Sept. 8, 2024

Celebration of Our Lady of Charity (Cuba) and Our Lady of Coromoto (Venezuela)

During the first years of the 17th century a beautiful image of the Mother of Christ appeared floating in the waters of Nipe Bay. After three days of storm, she was spotted early in the morning and picked up by three farmers who had gone to look for salt and who tradition remembers as “The Three Juanes.” The image was on a small table and had a sign that said: I am the virgin of charity. From the beginning she has been venerated under the title of Our Lady of Charity, Patroness of Cuba, and many pilgrims constantly visit her to pray before her and ask for her protection in times of danger and need.

The story of Our Lady of Coromoto dates back to the 17th century in the vicinity of present-day Guanare, Venezuela. According to legend, the Virgin Mary miraculously appeared to the indigenous leader Coromoto and his wife in the year 1652. This apparition marked the beginning of fervent devotion that has been passed down from generation to generation. The impact of this Marian apparition was so profound that in 1952, Pope Pius XII officially proclaimed Our Lady of Coromoto as the patroness of Venezuela. Since then, her image has been venerated and adored throughout the nation. She has become a symbol of unity, hope, and protection for Venezuelans. Her image is a reminder that even in the darkest and most challenging moments of life, faith and devotion can light our path and provide us with comfort. 


Nov. 1-2, 2024

Dia de los Muertos

Dia del los Muertos remembers and honors family and friends that have passed away. Rooted in both Indigenous and Christian practices and cultures, the event involves an ofrenda/altar with photos of loved ones and mementos of their favorite things. We encourage the 51 community to participate and place an object on the ofrenda in honor of your deceased loved one in front of the Connelly Center.  


Nov. 17, 2024

Celebration of Our Lady of Divine Providence (Puerto Rico

The feast day is on November 19 and the most important Marian devotion in Puerto Rico. For this reason, Pope Saint Paul VI declared Our Lady of Divine Providence as "Principal Patroness of the Puerto Rican Nation" on November 19, 1969. The Pope expressed his deepest intention: to unite around the Mother of God the two great affections of Puerto Ricans - the love for their land and the love for the Mother of God. The image of Our Lady of Providence shows the Virgin Mary sitting with the baby Jesus sleeping on her lap, while she holds the left hand of little Jesus in her palms, in a prayer position.


Dec. 8, 2024

Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexico)

The feast day of the Patroness of the Americas is on December 12. This celebration commemorates the appearance of Mary to the Mexican peasant Juan Diego in 1531. With bowed head, brown skin, and wearing a blue-green robe studded with stars, Our Lady of Guadalupe is one of the most iconic images and deeply connected to the identity of indigenous people in Mexico and beyond. The site of this Marian apparition is the most visited Catholic pilgrimage site in the world, and the third most visited sacred site across all religions. Around 10 million people visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe each year.


Jan. 19, 2025

Celebration of Our Lady of Altagracia (Dominican Republic)

The feast day is on January 21. About 800,000 pilgrims pass through the Basílica Catedral Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia every year.  For over 500 years, Our Lady of Altagracia has been interceding with her Son Jesus to intervene in our daily lives. A mass was celebrated on January 21, 1692, to thank Altagracia for protecting the volunteers who participated in the fierce and bloody battle of "La Limonade”. They all returned home safely without a scratch.  Since then, the feast of Our Lady of Altagracia has been celebrated on the anniversary of this miracle. 


Feb. 2, 2025

Celebration of Our Lady of Candelaria (Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia)

The feast day is on February 2 in memory of the Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem (Lk 2; 22-39) and the purification of the Virgin Mary after childbirth. Christ the Light of the world presented by his Mother in the Temple comes to illuminate everyone like the candle or candles, from which the invocation of the Virgin of the "Candelaria" is derived. Our Lady of Candelaria is celebrated throughout Latin America with many festivals. In Puno, in southern Peru, the Candelaria Festival is one of the most important in the region. UNESCO declared the Festival of the Virgin of Candelaria in Puno as Intangible Heritage of Humanity.


Lent 2025

Via Crucis/Stations of the Cross

Every Lent, we come together for a bilingual meditation on Via Crucis/Stations of the Cross, where we journey from Lent to Easter with hope in our hearts. The Via Crucis is a deeply rooted devotion to reflect on the journey of Jesus to the Cross. This powerful tradition is not just about remembering Jesus' suffering; it's about connecting with Him through our struggles and finding solace in solidarity.

It’s an opportunity to renew our story with Jesus, full of hope, fresh perspective, and faith that will drive us to action. Through the Way of the Cross, we prepare our hearts for Holy Week, drawing strength to face our challenges with courage and faith.

Domingo de Ramos/Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is the final Sunday of Lent, the beginning of La Semana Santa (Holy Week), and commemorates the triumphant arrival of Christ in Jerusalem, days before he was crucified. Palms are blessed and distributed before La Misa en español/Mass in Spanish, followed by a workshop on making a Cruz de palma/palm cross


May 5, 2025

Celebration of Our Lady of Lujan (Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay)

The feast day is on May 8 in honor of the patroness of all the regions of La Plata: Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina. The Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Luján is the most important Marian shrine in Argentina and is visited by many faithful every year. Our Lady of Lujan is also recognized for her significance in the history and culture of Argentina, particularly for her association with the country's national flag. The flag of free Argentina was designed by Sargent Major Carlos Belgrano to reflect the “blue and white of the Immaculata of Luján.” 

Marisol Lezcano

Campus Minister for Hispanic/Latine Ministry and Outreach

Maria Espinoza '22, Hispanic Ministry Testimonial

Maria Espinoza '22 talks about how being part of the Hispanic/Latine Ministry community has helped make 51 feel like home.

Victor Jaimes, Hispanic Ministry Testimonial

Graduate Assistant Victor Jaimes talks about what Hispanic/Latine Ministry means to him and why it's an important part of 51's community.