Story: Han Chin '21 VSB and Rachel Steinman ’95 VSB

Han is from Orange County, Calif., and will graduate in May 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Business Analytics, and Finance. Rachel is the chief financial officer for a prominent single-family accounting office in Las Vegas, Nev. She graduated from 51 in 1995 with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting.

Han Chin '21 VSB and Rachel Steinman ’95 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?

“I highly value mentorship and I wanted to make connections with more 51 alumni, making the VSB Mentor Program the best option for me. I wanted to have someone who would understand the position I am in and could help guide me with their experiences.” – Han

“I felt that my 25 years of varied experience across the accounting and financial fields could be helpful for students navigating the options available to them upon graduation.” – Rachel

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“Having Rachel as my mentor has surpassed my expectation of the program. Whatever question or concern I have, she has the perfect advice for me that has helped guide me in the right direction. For example, when I had to decide which Big 4 internships I would choose, Rachel helped me through that process by sharing her prior experiences at EY and explaining what I should look for in each firm.” – Han

“I had high expectations for this experience since I feel VSB cultivates a well-rounded and intelligent group of students. I feel the mentee I was matched with exemplifies that hardworking and ambitious student I was expecting to meet. He was more decisive about his career path than I had anticipated, so while he has been very capable of making short-term career decisions, I believe I have helped provide a long-term view, which is in line with my initial expectations.” – Rachel

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“I believe our relationship is successful because it isn’t one-sided. Although it is a mentor program, Rachel also shares about her life–especially her kids–and I try to help give any perspectives I have since I want to give back to her as she has helped me so much.” – Han

“Han and I touch base often and our conversations vary from a quick check-in to more substantive discussions about career paths and decision-making moments. I feel that keeping open lines of communication and understanding each other on a personal level helps when we have more complex topics to discuss.” – Rachel

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“Especially during 2020, it was nice having Rachel check in on me once a month to make sure everything was alright. It’s been reassuring to have someone check in especially if I had any questions in mind. I can rely on Rachel to give honest and unbiased opinions or even a new perspective.” – Han

“I have enjoyed learning how VSB has grown since I was a student. The new class options available and opportunities for students are amazing. It has been enlightening to learn how mature and capable the students have become. I hope it has been helpful for Han to have me as a resource and sounding board. He is an intelligent and thoughtful student who will be very successful. Since we are both on the West Coast, I hope to remain in contact with him as he navigates his career after graduation.” – Rachel

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“Initially Rachel and I would keep in touch every couple of weeks mainly because I was going through the application process of Spring Accounting Internship. After a few months, we dialed it back to once a month. Rachel also made time for me if I had an impromptu question. I would recommend talking with your mentor as much as you both can to build the relationship so when anything comes up, there’s a good mutual understanding of each other’s situation to help guide the conversations.” – Han

“I think it is very important to have a face-to-face meeting at least once. Given the recent COVID-19 restrictions, that might prove difficult, but I do feel it’s a great way to kick off the relationship and get to know each other.” – Rachel


Story: Patrick Haley ’21 VSB and Megan O’Leary ’16 VSB

Patrick is from Baltimore, Md., and will graduate in May 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business Analytics, and Business Law. Megan is a senior analyst in co-brand product management at American Express. She graduated from 51 in 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and International Business.

Patrick Haley ’21 VSB and Megan O’Leary ’16 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?

“Michele Gianforcaro invited me to join the advisory board during my freshman year and some friends of mine had already been a part of the Mentor Program for two years. They had spoken at length about how rewarding it was and after hearing about their experiences, I could not wait to get started during my sophomore year. Since then, I’ve spent two years building a great relationship with Megan; she has been a fantastic mentor and I am excited to continue to work with her after graduation.” – Patrick

“I was a part of the mentor program when I was at VSB and could tell right away it was an amazing program to be involved in. So many people helped me when I was at VSB, while I was looking for a job, and when I graduated, and I wanted to give back in the same way. The network is full of amazing alumni and students, so I jumped at the opportunity to join as a mentor.” – Megan

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“If I were to use one word: exceeded! Going into a new professional relationship, I was pretty nervous since I did not know how to talk to a mentor or what to talk about. I had never had a mentor before, but I knew that I had career goals, and having a mentor to provide feedback was invaluable. Megan has gone above and beyond what I thought my mentor would be. Not only has she provided me with advice on resumes, cover letters, and interview tips, but we have also gotten to know each other as people. Megan helped me as a professional and made sure I had a fantastic experience at 51 at the same time. She even gave me study abroad advice when I was preparing to go to London for a semester!” – Patrick

“So much better than expected! I knew I would get paired with an amazing student, but Patrick and I hit it off right away. With differing schedules, it can be difficult to connect at times, but we’ve always managed to make time to regroup, even meeting in NYC when Patrick came back from London. I was so impressed by how mature and eager Patrick was to learn and be a part of this program. He’s gone above and beyond to make our relationship a success.” – Megan

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“I think the biggest thing that makes our relationship successful is our openness and communication. From the get-go, Megan and I started building trust to ask the important questions regarding my professional development. Megan has been honest and authentic from the start, which has helped me feel comfortable asking tough questions. Over the past two years, I have been able to learn from Megan’s professional experiences as well as her personal experiences. At the same time, I have gotten to know her not only as a professional mentor but also as a friend and someone who’s in my corner as I navigate my career.” – Patrick

“We’ve made the time to connect, either in person, via email or at networking events (when possible!) and put the time in necessary to build a connection. I think we’ve also been candid in our discussions to build trust, so hopefully, Patrick can come to me and ask the hard questions he may not feel comfortable asking others.” – Megan

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“There are things that you can’t ask your boss in the workplace. Having someone like Megan who is there to answer those tough questions and help navigate the job offer process or the transition to and from my study abroad experience has been invaluable to my personal and professional development.” – Patrick

“The ongoing connection and tie to VSB. It’s been so exciting to watch Patrick go through these final years at 51 and hear about his successes (academic and otherwise). I can’t wait to see where he lands and hopefully be able to help with that. I know now that we have this network, we’ll be connected even when his time at VSB is up.” – Megan

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“My best advice is to communicate with each other. Not reaching out to your mentor to develop that relationship does not help either party, and the information and experience you’ll gain from such a relationship are too valuable to miss. I honestly think I would be in a different position professionally without Megan’s advice and guidance. Also, be yourself and be honest with what you’re looking to get out of this program. It is important to set expectations and goals early on so each of you can get the most out of the relationship. Allowing yourself to be honest with what you are looking for and working with your mentor to get there can build trust, and most importantly, a lifelong mentoring relationship!” – Patrick

“Always make time to touch base! Given everything that was going on in the world, our standard chats fell off, but once we reconnected and got meetings back on the schedule it was easy to fall back into a routine. It’s so important to make the relationship a priority even when things get lost in the shuffle.” – Megan


Story: Katie Sideratos ’21 VSB and Amy Pellicane ’03 CLAS

Katie is from Manhasset, N.Y., and will graduate in May 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Business Analytics. Amy is the executive director of consumer engagement marketing at Clinique. She graduated from 51 in 2003 with a degree in Communications.

Katie Sideratos ’21 VSB and Amy Pellicane ’03 CLAS

What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?

“I decided to join the VSB Mentor Program to learn about the career possibilities within marketing and form a connection with someone who could help me navigate that exciting and evolving field. At the time, I knew I was interested in the beauty industry, so I hoped to be matched with a mentor who had experience in that area.” – Katie

“I have been very fortunate to have had many 51 alumni help guide me throughout my life, and they have always stressed the importance of service to the undergrad community. Working in marketing—specifically in beauty— I am also always looking to hear directly from young consumers about their perceptions of our brand and reactions to our marketing initiatives.” –Amy

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience in the Mentor Program has truly exceeded my expectations. When I read about Amy’s experiences and current role at Clinique, I knew she was the perfect match for me and was very excited to learn about her career. Amy and I discovered we had many similarities during our first conversation, including a strong passion for the beauty industry. We were able to connect quickly and maintain a meaningful relationship throughout these past few years.” –Katie

“This program is exceptionally managed and executed, making it an easy fit into my professional life. I am consistently impressed with the level of resources provided to the teams and the overall structure of the program. My relationship with Katie has also not made it seem like incremental work; it’s a delight having her in my life.” – Amy

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“Amy has been an incredibly approachable and kind mentor who has supported me in my professional development as I completed internships and am now searching for full-time opportunities. We have been able to meet in person in New York City and at 51, talk on the phone, and even text each other. These opportunities to connect have made me feel supported as I work to discover what my path will be after graduation.” – Katie

“Katie and I are a great fit! We share many commonalities, including a passion for beauty products. She is incredibly mature and made herself a valuable addition to my marketing team at Clinique this past summer. She and I talk or text often and have made a concerted effort to stay in touch. I believe our personalities are a wonderful match and I hope we will stay a part of each other’s lives for many years to come.” – Amy

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“The best part about having a mentor has been having someone to learn from and lean on throughout my time at 51. Because Amy has been my mentor since my sophomore year, we have gotten the chance to connect many times and her guidance has made me feel much more prepared to begin my career. I know I will continue to lean on her support even after leaving 51 as I work to build my own career as successfully as she has.” – Katie

“The best part of having a mentee is watching all Katie has accomplished in the last few years with pride, including a prestigious CoOp at J&J. I was so impressed by how she was able to navigate a class schedule and a full-time job; all while adjusting to working from home in a global pandemic. I also loved having Katie join my marketing team last summer; her help to our consumer marketing efforts was so appreciated and my team adored her professional demeanor and willingness to pitch in and help however possible.” – Amy

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“Stay connected with your mentor, as your schedules allow, so the relationship can continue to strengthen as time goes on! Having a one-on-one mentor is a fantastic opportunity to further your professional and personal development in an individualized way during your time in VSB, so make time to talk on the phone, send an update or questions through text/email, or meet in person if possible.” – Katie

“I’d suggest to other pairs that the mentors should open their own network to the mentees as a way to broaden their horizons. It is a wonderful way to meet other 51 alumni in other areas of business. Mostly, I would suggest really taking the time to get to know one another and incorporating this young person into your life, regardless of the professional opportunities.” – Amy


Story: Mary Kaitlin Enright ’21 VSB and Brett Snyder ’09 CLAS

Mary Kaitlin is from Glenview, Ill., and will graduate in May 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing. Brett is the Founder and CEO of Knucklepuck. He graduated from 51 in 2009 with a degree in Communications and minors in Business and Spanish.

Mary Kaitlin Enright ’21 VSB and Brett Snyder ’09 CLAS

What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?

“When I was a sophomore, I heard about the VSB Mentor Program through the pipeline of information that VSB shares with students. I attended a panel to learn more, and upon hearing upperclassmen speak about their experiences building relationships with their mentors, I could not help but be excited by the opportunity. Everyone had such good things to say about their mentors and the wonderful relationships they had built. Now, after having the same experience with Brett, I understand why they said that!” – Mary Kaitlin

“I never had a mentor, despite the fact that every business book on the planet recommends having one. I always pined for someone to be invested in my success and challenge me to improve. I wanted someone to give it to me straight but also tell me how to use my skills. I may not have found that person when I was in college, but when the opportunity arose to serve that role for someone else, I was thrilled to participate.” – Brett

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“In a single word: exceeded! I expected a lot of things from the mentorship experience, most specifically relating to guidance and support through my academic and career journey. However, my mentorship experience with Brett has been more than one just based on that guidance and support; in addition, I’ve gotten to know Brett as a person, and as someone with whom I can bounce around ideas, explore the difficulties of work-life balance, and share all the peaks, and valleys of life.” – Mary Kaitlin

“I continue to be thoroughly impressed by the program itself and especially by Mary Kaitlin’s commitment to making it work for her. What exceeded my expectations most of all was Mary Kaitlin’s maturity and self-awareness. A relationship is successful when both people come together with mutually aligned goals and I am inspired by someone who takes control of her circumstances and works to put herself in a position to be successful.” – Brett

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“What makes my mentorship with Brett successful is our openness with one another. From the onset, Brett showed his authentic and honest personality whenever he interacted with me, and I have since come to recognize that is how he conducts all of his relationships, whether professional or personal. As a result, I was able to learn not only from Brett’s professional guidance, but also his personal guidance, and get to know him as both a professional mentor and a friend. Because I feel as though I know Brett in that context, I have been able to appreciate him as a role model in various aspects of life.” – Mary Kaitlin

“Mary Kaitlin came to the table with goals for her career, priorities for professional development, and a willingness to confront realities of post-college life. This enabled a stronger connection because I felt I could relate more directly to her as a person. I became invested in wanting to see her succeed because I saw how hard she was working to pursue a career with a purpose. I am proud to see her make decisions and press forward, adapting as necessary but owning the responsibility of her own success. Her work ethic inspires me and I carry that energy into my personal and professional life.” – Brett

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“I have someone I can count on to ask the questions, or just chat with about the things that you can’t really ask your boss. When I’m not sure how to approach sending a difficult email, how to decide between two companies, or how to navigate work-life balance issues, amongst so many other things, Brett is there for me. As I said, he is not just a mentor, but also a friend who supports me both professionally and personally.” – Mary Kaitlin

“I have a new friend! In a world that is becoming increasingly compartmentalized into specific roles, I value the perspective of someone in a different stage of life. It helps me be a more empathetic father and CEO by staying connected to people facing different circumstances. I am grateful to have met someone who I can also bounce ideas off and know I’m going to get an honest reaction. I encourage all mentors to approach the program by also having things you want to gain from the experience. The students like Mary Kaitlin who are taking the initiative to participate in this program are our future. We have a lot we can learn from each other.” – Brett

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“To anyone else already in, or just beginning, a mentorship experience through the VSB Mentor Program, my “best practice” advice is to be your authentic self with your mentor. It's easy to be intimidated by the success and confidence of VSB alumni, but at the end of the day, they know a thing or two about what it’s like to be in your shoes because they once were! So, don’t be afraid to share the questions you’re nervous about asking, your side passions and hobbies, or the stresses of academic and young professional life from YOUR unique lens. Being upfront about who you are and what you’re looking to gain from this experience, while also remaining true to your personality breaks down the barrier of that intimidation and allows you to get to know your mentor (and yourself) so much better. All the rest falls into place from there, trust me!” – Mary Kaitlin

“Video chat. Phone calls are impersonal and emotionally distant. Especially early on when you are trying to establish that trust, make sure you can give the person your full attention. You have to look at each other in the eye and believe the relationship will enrich your lives.” – Brett


Story: Olivia Ashley ’21 VSB and Kristen Hogan '08 VSB

Olivia is from Wyckoff, NJ, and will graduate in May 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Italian.  Kristen Hogan is the founder and CEO of REX Digital Collective. She graduated from 51 in 2008 with degrees in Marketing and International Business, and a minor in Spanish.

Olivia Ashley ’21 VSB and Kristen Hogan '08 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?

“I wanted to join the VSB Mentor Program because I was interested in learning more about the experiences of VSB’s alumni. I was hoping to be matched with a mentor who would help me navigate the start of my career path. I had declared a Marketing major but was seeking advice on how to better discover the type of internship I wanted for Summer 2020. I figured support from a VSB Mentor would be very useful.” – Olivia

“I wanted to help current students excel as they entered the working world by sharing my unique experience in large conglomerates and startups alike. I am very proud of my career to date, and that is due in large part to my experience at VSB. It was a thrill to bring it full circle and share my point of view and network with a young marketer whose exact shoes I was in 12 years ago. I also thought there was value in sharing the experience of graduating into a financial crisis in 2008 and coming out stronger on the other side. Of course, I also wanted to stay connected to my 51 roots, and there is no better way to do that than mentoring the next generation of Wildcats.” – Kristen

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience working with Kristen has certainly exceeded my expectations. During the matching process, I requested a mentor with experience in either the beauty or fashion industry. After learning about Kristen’s career working for Coty Inc. and Supergoop!, I was very excited to work with her and learn more about her career path. I was so pleasantly surprised with how relatable Kristen was, especially because we both double majored in Marketing and a foreign language at 51. I did not anticipate how well my mentor would be able help give me advice based on her own personal experiences.” – Olivia

“The experience has exceeded my expectations 100%. In addition to sharing advice and experience, I was thrilled to be able to connect Olivia to key people in my network to allow for a diverse point of view when necessary. It was also a pleasure to meet Olivia in person for breakfast near campus (pre-COVID19), obtain a clearer understanding of her goals for our mentorship and brainstorm all the ways I could help. I think every mentor-mentee pair could benefit from this sort of “Mentorship Planning Session,” even if it’s via Zoom!” – Kristen

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“Our relationship is successful because Kristen has been so approachable. We have been able to chat on the phone, meet up at First Watch, and we even text each other. Kristen has always encouraged me to reach out to her if I have any questions, concerns, or ideas as I have navigated finding an internship and a job. Having so many ways to be connected and communicate has helped me to feel comfortable and supported by my mentor throughout this process.” – Olivia

“Our successful relationship is due to both of us taking our roles seriously. Olivia is a dream mentee in that she is incredibly astute, curious, and responsive and makes being her mentor a pleasure. I also think keeping communication channels causal is very effective. I often encourage Olivia to text me whenever a question pops into her head. With her busy school schedule and me running my own consultancy, time for both of us is precious. It’s important to keep in mind that a mentor-mentee interaction does not have to be formal and long-form like a phone call or Zoom – sometimes a quick text conversation is all it takes to add value.” – Kristen

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“The best part about having a mentor is being able to learn about all of Kristen’s experiences working in different industries and for different companies. It has been so valuable to hear about her marketing positions at companies in the beauty industry as well as her journey starting her own company, REX Digital Collective. Hearing Kristen’s success story that began with her graduation from 51 has been very inspirational as I prepare to graduate in the spring.” – Olivia

“I have loved being a part of Olivia’s journey to finding her internship and her first full-time role post-graduation. She is a very talented young marketer and would be an asset to any organization, and it has been wonderful helping her craft her story to ensure it shines through at all touchpoints with potential employers.” – Kristen

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“Keep in touch! It is easy to become distracted by school work, working, a social life and other responsibilities, but it is so important to stay in touch with your mentor throughout the school year and the summer. Even if your schedules are busy, it is so beneficial to schedule periodic meetings with your mentor to continue to work on personal and professional development. I am so grateful for Kristen’s encouragement and support as I continue to job search and develop my professional skills.” – Olivia

“I would encourage other pairs in the program not to get overwhelmed with the incremental time commitment of a mentorship. It’s important to establish a communication flow that works for both parties, and to take advantage of all the technology we have at our fingertips. A call or meeting every so often is certainly important, however keeping in touch via text or email is equally valuable to nurturing a long-lasting mentorship.

Lastly, I believe it is pivotal for mentors to ensure their mentees understand that no question is too trivial. I would encourage mentees to ask every question that comes to mind and to leave no stone unturned when it comes to professional development. The more questions you ask, the better positioned you will be to stand out to a hiring manager.” – Kristen


Story: Marissa Rawlings '18 VSB and Rick Cocivera '97 VSB

Marissa Rawlings, from Northborough, Mass., is an analyst in investment operations at Fidelity Investments. She graduated in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing. Rick Cocivera is the vice president of adviser oversight at Fidelity Investments. He graduated from 51 in 1997 with a BBA in Finance. They were matched as a VSB Mentor Program pair when Rawlings was a sophomore.

Marissa Rawlings '18 VSB and Rick Cocivera '97 VSB

How has your relationship evolved now that you are both 51 alumni in the workforce?

“We were able to establish strong rapport quickly, so our relationship has not changed too drastically. As a student, I was definitely more focused on immediate, short-term goals, and we spent many of our meetings talking through my major and minor choices, and how to best position myself for career fairs, internships and interviews. Upon graduation and entering the workforce, we now interact more as colleagues. While I still look to Rick for advice, we discuss more long-term career aspirations.” - Marissa

“My relationship with Marissa is very similar to the engagements I have with other colleagues in my network. The biggest difference is the common bond that we share through 51. At our organization there is a relatively small network of alumni and it is rewarding to have such a tangible connection back to a very meaningful period of my life. Since we were introduced through the Mentor Program, I have more of an interest in Marissa’s career development at our firm.” - Rick

How did you decide to continue your mentoring relationship beyond Marissa’s graduation?

“During the job application process in my senior year, I turned to Rick for advice on interviews as well as in making my final decisions. When I spoke with him right before I accepted a role, we discussed staying in touch going forward. Even though I was accepting a position at a different company, given the strong connection we had developed over the years in the Mentor Program and as an intern at Fidelity, I knew I wanted to stay in touch. I valued this mentoring relationship, so I made an effort to stay connected. The continuation of our mentoring relationship ultimately led me to return to Fidelity this year.” - Marissa

“I always stress the importance of networking in my mentor engagements. While interning at our organization during the summer of 2017, Marissa was very deliberate about making connections and building her network. Certainly, our direct interactions throughout the internship strengthened our relationship but I credit Marissa with proactively maintaining communication with me and others in our organization post-graduation. These connections ultimately lead to her current job.” - Rick

What has made your relationship so successful over the years?

“From the beginning Rick was great and made it clear that I should take the lead on the cadence of our mentoring relationship, and that he would be available for whatever I needed. Having that ownership established early on made it easier for me to really make the most of the relationship. Being able to meet in person at the Fidelity office in Boston when I was home on school breaks also greatly enhanced our relationship.” - Marissa

“The VSB Mentor Program did an excellent job with matching us in 2016. Our common interests have allowed for a very natural engagement that has evolved organically overtime. Also, working directly with Marissa during her internship significantly strengthened our relationship. Most importantly, Marissa’s initiative has been essential to the long-term success of our relationship and has been the driving force behind our engagement.” - Rick

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“Having an objective, third-party advisor who is genuinely invested in my career has been invaluable! I truly value our mentoring relationship because it keeps me connected to 51, even though I have graduated.” - Marissa

“I am continually impressed by the insights and perspectives that I receive through mentoring. These coaching experiences provide a unique opportunity to self-reflect on what has worked well and what can be improved in my own career. It is also fulfilling to watch the growth and successes of people I mentor.” - Rick

Any tips for other pairs in the program?

“Find common ground and build rapport quickly! It makes conversations flow much more easily when you have something to talk about other than career questions. Also, make sure to be open and honest. My most successful mentoring relationships have all occurred when I was able to speak openly about my goals, concerns and questions. Lastly, don’t be intimated by reaching out to your mentor. They signed up to help 51ns succeed, and would not have volunteered if they did not have the time or desire to do so.” - Marissa

“Take time to get know each other and make a personal connection (a shared alma mater is an easy starting point). Take initiative to schedule meetings and come prepared with relevant topics to discuss. Keep your mentor informed; it’s rewarding for the mentor to hear updates on previously discussed items.” - Rick


Story: Laura Furtek ’20 VSB and Haley LeDonne ’15 VSB

Laura is from Audubon, Pa., and graduated in May 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance. Haley is an International Tax Senior Associate at Alvarez and Marsal Tax. She graduated from 51 in 2015 with a degree in Accounting and Finance.

Laura Furtek ’20 VSB and Haley LeDonne ’15 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?

“I joined the Mentor Program to expand my network and gain an outside perspective on how to navigate my academic and professional career.” – Laura

“One of the best parts of a 51 education and the VSB experience is the incredible network it provides. I became a mentor to be a part of that in a more impactful way.” – Haley

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience has definitely exceeded my expectations especially with regard to Haley’s willingness to use her own network and experiences to help me navigate internships, job offers, and even my personal life. By extending our relationship beyond just career advice, we’ve grown closer than I ever expected prior to joining the program.” – Laura

“The experience has been above and beyond my expectations. It was an honor to be chosen by Laura to be her mentor. She is an incredibly hard-working student who has enormous career potential. It has been great assisting her in navigating internships and full-time offers, and I’m continually impressed by her drive and organizational skills.” – Haley

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“I think our mentoring relationship is successful because of Haley’s willingness to share both the positives and negatives of her career including her time at 51. She has allowed me to recognize the not-so-glamorous sides of public accounting while also sharing the exciting aspects.” – Laura

“Laura and I had very similar VSB experiences and paths because we had the same majors. as well as similar career goals in tax. I’ve learned a lot over the past five years that I would have liked to have known as an undergrad. By going through that so recently, I’m able to offer helpful perspectives to Laura as she navigates the undergrad to post-grad transition.” – Haley

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“I’ve learned a lot from Haley through the advice that she has given me, but also I have learned how to be a good mentor to others in the future. Our relationship has shown me the power of mentoring, which I hope to keep with me throughout my career.” – Laura

“Having a mentor outside of your own organization or company is extremely helpful to bounce ideas off of and ensure that advice is always given with the mentee’s best interest in mind. I hope that I serve that role for Laura and am very fortunate to get to learn from her in much the same way.” – Haley

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“By keeping Haley in the loop about academic, professional, and personal updates, I have found that it is much easier to pick up our conversations where we left off rather than fill each other in on an entire month’s worth of updates. Not all conversations have to be formal, sometimes just a text update is all you need!” – Laura

“Laura and I met periodically in the city either through VSB events or for coffee during her internship. Otherwise, we communicate by email, texting and calls. It’s very important to have regular touchpoints to just stay up to date on course work, CPA plans, and make sure I’m available to provide help any way I can!” – Haley


Story: Michael Gillen '20 VSB and John Finneran '06 VSB

Michael Gillen is from Washington Township, NJ, and graduated in May 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance and Accounting. John Finneran is the Vice President and iShares Leader at BlackRock. He graduated from 51 in 2006 with a degree in Marketing and Management.

Michael Gillen '20 VSB and John Finneran '06 VSB

What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?

“I had heard the success stories of upperclassmen and wanted to try to make a great connection with a mentor of my own. I was a sophomore looking for any and all opportunities to land internships and jobs to expand my experience in the finance world.” – Michael

“I’ve had some great mentors in my life and when presented with the opportunity, I wanted to give back. Plus, I wish they had something like this when I was in the business school, so it felt foolish to not participate and help.” – John

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience has far surpassed my expectations. It has been everything I looked for and more from the very beginning.” – Michael

“It has far exceeded my expectations. First off, I’m very impressed with the level of student that is coming through 51 right now. After my first conversation with Michael, I knew he was someone I wanted to invest my time in. To say it’s been a successful partnership is an understatement.” – John

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“John is an approachable mentor who truly looked to build a relationship with me from the beginning. His genuine willingness to help is the foundation which created our successful relationship, and we sustained it with openness and communication. Over many calls, John and I were able to determine the questions and true interests I had which allowed him to use his experience and knowledge in directing me and connecting me with others who could help me. Specifically, John connected me with a classmate of his who works in the wealth management industry, which was an area I had an interest in. After speaking to John’s classmate, I was able to work as a part-time intern in his office during the fall semester of my junior year. This experience provided me with an understanding of the industry and with skills that I used in my next internship.” – Michael

“Open lines of communication. I have a busy job and young family, so it’s not easy for me to always set specific times to chat. We have each other’s cell numbers and text/call whenever we need something. Michael always comes to me with well-thought-out questions that we can have an open dialogue about. He’s not afraid to ask questions and accept feedback. I’ve found myself bouncing as many questions off him as he does of me; it has become a great two-way relationship.” – John

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“The best part about having a mentor is having the support of someone – who has been in my shoes – available to answer my questions and give me advice throughout my time at VSB. Without John’s input, I would not have known where to begin learning about different finance industries without John’s advice.” – Michael

“It’s great to still have a connection to campus; being able to text him after the basketball team won the National Championship in 2018 and ask how the campus was reacting was really cool. Most importantly, it’s just being able to give back and help someone. When we started, Michael had a very defined path for his future, and it’s been a lot of fun to be part of that. Now I see that he’s realizing every single goal he set out for himself when we first started, and it’s been such a joy to be part of.” – John

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“My best practice is to be very open and communicative. If both mentor and mentee are willing to ask questions and try new things, the relationship will blossom and, in the end, be very helpful to the mentee in their search for the right career.” – Michael

“Leverage your 51 network outside of the mentor/mentee relationship. One of my closest friends, and fellow alumnus, is in the line of business that Michael wanted to get into, so I set them up for a conference call. Michael built a relationship with him and Michael got a great internship from this fellow 51 alum (shout out to Lou Spinelli!). He was able to learn a lot of real-world job skills that he could carry forward. It also helped him confirm the career path he wanted to take and ultimately helped him land a phenomenal job upon graduation.” – John 


Story: Jenny Su '21 CLAS and Tony Holland '09 MBA

Jenny Su will graduate in May 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. Tony Holland is the Director of Strategic Partnerships and Solutions Consulting for Synactive, Inc. He graduated from 51 in 2009 with an Executive MBA in Business Leadership.

Jenny Su '21 CLAS and Tony Holland '09 MBA

What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?

“I consider mentorship to be one of the best kind of relationships a person can ask for. It’s a relationship about mutual learning, sharing, caring and nurturing. I had always wanted to learn from alumni and hear their professional and personal journeys. Hearing the perspectives of people who have been in my shoes helps me navigate major decisions, choose career directions and more.” – Jenny

“Coaching was an integrated and transformational part of my 51 EMBA experience. I was so grateful for that experience and it inspired me to continue my ongoing education in ontological coaching after my graduation. Now I can give back to others the same kind of mentoring that has been invested in me.” – Tony

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“The experience has very much exceeded my expectations. Tony not only supports my professional development but also helps me grow as a person. He has always encouraged me to be more self-aware and balanced, to see the world from the lens of love and positivity, through all of our conversations, as well as practices, videos, and books he recommends.” – Jenny

“The mentoring experience at 51 has exceeded my expectations. The mentor/mentee matching process has generated amazing relationships.” – Tony

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“Mutual commitment to the relationship is very important. Tony and I both value this relationship, putting in both time and effort. We share some common visions of life, missions and interests, which has helped us grow close. I also appreciate the fact that Tony cares about coaching and helping others, and he is very talented at it.” – Jenny

“Curiosity, honesty, openness, transparency and an eagerness to engage in a process of lifelong learning and mindfulness, are key ingredients for making a successful mentoring relationship.” – Tony

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“The best part is to have another person who is both your friend and teacher, who listens to your thoughts and concerns, guides you through the uncertainties of life, and helps you become a better version of yourself.” – Jenny

“The ongoing personal rewards of helping another person become the best version of themselves that they can possibly be has been the best part of having a mentor/mentee relationship.” – Tony 

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“I would recommend thinking of the mentorship not just through a professional lens, but also through a personal lens to develop personal growth. You will be surprised how much more fruitful the relationship might be!” – Jenny

“It has been extremely helpful to work together to develop mutually agreed upon and measurable goals and objectives for the mentoring relationship. My best practice has been working with my mentee at the very beginning of our relationship to define and develop a personal balanced scorecard for our mentoring conversations. I have also found it to be effective and rewarding to apply the same ontological coaching methodology for mentoring that was taught and applied during my EMBA experience. Meeting for occasional face-to-face meetings, supplemented with regular virtual conversations, has been another best practice that helps create and capture value for the mentoring relationship.” – Tony 


Story: Chidinma “Chichi” Chioke '21 VSB and Andy Walker '99 VSB

Chidinma “Chichi” Chioke will graduate in May 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance and a co-major in Business Analytics. Andy Walker works as Cloud Sales Executive, SAP Sales Executive, and SAP Consulting Manager at Deloitte. He graduated from 51 in 1999 with a B.S. in Finance.

Chidinma “Chichi” Chioke '21 VSB and Andy Walker '99 VSB

1. What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?    

“I decided to join the VSB Mentor Program because I wanted the opportunity to build relationships with VSB alumni. For college students, there’s immeasurable value in hearing the experiences and lessons learned from people who were in your exact situation. It’s so helpful to learn that your struggles are common and are not unique to you. It builds your confidence and makes you believe that you can also be successful.” – Chichi

“I am a VSB alumni, and I married my wife, a graduate of 51 Nursing, at St. Thomas of 51 Church. I’ve been active in maintaining connections with 51 through my current employer via recruiting and saw the VSB Mentor Program as an excellent opportunity to give back. I’m also a big believer in mentoring and have benefited from mentee and mentor relationships over my career.” – Andy

2. How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“I was a little nervous because I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how willing Andy is to make himself available to me and provide the support and counsel that I need academically, professionally and otherwise. It feels like I’ve made a new friend who happens to be older, really smart and gives great advice.” – Chichi

“I think the program has been great so far and I’ve appreciated getting to know Chichi. She has  wonderful drive and focus on what she wants to do post-graduation and is open to feedback on areas of improvement. Chichi is easy to work with and I’ve enjoyed seeing her progress since we started the program in the spring.” – Andy

3. What makes your relationship a successful one?    

“I think our relationship has been a successful one because we move at our own pace. In every relationship, it’s always necessary to find a way to add value to each party involved in that relationship, and in every relationship that ‘value’ looks different. It’s important to be cognizant of that.” – Andy

“I didn’t need much help figuring out internships or classes to take. I figured all that out very early on in my college career. From a mentor, I was looking for someone with a listening ear— someone I could share my struggles and fears with. With unfaltering commitment, Andy has been that for me.” – Chichi

“I wholeheartedly agree with Chichi. There’s no cookie cutter approach to a mentorship relationship. The key is to listen and learn from each other so that both can focus on where the impact matters most. Chichi’s been highly focused on her post-graduation plans and so our relationship has revolved more around me listening and serving as a sounding board/guide for her plans and progress.” – Andy

4. What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?    

“It’s so comforting to know that you have someone you can go to if you need help with anything. It makes you feel like you aren’t alone in your journey. For me, that’s been my favorite part about having a mentor.” – Chichi

“It’s been refreshing gaining more insight into the focus and drive of a current VSB student. Chichi seems exceptional and as an employer who often hires VSB graduates and a father of two teenagers, I really appreciate gaining insights into what differentiates today’s VSB students and I have Chichi to thank for that.” – Andy 

5. Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“I think it is important to make the mentor/mentee relationship your own. The relationship should reflect the personalities of the two people involved. It needs to be authentic for an organic connection to form.” – Chichi 

“You have to be honest with each other in setting clear goals and defining what you’re looking to get out of the relationship and then follow through accordingly. I also think it’s important to have periodic in-person meetings to foster a tight relationship to avoid an out-of-sight, out-of-mind mentality. Chichi and I have tried to blend our interaction with in-person lunches with correspondence over e-mail and social media, which helped foster a great new friendship.” – Andy


Story: Becca Gleeson '20 VSB and Terrie Stickel '92 MBA

Becca Gleeson graduated in May 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems, Marketing, and Business Analytics. Terrie Stickel received her MBA from 51 in 1992 with an emphasis on marketing and formerly served as a Senior Director at SAP.

Becca Gleeson '20 VSB and Terrie Stickel '92 MBA

1. What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?    

“I was inspired to join the VSB Mentor Program because I saw the importance of making meaningful connections to professionals who could help guide me. When I joined, I wasn’t sure exactly what type of career I wanted to pursue, and I knew this would be a great opportunity to have someone help me on this journey.” – Becca

“I joined the VSB Mentor Program because I wanted to help 51 students understand how to navigate the career journey and where to focus to be successful. Over the last few years, I’ve mentored two students and I’m happy to know that both are starting their careers with excellent job opportunities. My inspiration was to give back as I have had a number of mentors and managers in my life that helped me in my career progression.” – Terrie

2. How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience has been better than I expected. Terrie has been so hands-on, always reaching out to see how I am doing and asking to meet up. She has mentored me not only through career advice but also personal advice in my life, and I know she is invested in my success as a whole person. It is very reassuring to know that I have someone who is looking out for me and wants the best for my future.” – Becca

“My overall experience exceeded my expectations.  Becca and I meet regularly and take a step-by-step approach to determine the best direction.  Last summer, she took an internship at SAP and it gave her a great base for starting to make decisions about next steps.  We had great discussions on life and stages, what to expect and where the decision points will be.  I am very impressed with Becca’s knowledge and know she is positioned to succeed.” – Terrie

3. What makes your relationship a successful one?    

“I think our relationship is so successful because it goes beyond just career advice. Terrie has given me advice on how to succeed in my life post-grad, apart from career decisions. She has been very influential in helping me plan long-term, which has allowed me to put all of my decisions in perspective.” – Becca

“I feel a successful mentor-mentee relationship is one where there is information sharing and a good back and forth. I was fortunate to have some mentors along the way that helped me and feel it’s time to “give back” to help others. A successful relationship is always a give-and-take and it requires staying in touch regularly. It also calls for a great listener.” – Terrie 

4. What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?    

“The best part about having a mentor is that I have a connection to the possibilities for my future in the real world. I am able to learn now from Terrie’s experiences, which is very valuable information to have as I go through my own career.” – Becca

“For me, I’ve enjoyed watching Becca’s growth and achievement over the last few years.  Each step along the way, I saw her grow both personally and professionally.  I feel invested in her long-term success and can’t wait to see what she will achieve.  That alone was worth the time investment!” – Terrie

5. Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“My best practice recommendation is to always stay in contact. Terrie and I meet up frequently, even when there’s not necessarily something specific that we need to discuss. This has made our relationship stronger because when something comes up where I need to make a decision, she is already up-to-date on what’s happening in my life.” – Becca

“Recommendations for best practices include making an initial plan with the mentee, having regular meetings to discuss progress and challenging each other (the conversations taught me a few things) to come up with the best end result. Becca has been an amazing mentee with whom I hope to have a lifetime connection and friendship.” – Terrie


Story: Catherine Fudal '21 VSB and Tom Rajtik '88 MBA

Catherine Fudal will graduate in May 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems (MIS) and a co-major in Business Law. Tom Rajtik works as an independent management consultant. He graduated from 51 in 1988 with his MBA.

Catherine Fudal '21 VSB and Tom Rajtik '88 MBA

1. What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?    

“I joined the VSB Mentor Program because I knew I wanted a role model within my field who could guide me in figuring out where I could excel in the vast field of MIS.” – Catherine

“My goal for becoming a VSB mentor was to help students prepare for their careers by sharing my experiences and leveraging my personal network.” – Tom

2. How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“I knew that when I met Tom, he would be someone who was present and engaged in my future. I could tell he wanted me to find a field and eventually a company where I would not just survive but thrive.” – Catherine

“Participating in the VSB Mentor Program has been fantastic. I’ve always had a strong interest in developing people – so meeting, understanding one’s goals, and helping them achieve them is very rewarding.” – Tom

3. What makes your relationship a successful one?    

“Tom and I have an open path of communication and emphasize meeting in person so that we can better understand one another. I think this understanding has helped Tom guide me and has helped me learn from him.” – Catherine

“I would have to say two-way communication is critical. As a mentor, it’s really important to listen before jumping in with guidance and suggestions. A wise former leader once told me, “Listen, learn and lead … and don’t mess up the order!” Once you’ve built a relationship, it’s a lot easier to challenge and advise.” – Tom

4. What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?    

“The best part of the VSB Mentor Program has been having someone who can help me and someone who I can look up to.” – Catherine

“The best part of mentoring is the ability to share your knowledge, insights and experiences in a way that helps students formulate their own career plans. It’s a great way to pay it forward. It’s also a valuable part of 51’s culture that: ‘51ns help 51ns!’” – Tom

5. Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“If possible, meet in person as often as you can so you can truly form a relationship with your mentor. Be open and honest about what you want from the program and always have an open channel of communication.” – Catherine

“Meet regularly and in person if possible. It really helps to have a little structure on what you want to discuss in each meeting and try to leave with a list of follow-up items to keep moving forward on your mentoring goals.” – Tom


Story: Nicolle Hughes '20 VSB and Bill Kelly '72 VSB

Nicolle Hughes graduated in May 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and a co-major in Finance. Bill Kelly is the President of Kelly Associates Retail Consulting. He graduated from 51 in 1972 with a BS in Business Administration.

Nicolle Hughes '20 VSB and Bill Kelly '72 VSB

1. What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?    

“I joined the mentor program because of the valuable opportunity to network with a mentor in my field of interest. It is a wonderful resource to students seeking internship advice, mock interviews and particular industry insight.” – Nicolle

“I joined the VSB Mentor Program to give back and hopefully assist a 51 student in navigating the various issues challenging them during their 51 undergrad years.” – Bill

2. How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience has surpassed my expectations; Bill has been a wonderful mentor who has immensely aided me in my professional career growth. A mentoring relationship is what you make of it, and I took the initiative to ask Bill for help as much as possible, which has made our relationship very successful.” – Nicolle

“It has exceeded my expectations. Nicolle is such a smart, motivated individual and so nice to work with, and the Mentor Program is well organized and executed… great communication and a caring environment.” – Bill

3. What makes your relationship a successful one?    

“Our relationship is successful because we maintain open communication, and always establish goals for each meeting. Having predetermined goals enhance the focus and productivity of our meetings, while making them extremely helpful.” – Nicolle

“Nicolle! She is committed, organized, focused and a delight to work with.  I’ve gotten insights into her family and especially her relationship with her grandfather…. she is a very caring person and will be successful at the next level.” – Bill

4. What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?    

“The best part of having a mentor is the professional support system, which Bill has been for me since sophomore year. He is always eager to share his experiences with me in the Accounting and Finance fields and offer internship advice. His continuous support and words of encouragement have assisted me with my professional career choice.” – Nicolle

“I’ve enjoyed contributing to the development of a very unique and talented person. Sometimes, we talk strategy or approach but since Nicolle has landed her internship and job offer on her own, I try to support with building confidence and help her not worry that she won’t be able to handle a situation.” – Bill

5. Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“I would encourage other pairs in the program to have frequent communication, whether through phone calls or meetings in person. It is essential to keep your mentor up-to-date on your professional career and ask as many questions as you need to. They are there to help you along the way, and we are lucky to have such a great program at VSB.” – Nicolle

“Listen to your mentee…. each person’s experience, goals, concerns are different – so many of us flip into ‘solving the issue’ but if you understand your mentee’s concerns, you will give great advice.” – Bill


Story: Chiayu “Jackie” Yuan '20 VSB and Aminah Fawad '15 VSB

Chiayu “Jackie” Yuan graduated in May 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance and a co-major in Business Analytics. Aminah Fawad is a Senior Consultant at Deloitte. She graduated from 51 in 2015 with a B.S. in Finance, Accounting, and MIS.

Chiayu “Jackie” Yuan '20 VSB and Aminah Fawad '15 VSB

1.     What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?    

“51 is known to have a strong alumni network, so this program was perfect for me to meet someone that was once in my shoes as a VSB student. I’ve always wanted to establish a long-term relationship with someone who can help me develop professionally. Instead of becoming another name within my network, I wanted to know my mentor on a personal level.” – Jackie

“As a 51 student, I had the opportunity to be developed by great mentors and be mentors to others. These experiences proved to be exceptionally valuable over the course of my four years, helping me make career and life decisions while developing some life-long relationships. I knew that being a part of the VSB Mentor Program would allow me to continue on this path in a meaningful way.” - Aminah

2.     How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience has far exceeded my expectation. I am not the most outgoing person, so I feel a need to be mentally prepared before asking questions. Because Aminah is very understanding and patient, I have been able to gradually step out of my comfort zone. It’s great to have someone that provides honest opinions from a different perspective when discussing my short-term and long-term career plans. Aminah also offered to review my resume and prep interviews with me. I’m very thankful for everything she has done for me as a mentor.” – Jackie

“Far exceeded! When I first met Jackie, I could not imagine being where we are today. Not only has Jackie made incredible strides in her career (landing a Spring Co-Op AND a full-time offer at Johnson & Johnson!), our relationship has really blossomed, and I look forward to seeing that continue in years to come. While all of Jackie’s success is attributed to her hard work and drive, it is incredibly rewarding as a mentor to see her grow.” - Aminah

3.     What makes your relationship a successful one?    

“Communication and understanding are very important. Aminah and I try to schedule a catch-up call every 4-6 weeks, and we have always been very considerate of each other’s time when something comes up last minute.” – Jackie

“I think communication is key. For me, working full-time and traveling 4 days a week most weeks can be a handful. For Jackie, being a full-time student and then working full time can be a handful too! Having an open line of communication with Jackie really has helped us have meaningful time together, even if that mean’s rescheduling our calls to a different day to make sure we are both present for the conversations we need to have, even if it just catching up.” – Aminah

4.     What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?    

“The best part about having a mentor is knowing that someone is always there to support you and celebrate your success with you. I see Aminah as the person who has witnessed my growth from sophomore year to senior year. Without Aminah’s support, I wouldn’t be where I am today.” – Jackie

“The best part about having a mentee is that warm fuzzy feeling (yes, I said it) when you see your mentee reach his/her goals. Sometimes it’s making a decision about classes, studying for a big exam, landing an interview, or even having a tough conversation – seeing a mentee reach and even exceed goals like this really make my day.”- Aminah

5.     Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“I find it helpful to get to know your mentor outside of the traditional mentor/mentee relationship. The friendship acts as a base for proper communication and understanding. Schedules can sometimes get hectic for both sides, but it’s important to make an effort to keep each other updated and reschedule when necessary.” – Jackie

“Although it can be difficult, I think meeting in person really helps break down barriers. Once you know each other a little better, it is easier to have difficult conversations and grow more as a mentor/mentee pair.” - Aminah


Andrew Zakhary '19 CLAS and Joseph Kim '09 MBA

Andrew Zakhary grew up in Malvern, Pa., and graduated in 2019 with a B.A. in Liberal Studies. Joseph Kim is a Senior Advisor, Clinical Operations, Translational Technology & Innovation at Eli Lilly and Company. He earned an MBA in 2009.

Andrew Zakhary '19 CLAS and Joseph Kim '09 MBA

What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?  

 “I joined the VSB Mentor Program because it seemed like a great way to create a relationship with an alumnus who would help me with both personal and professional development.” - Andrew

 “My career journey was done completely blind. As a child of an immigrant family, there was no sense of how to get a job, no established network, and a stark cultural difference between my parents and the US working world. Having learned a great deal along the way, I wanted to give back!” - Joseph

How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“I didn’t expect to find a mentor who had such a similar background to mine; that made the experience especially beneficial because Joseph is someone who has been in my shoes.” - Andrew

“It was very different than what I had expected. Not having done this before, I had made up my own expectations of something more formal in terms of questions and answers. It has turned out to be more organic and rewarding, and to be honest I learned a great deal about myself as well which was a big surprise.” - Joseph

What makes your relationship a successful one?

“Our relationship is successful because it has always been a two-way street. We consistently follow through with commitments such as our coffee meet-ups or even phone calls which have built our strong rapport.” - Andrew

“For my part, empathy and authenticity in my approach were key success factors. For my mentee’s part, modesty, curiosity, fearlessness and grit helped him achieve his goals. But most importantly, his wisdom in seeking the right framing versus black and white answers to his questions set him up for success not just during this time, but also for the future.” - Joseph

What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“The best part of having a mentor is the humility the mentee learns and will hopefully emulate once we can begin giving back too. Given that the mentors in the program are often busy with work or personal commitments, it’s great to see the dedication that alumni in the program have.” - Andrew

“This experience has helped me accept and recognize that my journey has been long and winding, and that I should be more grateful when it comes to how I perceive my own accomplishments and challenges. But when you get to witness the transformation of a young student into a promising professional, that is its own reward.” - Joseph

Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“Remember that the mentors are giving their time to you, as well as the people who manage the Mentor Program to make this all possible; so make every effort to maintain the relationship and take advantage of this awesome learning opportunity!” - Andrew

“For mentees, don’t look for rote answers to “what should I do?” Have your mentor help you think through alternatives, elucidate your values and clearly see tradeoffs. You have to own your decisions and thought processes, and most importantly find YOUR North Star. For mentors, stay humble, honest and don’t be tempted to solve every problem. Sometimes, a dose of encouragement and inspiration is all that is required.” - Joseph


Luke Lee '22 VSB and Bob Carfagno '72 VSB

Luke Lee is from Seoul, South Korea and is earning a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance. Bob Carfagno is the CEO of Radiology Affiliates Imaging. He graduated from 51 in 1972 with a B.B.A. in Accounting.

Luke Lee '22 VSB and Bob Carfagno '72 VSB

1. What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?  

“I thought it would be very helpful to be able to foster a long-term relationship with someone who has lots of experience. It’s not as easy to ask certain questions or be able to take answers at face value unless you’ve known the person for a while, so I wanted to have someone like that. I felt that it would be good to have someone who could honestly evaluate my weaknesses and point out things I need to work on. When people don’t know you that well, they’re usually just polite about everything, so I wanted a mentor who would be more honest with their feedback than strangers or acquaintances. I think one of the biggest factors for me was that all the mentors were volunteers and wanted to give back their time and experience to help students. That was a big draw for me because the other side was going to be as excited and engaged and wanted to help.” - Luke

“I have been very fortunate in my career and I attribute much of my success to my 51 education. In my previous company, located in Baltimore, I became involved in community services and I encouraged other employees to do the same. Our company was very active with United Way, Susan B. Komen, St. John’s Food Pantry and other outreach programs. I became involved in 51 giving but due to distance was not able to get involved in campus activities. I met with Father Peter in 2011 when I returned to the area looking for ways to help 51’s mission. Shortly thereafter my wife and I established a scholarship endowment fund and I continued to look for ways to give back to Nova. Providing advice to a business student seemed like a way to help shape someone’s thought process as they moved towards a business career.” - Bob

2. How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience has met my expectations! It’s given me a mentor who I’m comfortable going to with questions and we focus more on the ‘big picture.’ While I can ask Bob resume or interview questions, we also discuss big career goals and plan how to meet those goals.” - Luke

“I really did not know what to expect. I recalled my own experience in making the transition from student to employment; it was hard. I was fortunate to have a family friend who was extremely helpful in my transition and hoped that I could do the same. Watching Luke grow over the past year as I have mentored him has resulted in me surpassing my original expectations.” - Bob

3. What makes your relationship a successful one?

“Communicating consistently! I don’t think you have to talk that often, but just make sure it’s done consistently so you can build up the rapport and comfort level with each other.” - Luke

“I believe that Luke and I have had clear communication from the beginning. We took time to get to know each other and we focused on his needs and his goals. We established some benchmarks for him, and he did the work. Then we made sure to communicate periodically to measure progress. All of those steps helped build Luke’s confidence and will hopefully result in him reaching his goals.” - Bob

4. What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“Personally, it’s always having that one person to turn to with questions or to talk about how an experience went and discuss the takeaways together.” - Luke

“I have enjoyed helping Luke. The fact that he is an international student has made this experience even more special. I had the opportunity to meet his dad who had concerns about his son being a world away. That interaction was special and seeing his reassurance was an unexpected reward.” - Bob

5. Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“Communication is key, and you only get out what you put in. The mentors want to help but they can only work with what you give them.” - Luke

“My best practice involves two things:

1. Closely follow the advice and direction of the Mentor Program director.

  • Get to know your mentee
  • Establish goals together
  • Monitor progress with frequent communication

2. I adopted a profile aid that I have used at my companies for many years. It was very helpful to gain a deeper understanding of Luke and some of his tendencies.” - Bob


MaryPatricia Livngstone '19 VSB and Eric Martin '91 VSB, ’04 MBA

MaryPatricia Livingstone is from Plainfield, N.J., and will graduate in May 2019 with a bachelor’s eegree in Marketing and a co-major in Business Analytics with a concentration in Digital Marketing. Eric Martin is the Vice President of Marketing at SAP. He graduated from 51 in 1991 with a B.S. in Marketing.

MaryPatricia Livngstone '19 VSB and Eric Martin '91 VSB, ’04 MBA

1.  What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?    

“I was inspired to join the Mentor Program because it seemed like a great way to tap into the huge 51 Alumni network that I have been hearing about since before I even started school here. I am the first in my family to attend 51, so I had no 51-specific professional connections before joining the program and it just seemed like the perfect place to start.” – MaryPatricia

“I’ve been fortunate to have had some influential mentors along my career journey, and I know that the transition from college to the workforce is a particularly important time to seek and receive advice.” - Eric

2. How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience has far exceeded my expectations, which were pretty high to begin with. From the beginning, I felt so lucky to be matched with a mentor who is local to 51 whom I could meet with in person right on campus. And I never could have expected that Eric would have gone from being not only my mentor, but a colleague as well in just a couple years.” - MaryPatricia

“My experience has been better than expected. When I was a college senior I was not nearly so articulate, thoughtful and career-minded as I’ve found MaryPatricia. The guidance and reminders provided by the VSB Mentor Program have been supportive, and it was also very helpful that the program made a match for us based on mutual interests.” - Eric

3. What makes your relationship a successful one?    

“At face value, our mentor/mentee relationship has been so successful because, through this connection I was able to earn an internship role beginning last summer at SAP, where Eric works, and have been extended in that role throughout the past two academic semesters. But what has been even more valuable about our relationship is the quality of advice Eric has given me over the last two years, regarding career options both inside and outside of SAP, and even for more generic topics like interviewing and resume-building. Eric has made himself available to act as a sounding board for me any time I needed to talk something out regarding career moves both big and small. I am even more excited for the next chapter of this mentorship as I transition into my fulltime career and start to navigate even greater professional decisions.” - MaryPatricia   

“MaryPatricia and I communicate well. She clearly thinks through each of our discussions ahead of time, so that she’s well prepared and lets me know up-front what she’d like to get out of our conversations. I like to think that I’m a good listener and,  while I often have a point of view to share, I don’t try to bias her decisions.” – Eric

4. What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?    

“The best part about having a mentor has been the constant third-party perspective that he has provided on decisions which I may have been previously weighed down with bias. Eric doesn’t just tell me what I should do, but instead helps me come to the best decisions on my own by asking questions and helping me analyze all the options and considerations I might not think of on my own.  Through this process, I have always felt so confident in the decisions I’ve made after consulting Eric.” – MaryPatricia

“There have been several of highlights for me in having MaryPatricia as a mentee. First, I have become friends with a rising star in the marketing world, and I get to see a very promising career get started. Second, I have been able to learn from our interactions, particularly about how a college senior is evaluating career options and potential employers. And third, I’ve also enjoyed the feeling that I’m giving back a little of what I’ve received earlier in my own career.” - Eric

5. Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“I recommend connecting with your mentor early and often. Part of what has been so essential for Eric and I so far has been how frequently we’ve gotten to connect, and therefore how much we’ve been able to discuss. And in turn, starting that kind of communication as early as possible can only improve the experience.” - MaryPatricia

“One of the things that I’ve enjoyed about my mentorship with MaryPatricia is that we’ve respected one another’s time. Perhaps that’s a necessity, since we’re both incredibly busy. But that respect for our time, and ensuring that our conversations are productive, doesn’t happen without planning ahead and following through on next steps, and it’s another item on a list of impressive things about MaryPatricia.” - Eric


Kyle DeMerlis '20 CLAS and Michael Ottaunick '14 VSB

Kyle DeMerlis is from Ambler, Pa., and will graduate in May 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science along with a minor in Business. Michael Ottaunick is the Marketing Manager at GLG. He graduated from 51 in 2014 with a B.S. in Finance and Economics.

Kyle DeMerlis '20 CLAS and Michael Ottaunick '14 VSB

1. What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?   

“I’m fortunate to have access to the VSB Mentor Program through the academic year business minor program at 51 School of Business. I knew I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to be paired with an alumnus who’s eager to guide me through my professional development. I was almost convinced that there had to be a “catch” because it sounded too good to be true. After attending the initial information session, the thought occurred to me that I didn’t need the Chronus mentor matching system to find a mentor because I already had one in Michael. Michael and I met on a service and justice experience through 51’s campus ministry in January of 2018. He was the graduate leader for our trip and we really bonded over the course of that week.” – Kyle

“I'm happy to say that Kyle inspired me to be a VSB mentor. We have a little bit of a unique mentor/mentee story in that we already knew each other before the start of the program. We met during a 51 break trip where I was serving as the group's alumni advisor. I had a great experience working with current students and discovered that Kyle and I have a lot in common. I could also see that he is especially thoughtful and takes a lot of pride in his work, so it was easy to say yes when he asked if I would like to be his mentor!” - Michael

2. How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“I’ve been able to do so much more through the VSB Mentor Program than I could’ve ever anticipated. For instance, I attended the summer meetup in NYC and shadowed Michael while I was in town. He gave me a thorough rundown of GLG and his role within the company, as well as setting up a meeting for me with his colleague who has worked on political campaigns, something I’m interested in. Overall, I expected my mentor to be a great resource, but I never expected him to be a great friend, too.” – Kyle

“The one-on-one mentoring experience has been great, but beyond that, I've been surprised by the mentoring program events, like "Adulting in NYC" and the Summer Meetups. These have served as  additional ways of giving back to current students.” - Michael

3. What makes your relationship a successful one?

“Our mentorship is unique because Michael and I both knew each other before joining the VSB Mentor Program. We got to know one another over a week of community service and discovered common passions for campus ministry, 51 basketball, and politics, among others. Most importantly, above any other shared interest, is our respect for each other and the mentoring relationship. We both put effort into it, evidenced by frequent checkups and phone calls, often about internships or other professional topics, but sometimes about Big East hoops, as well.” – Kyle

“Both sides need to be invested in the relationship, and the fact that I know Kyle well outside of the program helps me as a mentor because I am genuinely rooting for his success even more. I can be sure that any extra help I provide is going to pay off. My favorite example of this when Kyle mentioned that he had gone to a 51 Career Fair and enjoyed his conversation with the folks at the Vanguard booth. My friend and classmate, Matt Kaehler CLAS ‘14, [SW2] has worked at Vanguard for the last four years, so I thought it would be great to set them up on a phone call. It turned out Kyle made such a good impression that Matt invited him onsite to Vanguard's campus and scheduled a day of meet and greets. The moral of the story is that it's easy to be a good mentor when you have a close relationship with your mentee, and you can trust them to capitalize on the opportunities you offer up.” - Michael

4. What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?    

“Michael is very connected, so he’s been able to help me learn about a variety of career paths and companies with his network. For instance, I expressed interest in Vanguard and he put me in touch with one of his best friends who happens to work there. I spoke with his friend on the phone about Vanguard and how he ended up there, eventually providing me with the opportunity to shadow him at Vanguard for a day.” - Kyle

“Even though we don't necessarily have the same career goals, I've had a great time introducing Kyle to people in my network who have experience in his areas of interest. For example, he had spent the summer supporting political campaigns in Pennsylvania, so I introduced him to one of my fellow GLG marketers who worked on political campaigns after college and then went on to work in the White House. It was great to hear them discuss potential career paths and the skills he would like to be building now. Each time I put Kyle in touch with someone else, it's great to hear how he's internalized the key takeaways and put them into action.” – Michael

5. Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“Try to connect with one another on a personal level in addition to a professional or academic one. 51 basketball is a great topic for casual conversation, but there are probably other shared passions between a mentor and mentee. Finding it can be difficult, and granted Michael and I met because of our shared passion, campus ministry and service, however, this background is crucial to the mutual respect and trust that makes our mentorship and our friendship successful.” – Kyle

“Invest the right amount of time in the getting-to-know-you phone calls. Obviously not every pair has the benefit of knowing each other beforehand, but you can build that type of close relationship within the program. Truly caring about the success of your mentee leads to all sorts of great moments, and building trust helps both parties get what they are looking for out of the partnership.” - Michaell


Matthew Kropiewnicki ’20 VSB and Kat McAssey ’16 VSB

Matthew Kropiewnicki is from West Chester, Pa., and is pursuing a dual bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance. Kat McAssey is a senior associate at KPMG Economic Valuation & Services. She graduated from 51 in 2016 with a B.S. in Accountancy and Finance.  

 Matthew Kropiewnicki ’20 VSB and Kat McAssey ’16 VSB

1. What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?    

“By my sophomore year, I still wasn’t sure what career path I wanted to pursue. I was seeking a mentor who had experiences and interests that aligned with mine so I could get their perspective and potentially some advice on areas I should research further, and where I should apply for internships.” – Matt

“Once I graduated from VSB in 2016, I wanted to make sure that I stayed as involved as possible within the 51 community. KPMG hosts several recruiting events throughout the year at VSB, specifically with the Accounting Society. After I attended some recruiting events, I had the opportunity to present the steps of becoming a CPA to a B2B (Backpack to Briefcase) class. After the presentation, I noticed that several students had questions about work/life balance, studying for the CPA and transitioning from college to the workplace. I loved having the opportunity to be a resource to students. It was then that I decided to join the VSB Mentor Program so I could continue mentoring sophomores and juniors, and stay involved within the 51 community.” – Kat

2. How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“Kat has been an amazing mentor since the get-go. As an Accounting major, one of the things I was curious about was the Big 4 experience and public accounting as a whole. Kat and I met before I attended the KPMG summer leadership program, and she told me a lot about her experience at the firm and in public accounting. Hearing her perspective helped inform my decision to go into public accounting, and now I’m excited to intern at KPMG myself this summer!” - Matt

“My experience has exceed my expectation of the VSB Mentor Program. My mentee, Matt, and I first met in person after he returned from studying abroad. During our lunch together, we realized how many things we had in common. For example, we are both from the same hometown, and we both majored in Accounting and Finance. It was so exciting to be a mentor for Matt as he started his interview process because I went through the same types of experiences while I was at VSB.” - Kat

3. What makes your relationship a successful one?    

“The connections we share. Once we started talking, we found out that not only did we grow up in the same town, we actually went to the same brother/sister high school! Drawing on those experiences was a great way to start our conversations. Also, Kat has lots of experience with the types of things I’m interested in, so she was able to answer a lot of the specific questions I had.” - Matt

“Our relationship was so successful because of the timing of the Mentor Program. Once Matt and I were matched together, we were able to meet in person a few times and I was able to talk him through the steps to interviewing for the leadership programs. Matt decided to attend the KPMG leadership in Philadelphia within the Tax department – and he further accepted an offer to intern the following year. I hope to continue my mentoring relationship with Matt as he begins his internship at KPMG here in the summer!” - Kat

4. What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?    

“Knowing that I have someone I can trust and reach out to with any career-related questions–and get an honest and helpful answer–is the best part for me.” - Matt

“One of the best parts about having a mentee is the ability to share my experiences and advice. I love staying involved within the VSB community and having a mentee has helped me to stay up-to-date about what is going on within VSB.” - Kat

5. Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“Try to find connections and common ground you didn’t know about before you reached out to each other. It may help move the conversation along and strengthen your relationship or even lead to an opportunity you wouldn’t have thought about before.” - Matt

“One tip I would share with other pairs in the Mentor Program would be to always make an effort to meet in person, rather than just communicating through the portal. Once Matt returned from his time abroad, we were able to meet in person and I think this helped to solidify the mentor/mentee relationship. Plus, it made it much easier to get to know each other!” - Kat


Joe Bonomo '19 VSB and Edward DiConza '92 VSB

Joe Bonomo is from Port Jefferson, NY and will graduate in May 2019 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance and Real Estate, along with a minor in Business Law. Ed DiConza is the SVP of financial advising and portfolio management at RBC Wealth Management. He graduated from 51 in 1992 with a B.S. in Finance.

 Joe Bonomo '19 VSB and Edward DiConza '92 VSB

1. What inspired you to join the VSB Mentor Program?    

“One of the main factors that motivated me to choose to attend 51 was its emphasis on the “Nova Network” and how vast and active the alumni network is. I knew this would be extremely helpful for me to learn about the financial services industry as a whole and specific jobs within the industry. When I heard about the Mentor Program, it seemed like a no-brainer for me to join. It could only be a beneficial experience in which I would be able to form a relationship with a successful alumnus and in turn grow personally and professionally.” – Joe

“VSB has opened numerous doors for me, and I want others to feel as impacted as I have felt over the years. Being in the VSB Mentor Program is just a small way I can give back to a school very important to me.” - Ed

2. How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“I had high expectations going in and the Mentor Program has lived up to all of them and then some. I knew I would be able to make a meaningful connection, but I didn’t realize how well my mentor and I would get along.” - Joe

“This experience has exceeded my expectations. It’s personally rewarding to be a mentor, especially when the mentee is as great at Joe.” - Ed

3. What makes your relationship a successful one?    

“I believe my relationship has been successful for many different reasons. Primarily, we keep in touch often, even if it is just a quick message here and there. We have a mutual understanding that each of us is busy, but still make that effort to keep each other updated. Additionally, Ed has given me great advice over the years and my willingness to trust and listen to him has helped me grow in all aspects of my life.” - Joe

“Joe is a well-rounded, self-starter/motivator, which has made this relationship so successful. He always reaches out to catch up, and while we both have a mutual understanding that life can be hectic, we always find time to connect. We also share common interests; growing up in the same area and sharing similar interests is what makes our relationship stronger than just a business relationship.” - Ed

4. What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?    

“It’s difficult for me to pick one specific aspect of having a mentor that I like the best. I would say the best part of having Ed as my mentor has been how well-rounded our relationship is. I have him to lean on and ask advice about important interviews and career decisions, but our relationship goes past that as we get along on a personal level as well. Whether it’s talking about basketball or just meeting to grab dinner and catch up, all of the experiences I’ve had have been meaningful for me.” – Joe

“Taking what knowledge I have of business and sharing that with Joe has been great. He asks meaningful questions, and I can tell he really cares about his future after college.” – Ed

5. Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the Program?

“As advertised, the mentor/mentee relationship is truly what you make of it. A quick text here and there goes a long way and can help to keep the relationship alive and well. I recommend staying in touch as much as you can.” – Joe

“Communication is key. A small gesture goes a long way.” – Ed


Nicole Anderson '19 VSB and Jessica Gerber '93 VSB

Nicole Anderson is from St. Paul, Minnesota pursing a bachelor’s degree in both Management and International Business. Jessica Gerber is an entrepreneurial healthcare leader who graduated from 51 in 1993 with a BS in Marketing.

 Nicole Anderson '19 VSB and Jessica Gerber '93 VSB

1. What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?    

“This program was a great way to marry two passions: 51 and mentorship. Having benefited from excellent mentors throughout my career, the VSB Mentor Program offered an important forum to pay it forward and to stay connected with the 51 community.” –Jessica

“I saw the program as an opportunity to connect with a 51 alumna, and develop a professional relationship with a person in my field of study. I also saw it as a chance to gain insights and advice from an experienced professional.” – Nicole

2. How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“I have loved the relationship aspect of this program – it allows Nicole and me to focus on the whole person, not just transactional needs. Our relationship has been built over the past two years, and we are heavily invested in making both our relationship and the program successful, so much that we are currently the only student/mentor pair on the VSB Mentor Program Advisory Board.” – Jessica

“My experience in the program exceeded my expectation. Jessica and I have a relationship that extends beyond career advice; we care about each other on a personal level. I think the VSB Mentor Program uniquely reflects the Augustinian values interwoven in 51 culture. Pairs are encouraged to approach the mentor experience holistically and truly get to know one another. At the end of the day, we are all multifaceted human beings with many different interests that make up who we are and how we define success.” - Nicole

3. What makes your relationship a successful one?

“Commitment and communication. We are both committed to making this a successful relationship and in turn are open and transparent in our communication with one another.” - Jessica

“Besides being relationship-centered, I think that a hallmark of a successful mentor-mentee pair is communication. Jessica and I respect each other’s time and lives outside of our careers and the Mentor Program. We make time to connect about once a month, but I also know that she is there for me whenever I need her outside of that.” – Nicole

4. What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?    

“I love experiencing the new 51 through Nicole. VSB and its offerings to students have evolved so much since my time and hearing firsthand from Nicole really brings the new 51 to life and reconnects me in a more personal, meaningful way.” – Jessica

“For me, the best part about a mentor has been having a sound voice of reason for advice about my career path outside of my friends and family, and a window into what life is like post-graduation. Jessica is still very involved with the 51 community, so she is a role model to me for how to stay connected on campus in the future. I have been so in awe of how much she – and the rest of the mentors in the program – truly care about students and want to help us become successful.” – Nicole

5. Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“Nicole and I respect each other – we both have busy lives and different goals for the program, so we have figured out an approach that works for both of us. This is a two-way relationship so there’s no cookie cutter approach, just the best foot forward by both of us.” – Jessica

“Like any relationship, you have to figure out what works best for you. There is no perfect approach. What matters is that you’re being genuine and giving your best effort to make it an impactful, rewarding experience for both of you.” – Nicole


Mitch Schermerhorn '20 VSB and Mike Ford '79 VSB

Mitch Schermerhorn ’20 VSB, from Northbrook, Ill., is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in both Accounting and Real Estate. Mike Ford ’79 VSB, SVP of Internal Audit at Ahold Delhaize (Giant, Stop & Shop, Food Lion, Hannaford, and Peapod in the U.S.), earned his degree in Accounting.  

Mitch Schermerhorn '20 VSB and Mike Ford '79 VSB

1. What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?   

“I have a real desire to share a career’s worth of experiences and to give back to 51 students. The VSB Program is the most direct and personal way I can do this right now. My career experiences started with my junior year internship as a 51 Accounting major and continue to this day through a diverse career in the Big Four and international public companies in the U.S. and Europe. Although it’s been many years since that internship, I believe my learnings back then and since will help Mitch and give him perspective in preparation for his own career.” – Mike

“I saw the program as a good opportunity to connect with a 51 alumnus, and develop a professional relationship with a person in my field of study. I also saw it as a chance to gain insights and advice from an experienced professional.” – Mitch

2. How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience after nearly six months has far exceeded my expectations. Though we are still developing and fine-tuning our relationship and establishing the best way to work together, we’ve accomplished a great deal. So far, we’ve worked through some of Mitch’s more important goals and have introduced him to what it’s like to work in the public accounting and auditing field. Mitch and I learn a little more about each other every meeting and this makes each meeting more effective. We are at the point where we have a nice cadence of meetings with agendas covering short and longer-term goals. We always start by catching up on our respective lives, followed by trading ideas on our agenda topics, exploring new areas that come up and setting a tentative agenda for our next meeting.” – Mike

“The experience has certainly exceeded my expectation. Mike really makes our meetings enjoyable and enriching. One thing we discussed was what to expect in an interview. Discussing this helped me to feel more comfortable in the interview room, and better prepared to answer difficult questions.” - Mitch

3. What makes your relationship a successful one?

“We’ve been successful for three main reasons: first, we have respect for each other’s time and come prepared for every meeting. Second, we started our relationship by learning about each other and what each of us wants to get out of the VSB Mentor Program; and third, early in our time together, we set initial goals to prepare Mitch for the internship interview process and a plan to achieve them by the end of the summer. For this fall, we have set goals that will prepare Mitch for his future internship while also working on other soft skills, like making effective presentations.” - Mike

 “Logistically speaking, we keep in touch regularly and set dates and times in advance so we can make time in our busy schedules to talk. Additionally, we make an effort to set goals and bring value to meetings.” – Mitch

4. What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?    

“I have really enjoyed getting to know Mitch and his career plans, hearing about the areas he’s studying and learning about what is going on at VSB. Personally, it’s been rewarding to share my perspectives on the Big Four/public accounting and broader risk management field with Mitch as well as provide him with real-world experience from an international perspective. I’ve also enjoyed sharing some of the intangibles with Mitch of what it takes to be successful – areas like leadership; negotiation and presentation skills. It’s been great to see Mitch’s knowledge, awareness and interest grow and develop in these areas.” - Mike

“The best part is having a professional in my field of interest is asking questions about what I’m studying and what I will face in the real world. I think it has already helped me to become more prepared to enter the workforce.” – Mitch

5. Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“Two best practices we developed during our first six months were  to talk at least monthly, even over the summer, and  to make it a point to have an agenda for each meeting; making for efficient, focused meetings. But we’ve also been flexible with our agendas. For instance, when Mitch found out that he’d have his internship interviews the first two weeks of school, we adjusted and focused our time preparing for and anticipating interview questions.” – Mike

“I think it is just like anything else, what you put in is what you get out. If you put the effort into developing a good relationship, your experience with the program will be worthwhile.” – Mitch


Jenna Kosinski '19 VSB and Lee Sardone '92 VSB

Jenna Kosinski ’19 VSB is a senior Honors student from Andover, Mass., pursing a bachelor’s degree in Finance. Lee Sardone ’92 VSB, VP of Wellington Management in Boston, earned his degree in Accounting.  

Jenna Kosinski '19 VSB and Lee Sardone '92 VSB

1. What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?

“I was interested in the Mentor Program because I knew it would be a good way to gain professional insight on choosing a career path. I also wanted someone who could help me grow my network, particularly in the Boston area. However, the main reason I joined the VSB Mentor Program was because it seemed like a great opportunity to meet someone who was experienced and could provide counsel when I had questions. Whether it was choosing a major, reviewing my resume, or looking at job possibilities, I knew having a 51 alumnus who shared my values would be an amazing resource.” - Jenna

“When I first saw the opportunity to become a part of this program, so many things resonated with me. In no particular order, this is what came to mind:

  • Mentoring would give me an opportunity to connect first hand with the school.
  • I wish I had a mentor when I was in college.
  • I already do a lot of mentoring with younger employees at my firm, and with friends’ sons and daughters who are looking for advice. Why not do it with fellow future alums?
  • It’s a great way to give back and make our school a better place.” - Lee

2. How has your experience compared to your expectation?

“My experience has far exceeded my expectations. Lee has been a tremendous help throughout my years at Nova, and I’m so happy to have him as my mentor. From proofing my resume sophomore year to helping me find an internship this past summer, he has always been so enthusiastic about setting me up for success. While I was still trying to figure out what I wanted to major in, he had me shadow people in different departments of his company to see what interested me. He was also instrumental in helping me find an internship this past summer that I absolutely loved. I can always tell that he not only wants me to succeed, but he also wants me to be happy.” - Jenna

“My expectations have been exceeded! Jenna has been a wonderful listener and it has been incredible sharing and imparting the wisdom I have on a student who wants to succeed. I also feel humbled that people like us can make such an impression on current students. We started talking two years ago and I feel like Jenna has been able to glean so much from the things we have discussed.” - Lee

3. What makes your relationship a successful one?

“I think our relationship is successful because we are very open with each other. I can ask Lee anything and know I will get an honest response. He has so much experience under his belt which gives him a very unique viewpoint, and I really appreciate that. Communication has also been a reason for our success. We are both very busy, but we always try our best to meet up in Boston for coffee, and will text each other just to check in.” - Jenna

“Jenna has been so open to meeting when she is home in Boston, and makes such a great impression on everyone I set her up with, that  she not only makes herself a better employment candidate but also makes me look good at the same time (which is hard to do!). People have gone out of their way after their first interaction to make sure she has what she needs and usually follow up asking what else they can do to help her.” - Lee

4. What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?    

“The best part about having a mentor has been having someone who always supports me and is there to be my guide when I’m not sure what to do or where to go next. Additionally, Lee has helped me grow my network immensely. He has so many connections and is always trying to put me in contact with anyone he thinks would be a good resource. He always has my best interests at heart and truly wants me to be successful.” - Jenna

“The fact that I have had such an impact on someone’s development, aside from my own children, and that she is so appreciative of what I have helped her with, is the most rewarding. Jenna was able to intern at a company in Boston that really suited her potential interests, and likely, she will end up getting an offer from them upon graduation. Additionally, while we all know the success of VU’s basketball team has made us feel proud of our connection to 51, this experience has been made me even more proud of my affiliation; so much so that I have asked to mentor more students so that, in the end, I can have my own “family tree” of mentees.” - Lee

5. Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

“The best advice I would give to other pairs in the Mentor Program is don’t be afraid to ask questions. I’ve learned so much from Lee about the workplace that I wouldn’t have learned in school because I’m comfortable asking him about things I don’t know. He has helped me through many situations where I wasn’t exactly sure of the next step. Mentors are a wealth of knowledge, so the more questions you ask, the more information you’ll have. In my opinion, it is one of the best ways to be prepared for life after college.”
- Jenna

“If you become a mentor in this Program, put as much into it as you can. You honestly do not realize how much of a mark you make on these young, impressionable students that we all once were. We all have that in common. Any help you can provide from your network or your experience is more than any of the students had before they met you.  Whether you realize it or not, you are making 51 stronger by making our students better candidates in the workforce, and on a better track to be successful alums. This can then be carried forward for generations and you can be an integral part of that process.” - Lee


Gabrielle (Gabby) Daigneault ’18 VSB Patti O’Shea ’87 VLS

Gabrielle (Gabby) Daigneault ’18 VSB will begin the Masters in Accounting with Data Analytics program at VSB in the fall. Patti O’Shea ’87 VLS graduated with a Masters in Taxation; her early career focused on corporate tax and tax consulting. Currently, she is the Assistant Finance Director for the Devon Horse Show organization, where she has been able to combine her professional skills and love for horses.

 Gabrielle Daigneault ’18 VSB and Patti O’Shea ’87 VLS

1. What inspired you to join the VSB mentor program?

I decided to join the VSB mentor program because I thought it would be a good place to start building connections. I was a sophomore, just figuring out that I wanted to be an accounting major. Out of the friends I had made so far at 51, no else had committed to studying accounting. I wanted to meet with someone who could relate to me and help me go through the process.” -Gabby

“I had recently retired from an exciting and rewarding career as a tax professional.I thought back to my college days and recalled the uncertainty and nervousness of finding my first job.I was nervous that I might not have enough to offer Gabby since I was out of the market, but thought it would be rewarding to try to help someone else by giving them a perspective 40 years after college, with all the ups and downs behind me!” –Patti

2. How has your experience compared to your expectation?

This experience exceeded all of my expectations. Not only did I get a mentor out of the process, but a friend as well. I heard some stories from my friends about how they had lost contact with their mentors. Looking back, I am so glad this did not happen in my mentor-mentee relationship.” -Gabby

“The experience was even more rewarding that I had hoped. Gabby and I got along well from the beginning.She was curious and shared her thoughts and wishes.I was able to introduce her to people who gave her advice on job fairs and things to consider.We met every two months and even talked on the phone before her job fairs or after her interviews.We reviewed her resume together and talked about etiquette for job interviews.She appreciated what I had to say and I appreciated her questions and feedback.” -Patti

3. What makes your relationship a successful one?

I believe the relationship that Patti and I have is successful because we aim to contact each other at least once a month. Whether it’s through email, text or in person, we always try to find a way to check in. Also, we are both aware that life can get hectic. Sometimes, other things take priority, like exams, vacations, weddings; the list goes on and on. However, this is not an excuse to give up. The dinners we had always made up for the time we hadn’t seen each other, and it just gave us more to talk about. I believe our constant commitment to maintaining this relationship for the past two years is what made it so successful.” -Gabby

“We kept in touch by text, email or phone and also met for dinner every few months. Gabby enjoyed getting off campus and it helped us get to know each other on a personal basis.She is a swimmer and I am an equestrian so we discussed our sports.Plus, we became friends on Facebook so we got to informally meet each other's families.” -Patti

4. What has been the best part about having a mentor/mentee?

“The best part about having a mentor is knowing that there is someone who cares. Every time I had an interview, or a career fair to attend, Patti would send me words of encouragement, tips, and would ask about the outcome afterwards. Having someone who is invested in your professional life feels fantastic.” -Gabby

"The best part of mentoring is to have the opportunity to work with the young people. I enjoyed learning how the finance program at 51 has evolved since I was in college. The idea of the University offering a professional mentor/mentee program is a perfect way to prepare the students for their future!" -Patti

5. Do you have a best practice to share with other pairs in the program?

I recommend setting aside time once a month to meet up. Having that face-to-face contact really helps build a relationship. Patti and I had the ritual of going to Chili’s at least once every two months and I always looked forward to this. My advice would be to put effort into forming a relationship with your mentee, because as a senior now, I am happy ‘sophomore me’ decided to go through the process.” -Gabby

“I believe the fact that we had regular communication, even if by phone or text, was beneficial.That way I could get a feel for how Gabby was feeling about something and give her encouragement or advice on how to deal with it.Gabby knew she could reach out to me whenever she wanted and I would send a quick text if we had not gotten together in a while.”


6. Patti – feel free to share any observations you have experienced working with Gabby since the beginning of your relationship.

“Gabby is a wonderful, well-rounded young woman.She has a warm, friendly demeanor which will help her work well with others.She is dedicated; she is a swimmer, studied accounting and held a part-time job.Gabby knows how to manage her time between work and play, which is important in balancing work and personal life.Gabby decided to go to graduate school at 51 so we have plans to keep in touch this year while she is still on campus.” -Patti

7. Gabby – what are your future plans?

“After graduation, I will be going home for the summer and starting the Masters in Accounting with Data Analytics program at 51 in the fall.” -Gabby

Michele Gianforcaro
Director, VSB Mentor Program

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Email: vsb.mentoring@villanova.edu