to join because I know the true value of having a mentor. I didn’t have one while I was at ’Nova and definitely would have benefitted from it. I have been very lucky in my career to find formal and informal mentors to help me along my journey.” – Erin

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“I have had an even better experience than I anticipated. I am grateful to have gone through two internship recruiting cycles with Erin, for two very different roles. Due to Erin’s recognition and support of my long-term goals, I was able to learn about many different roles that align with my career interests. This ultimately opened my eyes to many different and previously unnoticed career paths available to me, and ones that Erin knew would be a good fit for me due to our continued connection.”–Kyle

“I try to approach mentor/mentee relationships without too many expectations, good or bad. Mentor relationships need to develop as naturally as possible to be successful. My experience with Kyle has been wonderful and has really turned into something special, despite all the challenges we faced in 2020.”–Erin

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“Honesty and transparency about my interests and goals have made our mentor relationship successful. As I went through multiple recruiting cycles with Erin, my honesty allowed her to guide me in a direction that would allow me to continue to explore my interests, by recommending me to new roles and people to connect with along the way.” – Kyle

“Kyle and I have been successful because we have been able to develop an honest and open dialogue. We set regular meetings, but also allow for chats in between when we need to catch up. I try to make myself available by phone, email, and text so we can keep in touch. I also think I’ve helped encourage Kyle to open up his mind to explore all different types of career paths, leading him to land a coveted summer internship with Morgan Stanley after completing his Co-Op program at J&J during the summer and fall of 2020.”– Erin

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“I am very grateful for the personal connection that Erin and I have made, especially during the COVID-19 and virtual environment. I feel very comfortable asking her questions and being open to new opportunities, which has made our relationship successful.” –Kyle

“I enjoy having a front-row seat while watching Kyle grow not only in his personal life but also in his career. It sparks real joy for me to know that I’ve been able to truly make a difference in someone’s life and help them to achieve their goals, whatever they may be.”–Erin

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“I would recommend to all mentees to be open to new experiences and to stay in constant communication with your mentor. It can be hard to immediately see how this may be impactful, but it does make a difference once you find a role that fits you best. Additionally, it allows your mentor to realize things about your potential career path that you may not notice, a very valuable aspect of VSB’s Mentor Program.” –Kyle

“Throw all rules out the window of what a mentoring relationship “has” to be. Do what works best for you both and let the relationship develop naturally. Start with a conversation about what you’re both looking for in a mentor or mentee, so each person is on the same page. Then let the conversation just flow.”–Erin

Michele Gianforcaro
Director, VSB Mentor Program

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Email: vsb.mentoring@villanova.edu