In addition to fostering the professional development of teachers and counselors, our faculty contribute significantly to research and scholarship on a range of topics related to teaching, curriculum, clinical mental health counseling, school counseling and education policy. Faculty routinely mentor undergraduate and graduate students in the methods of conducting research and frequently invite students to engage with them in scholarly conferences and publications.



New Book Release Announcement for Drs Havlik and Malott

Stacey Havlik, PhD, and Krista Malott, PhDco-authoredthe newly publishedbook,This book focuseson preparing high school students for college. The book includes lesson plans for school and college counselors to support students’ college readiness.

This research-based intervention includes 10 engaging sessions aimed at strengthening high school students’ postsecondary readiness. By participating in these sessions, students will enhance their awareness of common barriers to postsecondary access and persistence and identify ways to address those challenges by drawing upon or increasing their skills and strengths. To promote a sense of enjoyment and to sustain youth attention, the sessions are designed to be interactive, personal, relational and movement-based. The following topics are covered across the sessions:
• Identity development related to college preparation
• Academic success, study skills and time management
• Bias and discrimination on campuses
• Navigating college courses
• College resources and help-seeking skills
• Time management
• Financial aid support

1943 by Victor Books

Rayna D. Markin, PhD,is the author of the newly published book, by Oxford University Press.In her book, Dr. Markinapplies cutting-edge research on the therapist-client relationship to individual and couples therapy for pregnancy loss and related forms of reproductive trauma, in such a way that is easy for clinicians to utilize in various settings. Through in-depth clinical illustrations and practical relational guidance, Markin demonstrates how the therapy relationship can help clients affected by pregnancy loss to mourn their losses, process and grow from trauma and loss, and restore healthy self-esteem. Guided largely by attachment theory and research on evidence-based relationships and responsiveness, this book is a guide on what exactly clinicians shoulddoand how they shouldbein the therapy relationship to help clients not only grieve and process the traumatic experience of pregnancy loss but also achieve greater attachment security.

Psychotherapy for Pregnancy Losswill serve as a valuable go-to guide on how clinicians can establish and utilize the kind of therapeutic relationship that is needed to help clients process and grow from the trauma of pregnancy loss.

Dr. Rayna Markin

Rayna Markin, Ph.D., was selected to participate in the American Psychological Association's therapy demonstration video series. Dr. Markin recently filmed the video, "Psychotherapy for Pregnancy Loss" as part of that series. Pictured here with host Cheri Marmarosh.

Dr. Christa Bialka

Congratulations toThe 2023 Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Award for Outstanding Teaching, Dr. Christa Bialka

The Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Award for Outstanding Teaching is presented to a faculty member who excels in undergraduate teaching. The University President solicits nominations for this award annually. A Subcommittee of the Committee on Faculty, consisting of previous recipients of this award, evaluates these nominations. This award is presented to the selected faculty member during commencement exercises in May.

Ed Washesh, PhD

Edward Wahesh, Ph.D., is the coauthor of(2022) published by Routledge. The book includes several unique contributions and innovative ideas related to the use of MI in mental health settings, including MI in group interventions, clinical assessment, counseling supervision, and counselor training and professional development. Drawing from the latest research, the authors describe how clinical mental health counselors can integrate MI into their practice. This book will make an excellent resource for beginning learners of MI as well as experienced clinicians who are also MI trainers and coaches. Dr. Wahesh has authored or co-authored over 30 journal articles on topics ranging from counselor training and supervision to addiction and mental health. He is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers and is a National Certified Counselor and Approved Clinical Supervisor.

Impact Fellow, Dr. Helen Lafferty

Congratulations to Dr. Helen Lafferty on being selected as an inaugural Aspen Index Impact Fellow with the Aspen Institute! 93 community stakeholders, youth, educators, and scholars have come together to advance the future of youth leadership development.

Impact Fellows representing a diverse mosaic of sectors, geographies, and areas of expertise will advance an urgent agenda focused on the research, interventions, and strategies necessary to accelerate the access to and quality of youth leadership programs nationally. The goal: Lift youth exposure to high-impact leadership programs above 50% over the next 5 years.
Learn more: #AspenIndex

1943 by Victor Books

Victor Brooks, PhD,is the author of the newly published book, by Rowman & Littlefield Press. Dr. Brooks is the author of ten books, including , which contends that 1967 was a pivotal year in the history of post-war America.


Stephen Baker, PhD, OSA - Scholar-Practitioner philosophy of teaching, justice issues in teaching and learning, Catholic secondary education

Christa Bialka, EdD – Teacher dispositions; teacher preparation for inclusive classrooms; disability awareness

Victor Brooks, PhD – US History; youth, culture, and education in the 20th century

Jerusha Conner, PhD - Youth activism and organizing; student voice; and student engagement

Seth M. Fishman, PhD – Higher education and student affairs administration, scholarship of teaching and learning, student success

Amber Haley, PhD – Multicultural and social justice issues; counseling competencies; counselor education

Stacey Havlik, PhD – School counselor preparation; counseling services for students experiencing homelessness; first-generation college students

Helen Lafferty, PhD – Higher education; promoting diversity in the liberal arts and sciences

Krista Malott, PhD - Effective counselor education practices and diversity awareness

Lisa Marco-Bujosa, PhD – STEM teachers in urban schools; teacher identity, learning, and practice

Rayna Markin, PhD – Attachment, mentalization, and pregnancy; psychotherapy process research; the therapeutic relationship

Christopher Schmidt, PhD -  Counselor competency and cognitive complexity; family counseling agencies; mindfulness and emotion regulation

Rachel Skrlac Lo, PhD – Critical content analysis of picture books and young adult dystopia novels; children’s literacy engagement

Madora Soutter, EdD – Social-emotional learning (SEL); teacher preparation; and critical pedagogies. 

Edward Wahesh, PhD – Counselor training and supervision; addictions and mental health

Teresa G. Wojcik, PhD – Curriculum and instruction; Social Studies education; global competence development in teacher education 

Terence Yee, PhD – Counseling diverse populations; play therapy; international students’ help-seeking intentions

Edward Wahesh, PhD., is the coauthor of  (2022) published by Routledge.

Victor Brooks, PhD, is the author of the newly published book, by Rowman & Littlefield Press.

Christa Bialka, EdD, co-authored a chapter, “Developing critically inclusive, anti-ableist organizations” in the book, (2021) published by Teachers College Press.

Jerusha Conner, PhD, is the author of the recently published book, (2020) published by Johns Hopkins University Press.

Krista Malott, PhD, is the co-author of (2016) published by Routledge.

Hansen, N., Bialka, C.S., & Wong, S.J.(2022).,Journal of Education for Teaching,DOI:

Aloi, A., & Bialka, C.S. (2022)..Disability & Society,doi:

Conner, J. O.,Crawford, E., & Galioto, M. (2021)..Journal of Adolescent Research, 07435584211006789.

Fishman, S. M., & Wahesh, E.(2020)..College Teaching,69(2), 61-62.

Malott, K. M.,Schaefle, S., Paone, T. R., Cates, J., & Haizlip, B. (2019)..Journal of Counseling & Development,97(1), 86-97.

Marco‐Bujosa, L. M.,McNeill, K. L., & Friedman, A. A. (2020).Journal of research in science teaching,57(1), 3-32.

Markin, R. D.,& McCarthy, K. S. (2020).Psychotherapy, 57(2), 273–288.

Soutter, M.& Clark, S. (2021).Journal of Education,1-12.

Wojcik, T. G., Pieski, M. K., & Espinetti, G. (2021).Reimagining teaching with a global mindset and intercultural competence.Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin,87(5).

Christa Bialka, EdD, was recognized as the for the Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability by the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) for her exceptional service to the Board and insightful peer review of the manuscripts submitted for publication each year.

Jerusha Conner, PhD, received a grant from the Gates Foundation to study student voice and student outcomes with co-researchers from the Search Institute and Penn State University.

Lisa Marco-Bujosa, PhD, was one of the recipients of a four-year, $2.8 million research and development grant funded through the National Science Foundation’s Discovery Research PreK-12 program to create a professional development program for secondary STEM teachers.

Terence Yee, PhD, was selected as the winner of the 2020 North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision New Professional of the Year Award for his contributions to the field of counselor education, service, and research.


Connie Titone, EdD

Professor Emerita Launches Grant Program

Connie Titone, EdD, is Professor Emerita in the Department of Education and Counseling. She served as a full-time Professor from 2001 to 2017 and as Chair of the Department from 2001 to 2009, preparing teachers and counselors to work in classroom and community settings.

Dr. Titone is best known for her career-long focus and publication record on the history of the philosophy of education and gender, diversity and inclusion in school settings, as well as dynamic classroom instruction designed to lift every voice independent of the young person’s gender, race, or socio-economic background.

Dr. Titone is also the founder and director of , a grant program dedicated to supporting and amplifying the voice and agency of girls in the classroom and beyond.

Department of Education and Counseling
302 St. Augustine Center
800 Lancaster Avenue
51, PA 19085