Lynne Hartnett

In March 2021, Lynne Hartnett, PhD, published a 24-lecture course on revolutionary history with The Great Courses, The Great Revolutions of Modern History (Chantilly, VA: The Great Courses) Video and Audio Course with Course Guidebook, March 2021. Dr. Hartnett contributed to a piece for History.com on the relationship between World War I and the Russian Revolution, “.” Dr. Hartnett was also featured on the History Channel’s History This Week podcast, “” in August 2020.

Dr. Hartnett is currently working on a book project on a study of Russian Revolutionary émigrés in Britain in the decades preceded the Russian Revolutions of 1917. The working title is Lenin’s Neighbors: Russian Political Exiles and Émigré Communities in Liberal Britain, 1881-1918.



Adele Lindenmeyr

Adele Lindenmeyr, PhD, Julia and William Moulden Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Russian historian, published a book, “Citizen Countess: Sofia Panina and the Fate of Revolutionary Russia” (University of Wisconsin Press, 2019). She recently co-edited two books: Personal Trajectories in Russia’s Great War and Revolution, 1914-1922: Biographical Itineraries, Individual Experiences, Autobiographical Reflections (Slavica Publishers, 2021) and Women and Gender in Russia’s Great War and Revolution: 1914 – 1922 (Slavica Publishers, 2021). She published an article “Writing Women into the Russian Revolution of 1917” in the Journal of Modern Russian History and Historiography in 2020.



The Rev. Josephy Loya

The Rev. Joseph Loya, OSA, PhD, published a book chapter, “’Upon Us and Upon These Offered Gifts’: Ecclesio-epicletic Graces in Byzantine Divine Liturgies,” in One Bread, One Body, One Church: The Ecclesia of Christ Today (Peeters Press, 2021). The book chapter addresses the question, How does the church come from Jesus? Previously, this was a much clearer and more settled question. It could be answered from dogmatic conclusions, rather than from historical investigation. Since the methodological revolutions in Catholic theology of the twentieth century that initiated hermeneutical processes of self-discovery, potential answers to this question are far less stable and comprehensive. The recovery of past elements of tradition and the uncertainty of the future demand creative answers to the challenges facing the church regarding its identity. Father Loya’s contribution to the volume is located in the section that investigates the identity of the church and what it means to encounter God's revelation in history, featuring contributions from biblical, liturgical and systematic theologians.

Miron Wolnicki, PhD, recently co-authored a book, “New Challenges Facing the Global Economy” (Łódź University Press, 2021). This 174-page book focuses on select countries and regions which will be the most important consumer and export markets in the next two decades.

Mark Schrad, PhD, published a book, Smashing the Liquor Machine (Oxford University Press, 2021), that offers an international history of alcohol prohibition—redefining it as a progressive, global, pro-justice movement that affected virtually every significant world leader from the 18th through the early 20th centuries.

Mark Schrad, PhD
Director, Russian Area Studies
Professor, Political Science